Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Agreed. Scientists aren't gods. But, by the same token, people who lack any real scientific background don't get to impose their "opinion" on science they don't understand on the rest of us.

As you noted we know the basics of this and have (actually since the mid 1900's....some even earlier than that!) known for a long time. The fact we are still dragging our feet means we've ceded far too much decision-making power to those who lack the requisite education to understand the seriousness of the topic.

The longer we sit here trying to explain basic science to non-scientists the harder the decisions we'll be forced to make will be.

I actually misspoke. It's the late 1800s. A swedish scientist wrote a paper on the impact of carbon dioxide on the Earth in 1896.
It is not a religion. There is no deity in Climate Science.
Your Deaf Studies have failed you. First, no deity is required for a religion. You have been provided many examples such as Hinduism, Shintoism, and others, that have no deities, and your being too stupid to learn is preventing you from learning. Second, Climate Science does, in fact, have several deities in its rather silly pantheon, i.e. its Holy Trinity:

1. the goddess Climate, who wields the miraculous superpowers of forcings and feedbacks, and who has the power of albedo to directly combat greenhouse effect (see below).
2. the arch-villain Global Warming, who wields miraculous superpowers such as greenhouse effect and the ability to defy thermodynamics. He gains power from CO2.
3. the Holy Ghost of "The Science" who wields the miraculous superpower of ending all debate with its mere mention.

Those heathen deniers are constantly confusing Climate with weather while warmizombies, such as yourself, are constantly confusing the holy doctrine of "The Science" with actual science ... because warmizombies are all scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent dumbasses who don't even know what science is.

There is no science to any religion, and only egregious physics violations to any in the Climate family of faiths (or any of the strange offshoot sects or denominations) as this thread confirms.
Your Deaf Studies have failed you. First, no deity is required for a religion. You have been provided many examples such as Hinduism, Shintoism, and others, that have no deities, and your being too stupid to learn is preventing you from learning. Second, Climate Science does, in fact, have several deities in its rather silly pantheon, i.e. its Holy Trinity:

1. the goddess Climate, who wields the miraculous superpowers of forcings and feedbacks, and who has the power of albedo to directly combat greenhouse effect (see below).
2. the arch-villain Global Warming, who wields miraculous superpowers such as greenhouse effect and the ability to defy thermodynamics. He gains power from CO2.
3. the Holy Ghost of "The Science" who wields the miraculous superpower of ending all debate with its mere mention.

Those heathen deniers are constantly confusing Climate with weather while warmizombies, such as yourself, are constantly confusing the holy doctrine of "The Science" with actual science ... because warmizombies are all scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent dumbasses who don't even know what science is.

There is no science to any religion, and only egregious physics violations to any in the Climate family of faiths (or any of the strange offshoot sects or denominations) as this thread confirms.

:rofl2: Thanks for the laughs.
I actually misspoke. It's the late 1800s. A swedish scientist wrote a paper on the impact of carbon dioxide on the Earth in 1896.
But it was your responsibility to perform your due diligence and learn that all the work of Svante Arrhenius has been removed from the body of science. His models were erroneous and his conclusions were false. Yes, he wrote a paper, but science is not a paper. This is why nobody learns the Arrhenius Law in any science class, i.e. there is no such thing.

You bear full responsibility for performing due diligence on everything you post. You failed in this case, and as such you were duped like all the other scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent warmizombies who don't even know what science is. I'd really be interested in learning the reason you believe you have any business commenting on any science whatsoever. You certainly don't know any. You certainly don't care whether what you post is correct or not.
You know, no one thinks you know anything about this topic.
Personally, I don't think anyone believes you speak for everybody. Also, nobody's belief has any magical superpower to wrest knowledge away from me. Just go back to the furniture over which you were bent and let your slave-masters resume pummeling your colon.

The fact that you can't even be honest about the opposition is all anyone needs to see.
The fact that you recoil at my truthful characterization is all anyone needs to see. You're a loser who has adopted a loser religion because he was too stupid and scientifically illiterate to know when to call boooolsch't.

You could learn from me, here on JPP, for free ... but what are the odds of that? ANSWER: None, because you are too stupid to learn.

Have a great day.
It's always nice when it works.

This was absolutely precious, Sybil:

How do you know so much about Dumb Studies? Do you teach it, perhaps at a local community non-profit? It makes sense that your Dumb Studies would go hand-in-hand with your Deaf Studies. Deaf & Dumb Studies are so important to inclusivity, I can't thank you enough for stepping up and serving the community in that regard. As an additional benefit, while you're doing that, you aren't making your typical, stupid and contradictory comments about politics. Keep it up.

It's always fascinating when a person drops their mask and the true face is revealed.
Yeah, that was Aarhenius.

Falsified. You are AGAIN discarding the laws of thermodynamics.
You cannot create energy out of nothing...ever.
You cannot decrease entropy...ever.

You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
Falsified. You are AGAIN discarding the laws of thermodynamics.
You cannot create energy out of nothing...ever.
You cannot decrease entropy...ever.

You cannot trap light.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap thermal energy. There is always heat.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
Mantra 57 Repetitive and demented behavior

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Global climate change cause by human over-population is undeniable.
Denying it identifies one as a complete idiot.

If there's any question at all,

it should be whether or not it's worth trying to do anything about it,

since getting rid of four or five billion humans is the only thing that can work.

Any other plan would be a useless one
involving a serious diminishment
of our quality of life
and then it becomes hard to care about being alive.

I'm not sure what kind of lifestyle
some environmental crusaders
would be willing to tolerate,
but it won't be one that anybody with reasonable standards
would find worthwhile.

Of that, I'm pretty certain.
Global climate change cause by human over-population is undeniable.
Denying it identifies one as a complete idiot.

If there's any question at all,

it should be whether or not it's worth trying to do anything about it,

since getting rid of four or five billion humans is the only thing that can work.

Any other plan would be a useless one
involving a serious diminishment
of our quality of life
and then it becomes hard to care about being alive.

I'm not sure what kind of lifestyle
some environmental crusaders
would be willing to tolerate,
but it won't be one that anybody with reasonable standards
would find worthwhile.

Of that, I'm pretty certain.
I'm still betting on the Chinese disease to take care off it; flip it to 98% lethal to everyone who is unvaxxed. That'll not only fix the overpopulation problems, but get rid of all the dumbfucks too.

Of course, it will smell pretty bad for about a year or two, but "Save the Planet", eh? LOL

I'm still betting on the Chinese disease to take care off it; flip it to 98% lethal to everyone who is unvaxxed. That'll not only fix the overpopulation problems, but get rid of all the dumbfucks too.

Of course, it will smell pretty bad for about a year or two, but "Save the Planet", eh? LOL


I think that might be very much worth considering,

Culling the herd discriminately would in fact be preferable.
I think that might be very much worth considering,

Culling the herd discriminately would in fact be preferable.
Dr. Joshua Haldeman would be proud. :thup:

Both private and public entities utilize tests to discriminate between those fit for a position and those who aren't. Since vaccinations are optional, it would be a good screening test.

For those worried about those living in uncivilized areas, consider that most of them are isolated enough to avoid infection.