Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

I can't say. I don't know of any. The one thing I can say for sure is that people who accuse others of being "socks" are almost always lowlife scumbags of low IQ, near zero personality and are most likely mentally ill, even retarded. Such people are great because they help me zero-in on the most cowardly, most paranoid leftists and allow me to have a field day driving them back into their safe spaces.

I am hoping that someone can explain to me what benefit I could leverage by adopting a sock. Can you? Is "sock" a particular user setting that enables one to express things that would otherwise not be able to be expressed if the setting is turned off? ThatOwlCoward claimed that I am a particular sock "Stephen." Is that a sock setting? She made an accusation out of it like one midget claiming another midget is wearing risers. Otherwise it seems like an awful lot of effort just to EVADE my post.

I assure you, if you'll explain to me why I would want a sock, I'll make one in your honor.

Translation: Yes, I have sock puppets. Just pick out the most retarded ones and that's probably me.

Thank you for your input.

BTW, the name of the dumbass is "Steven". I'm sure you know him well. ;)
Too funny! science is based on demonstrable facts/ data,it is updated when new facts come to light, only semi literate trumpanzees think that science is a belief system and has an agenda, that is low IQ "thinking"

If you think cience is pristine your fucking brain damaged. What happens to a scientist who doesn't free with the GW dogma? I'll save you the trouble they are considered heretics and they are excommunicated. You pig fuckers think everyone is as stupid as you
I am a lukewarmer, I doubt that the warming in the future will be extreme and far more likely to be the RCP 2.6 scenario outlined by the IPCC in AR5

And you are just as much of a science denier as a "full out" Global Warming zombie... You still deny the same theories of science as they do...

You still think that energy can be created out of nothing.
You still think that heat can flow from cold to hot.
You still think that radiance can decrease while temperature simultaneously increases.
You still think that heat and light can be "trapped", "retained", etc...

You are a science denier, all the same.
The real question is: Why should anyone read an idiot who asks "Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?" like it's a religion and not an actual current event. :rolleyes:

It IS a religion, numbnuts... And you are unable to discuss it with the big boys... You choose to remain in the kiddle pool, hiding behind the "safety" of the precious "ignore" button so you can "shield yourself from what I have to say", but we all know that you still see and read my comments anyway... You're just a chicken shit. bwak bwak bwaaaakkkkk.......
Too funny! I keep thinking of your lame attempt to convince me that you went to school and learned something. You might have shown up for a few classes but quickly fled when the professor presented some ideas.

When other students asked you why you were cowering under your desk, did you tell them that you were practicing for the "drop" drill?

If you wish, do as I do and keep responding to her comments as you did here... It gets under her skin, as you will see when she keeps acting all loud and proud about you being on her ignore list.

The funny thing is that, if someone who isn't on her ignore list quotes your comment, then she still sees your comment all the same...
I can see that your a fan of that raving lunatic Joseph Potsma. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics applies to net flows of heat, not to each individual photon, and it does not prevent some heat flowing from a cooler body to a warm one.

There is no such thing as "net flow" of heat. Does a river simultaneously flow uphill and downhill?
Lame joke summarily dismissed.

No counterargument presented.

Look back- I made counter points already!

And when the joke is on a Trumptard- I don't expect you to like it.

I expect a triggered self-important Trumptard, with no sense of humor, get his little panties in a wad, and express negative comments about it- LIKE YOU DID!

Over a lite joke! Hilarious!
Look back- I made counter points already!

And when the joke is on a Trumptard- I don't expect you to like it.

I expect a triggered self-important Trumptard, with no sense of humor, get his little panties in a wad, and express negative comments about it- LIKE YOU DID!

Over a lite joke! Hilarious!

Nope... Just pointing out that the liberal "sense of humor" blows... almost as much as Kamala...
So you are not only a racist- you are also a misogynist?

Keep digging your hole!

Ahhhhhhhhh, there them two buzzwords appear!!! Brilliant, just brilliant... How I wish I had a mind as beautiful as yours...

Oh wait, you're a xenophobic homophobic sexist pig... never mind...
Ahhhhhhhhh, there them two buzzwords appear!!! Brilliant, just brilliant... How I wish I had a mind as beautiful as yours...

Oh wait, you're a xenophobic homophobic sexist pig... never mind...

LOL! What's got into to you Blue Bird?

Let me guess, the polls are sucking for Donald Trump? LOL!

Having a bad week? BLAHAHAHAHA!
Or could be one of his socks was caught cheating on him...........lol

He seems a tad upset- a little fussy!

God, 75 more days! ANd maybe these Trumptards will take a break or find something better to do with their time.
