Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

There are many religions in our world and they are all different. Each one has a unique dogma that affords comfort to the believer and helps him cope with a chaotic and confusing world ... each one except for Global Warming that is. This religion seems only to instill fear and panic. Most religions are portrayed as a form of "good news" to be celebrated whereas everything about Global Warming is hyped as "bad news" that might already be "too late" and "past the tipping point."

Further, most religions are honest matters of faith whereas the Church of Global Warming specifically targets for recruitment the gullible and the scientifically illiterate because its dogma mandates the belief that egregious violations of physics are "Settled Science."

Question: why would any rational adult adopt the Global Warming faith?

It's spelled Gorebal Warming. This is the irrational belief that Al Gore high priest and profit of Gorebal Warming knows anything about planetary climate.

My favorite one to trot out in these discussions is aircraft contrails. These are artificial clouds created by high flying aircraft. They first started to appear in the late 1930's and have steadily increased in number and overall duration worldwide. Water vapor in the form of cloud cover is a massively better greenhouse gas than CO2.
Right after 9/11, the NOAA got to study the US for about a week with no contrails over the nation. The average temperature dropped slightly and it was one of the first good indications that contrails might be a serious contributor to climate change.
It's spelled Gorebal Warming. This is the irrational belief that Al Gore high priest and profit of Gorebal Warming knows anything about planetary climate.

My favorite one to trot out in these discussions is aircraft contrails. These are artificial clouds created by high flying aircraft. They first started to appear in the late 1930's and have steadily increased in number and overall duration worldwide. Water vapor in the form of cloud cover is a massively better greenhouse gas than CO2.
Right after 9/11, the NOAA got to study the US for about a week with no contrails over the nation. The average temperature dropped slightly and it was one of the first good indications that contrails might be a serious contributor to climate change.

T.A. ... I'm not sure quite how to tell you this but ... there is no such thing as "greenhouse gas." There is no substance in nature that has the magical superpower to cause matter to violate the laws of physics and just spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. Greenhouse Effect is a the principal tenent of the Global Warming faith and is a "wondrous miracle" that is simply not supported by any science. It's pure religion. It's the same as a Christian talking about Salvation; to Christians it's very real and to warmizombies Greenhouse Effect is very real. There's no science for either, obviously.

What I recommend is you engage with Into the Night in a conversation regarding contrails. You won't find a better expert on the matter. Send him a PM that you'd like to discuss it and I'll direct his attention to it. The short answer is that neither contrails nor their absence can affect the earth's average global temperature. It's just not possible.

It's spelled Gorebal Warming. This is the irrational belief that Al Gore high priest and profit of Gorebal Warming knows anything about planetary climate.

My favorite one to trot out in these discussions is aircraft contrails. These are artificial clouds created by high flying aircraft. They first started to appear in the late 1930's and have steadily increased in number and overall duration worldwide. Water vapor in the form of cloud cover is a massively better greenhouse gas than CO2.
Right after 9/11, the NOAA got to study the US for about a week with no contrails over the nation. The average temperature dropped slightly and it was one of the first good indications that contrails might be a serious contributor to climate change.

p.s. - You cannot take anything NOAA says on face value. Unfortunately their leadership lies. Don't be surprised when others immediately discard every official announcement from NOAA.
Read what you posted,it got cold and warm many times since 2.4 million years ago!
The most recent cold period end 11 thousand years ago

How you doing Mason?? Not seen you around much, hope all is well in your world...........
T.A. ... I'm not sure quite how to tell you this but ... there is no such thing as "greenhouse gas." There is no substance in nature that has the magical superpower to cause matter to violate the laws of physics and just spontaneously increase in temperature without additional energy. Greenhouse Effect is a the principal tenent of the Global Warming faith and is a "wondrous miracle" that is simply not supported by any science. It's pure religion. It's the same as a Christian talking about Salvation; to Christians it's very real and to warmizombies Greenhouse Effect is very real. There's no science for either, obviously.

What I recommend is you engage with Into the Night in a conversation regarding contrails. You won't find a better expert on the matter. Send him a PM that you'd like to discuss it and I'll direct his attention to it. The short answer is that neither contrails nor their absence can affect the earth's average global temperature. It's just not possible.


Water vapor and clouds trap and reflect heat back into the atmosphere. Call it want you want, but that process is well understood and contrails greatly increase cloud cover.
Water vapor and clouds trap and reflect heat back into the atmosphere.
No they don't.

Are you interested in learning the physics of the matter?

Call it want you want, but that process is well understood ...
Nope. It is well believed ... by those who are scientifically illiterate. It's like the concept of the human soul. Christians will assure you that it is well understood. It's pure religious dogma with no science support.

... and contrails greatly increase cloud cover.
Nothing about the atmosphere can override the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Nothing in the universe can defy thermodynamics. Greenhouse Effect is one big violation of physics, which is why one must be either scientfically illiterate or a flat-out science denier to believe in it.

Show me someone who believes in Global Warming or in Greenhouse Effect and I'll show you someone who gullible and naive due to scientific illiteracy.

It pains me to mention it but that's the reality of the situation. Global Warming is a religion that targets the scientifically illiterate for recruitment.

I'd be elated to discuss any science you wish to examine in greater depth.
No. You've only been told that science is "corrupt" by greedy profiteers and you've decided to believe it.

You dont have the first fucking clue what I think....when you pretend that you do and even more so when you pretend that your fantasy reflects poorly upon me then you are being a DICK.

You dont have the first fucking clue what I think....when you pretend that you do and even more so when you pretend that your fantasy reflects poorly upon me then you are being a DICK.


You're parroting Republican lines. A rational person does not conclude that "science is corrupt," or that the international scientific community is conspiring to hide X because of Y.
Sure thing, Flapjack. I'll just quietly hide my college transcript (4.0 gpa that includes biology, chemistry, microbiology, A&P I & II, and botany) under my seat cushion here, and pretend to drool so I fit in with your crowd and don't get burned at the stake. :laugh:

Joan of Snark talking about being burned at the stake, irony at its finest! Hey, Joanie can you explain the role of lone pair electrons in electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution?
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