Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Global climate change cause by human over-population is undeniable.
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
Denying it identifies one as a complete idiot.
Nah. Being a believer in the Church of Global Warming is being an idiot.
If there's any question at all,

it should be whether or not it's worth trying to do anything about it,

since getting rid of four or five billion humans is the only thing that can work.
Want to reduce the population? Go kill yourself.
Any other plan would be a useless one
involving a serious diminishment
of our quality of life
and then it becomes hard to care about being alive.
What do you care? You'll be dead.
I'm not sure what kind of lifestyle
some environmental crusaders
would be willing to tolerate,
but it won't be one that anybody with reasonable standards
would find worthwhile.

Of that, I'm pretty certain.
What do you care? You'll be dead.
I'm still betting on the Chinese disease to take care off it; flip it to 98% lethal to everyone who is unvaxxed. That'll not only fix the overpopulation problems, but get rid of all the dumbfucks too.

Of course, it will smell pretty bad for about a year or two, but "Save the Planet", eh? LOL


Covid doesn't kill.
Right, Sybil! Nothing to worry about, son. :thup:

Be sure to stay away from doctors, kiddo. Never, ever take their medicine. It's poison.

Why do you want to stay away from doctors and never use medicine?

Medicines are generally, by their nature also poisons. Just depends on the dose.
Why do you want to stay away from doctors and never use medicine?

Medicines are generally, by their nature also poisons. Just depends on the dose.
No Sybil, I want you and your fellow idiots and/or nutjobs to stay away from doctors and medicine.

I support evolution in action. Seeing people like you remove yourselves from the gene pool is good for the species and our nation.
Global climate change cause by human over-population is undeniable.
Nope. It's unbelievable. Nobody has ever formally and unambiguously defined it such that it doesn't violate physics or serve as a logical contradiction right out of the starting gate.

Denying it identifies one as a complete idiot.
Believing in it identifies one as a complete idiot. Let's take you as an example. You believe in it and you are a scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron. Who do you want to look at next?

If there's any question at all, it should be whether or not it's worth trying to do anything about it,
Nope. There is only one question: What the fuck do you mean by a "global climate"?

No human has ever answered this question such that it doesn't violate physics or serve as a logical contradiction right out of the starting gate.

since getting rid of four or five billion humans is the only thing that can work.
How do you know that's the only thing that can work when you don't even know what a "global climate" is supposed to be, besides being a logical contradiction?

Any other plan would be a useless one
They are all useless. You have not identified any problem beyond shouting out an undefined buzzword. I may be the first person to teach you this, but you need a fucking problem in order to have a solution to it.

Did you want to clearly define your problem or do you want to acknowledge that you babble incessantly and never get around to saying anything coherent.
There are many religions in our world and they are all different. Each one has a unique dogma that affords comfort to the believer and helps him cope with a chaotic and confusing world ... each one except for Global Warming that is. This religion seems only to instill fear and panic. Most religions are portrayed as a form of "good news" to be celebrated whereas everything about Global Warming is hyped as "bad news" that might already be "too late" and "past the tipping point."

Further, most religions are honest matters of faith whereas the Church of Global Warming specifically targets for recruitment the gullible and the scientifically illiterate because its dogma mandates the belief that egregious violations of physics are "Settled Science."

Question: why would any rational adult adopt the Global Warming faith?

ALL fundamentalist style religions try to instill fear and even panic. It's the way they often try to prove their religion correct. Examples are: the Church of Global Warming, which is the topic of this thread, the Church of Green, the Church of Covid, the Church of Hate, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Karl Marx (which these other religions stem from). At the least they try to 'cast out the demons or infidels' (often by insults or even violence).

Now we return to the topic of this thread, the Church of Global Warming (maybe).
ALL fundamentalist style religions try to instill fear and even panic. It's the way they often try to prove their religion correct. Examples are: the Church of Global Warming, which is the topic of this thread, the Church of Green, the Church of Covid, the Church of Hate, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Karl Marx (which these other religions stem from). At the least they try to 'cast out the demons infidels' (often by insults or even violence).

Now we return to the topic of this thread, the Church of Global Warming.
Wow, Sybil! Just like political parties!

Mantra 53 Captain Obvious believes he’s saying something intelligent

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
Well, given that I actually understand some of that science I'm a bit biased toward it.
I'm not buying it. I don't think you understand any science whatsoever. You actually believe in, and worship, physics violations under the belief that they are thettled thienth. You are a scientifically illiterate moron.

And, no, it violates no laws of physics.
Yep, your stupid religion is a teeming ant farm of physics violations, and you don't understand why any of them are violations because you are a scientifically illiterate moron.

Why don't you tell me what you think is violated and I'll try to explain it to you.
Awesome, let the games begin.

Let's run four sub-threads to allow you to explain to me four things:

1. You claim that the earth increases in average temperature, independently of its proximity to the sun, because of a substance and not because of additional energy. Explain that.

2. You claim the earth's overall atmospheric CO2 level is increasing. Explain why any rational adult should believe this.

3. You claim that the ocean's overall level is rising. Explain why any rational adult should believe that.

4. You claim that the ocean is acidifying. Explain that.
I'm not buying it. I don't think you understand any science whatsoever. You actually believe in, and worship, physics violations under the belief that they are thettled thienth. You are a scientifically illiterate moron.

Unlike you I can actually speak to the science. See below:

1. You claim that the earth increases in average temperature, independently of its proximity to the sun, because of a substance and not because of additional energy. Explain that.

If you ever actually bother to read the IPCC you'll note that extensive studies are done on earth-sun dynamics. The sun does have phases it goes through and those are modeled and understood. Right now we can't correlate the solar cycles and the warming we've seen over the last 50 years sufficient to utilize that as a primary explanatory variable. It will definitely have some impact.

2. You claim the earth's overall atmospheric CO2 level is increasing. Explain why any rational adult should believe this.

It's actively measured and has been for over 60 years now.

3. You claim that the ocean's overall level is rising. Explain why any rational adult should believe that.

When land ice melts (ie the Greenland ice sheet) the water that runs off the surface of the land raises the water level.

In addition warming oceans = higher volume of water (water expands when heated). This also raises sea level.

4. You claim that the ocean is acidifying. Explain that.

CO2 is absorbed by water where it undergoes a series of reactions:

H2O + CO2-->HCO3- H+

This creates ACID (H+ ions) which cause the pH to decrease (ie acidify).
Unlike you I can actually speak to the science. See below:
Nope. Far from it. You do nothing but confirm that you are a scientifically illiterate moron and that you have been successfully duped into believing that your WACKY religious faith is somehow thettled thienth. All we will need to cap this off is for you to simply not learn anything that I teach you. Then you will have given JPP a fully bona fide warmizombie encounter.

If you ever actually bother to read the IPCC
I have. It's church material. The IPCC differs not from the Vatican except in the religion it oversees.

you'll note that extensive studies are done on earth-sun dynamics.
Studies are not science. Studies are nothing more than someone's opinion put into print, usually the opinion of whoever is funding the "study." Warmizombies, such as yourself, are scientifically illiterate and very undereducated. They have no idea what science even is. I'm guessing that I will be spending my time pointing out all the things that are not science that you believe are science.

The sun does have phases it goes through and those are modeled and understood.
Is this part of your explanation or is it not? Once again you have made a totally ambiguous, trivial statement, i.e. that we understand some aspects of the sun and that this understanding is documented. Big deal. Here you need someone to come in and finish your sentence for you because you haven't said anything at all.

Right now we can't correlate the solar cycles and the warming we've seen over the last 50 years sufficient to utilize that as a primary explanatory variable.
This will require much unpacking. First, who is "we"? Did you mean to write "I" (yourself)? i.e. ",,, the warming that I've seen over the last 50 years"? I know that I haven't seen any warming over the last 50 years. There are others on JPP who similarly haven't deluded themselves into having seen "warming" that either hasn't occurred or is negligible to the point of not being discernible.

Second, how are you claiming this "warming" was measured? Are you any good at statistical math (just answer "no")? I'm going to need to scrutinize the entire dataset, so find the one that was used to compute the warming and let me know what the target margin of error was.

Third, you absolutely must define these "solar cycles" of which you speak. There are many cycles. Nobody is a mind-reader and you can't expect everyone to simply know your particular religious dogma.

Fourth, you referred to the solar cycles as possibly being a future primary explanatory variable. Will it be a dependent or independent variable? Please write the specific function of which this variable will be a part.

It will definitely have some impact.
What is "It"? The solar cycles, the warming, or the primary explanatory variable? Why do you claim there will definitely be an impact? Anyway, you have once again failed to say anything meaningful. Your statement reworded reads "It will definitely have a cause that will result in an effect." All causes have effects, otherwise they are not causes. You are using the "impact" to mean "a resulting effect" which is the only possible result for a cause. Please get someone to help you write your sentences.

When land ice melts (ie the Greenland ice sheet) the water that runs off the surface of the land raises the water level.
When ocean water evaporates and becomes precipitation over land (e.g. the Greenland ice sheet), the water level lowers.

How much do you want to bet that we could go on all day.

In addition warming oceans = higher volume of water (water expands when heated). This also raises sea level.
In addition, oceans that aren't warming overall = constant volume of water (water remains the same volume when the temperature remains the same). This also keeps the ocean level the same.

Are we really going to do this all day?

CO2 is absorbed by water where it undergoes a series of reactions:
When ocean water evaporates, any absorbed CO2 is released back into the atmosphere to be consumed by plants. The releasing of the CO2 into the atmosphere lowers the ocean's pH.

... which cause the pH to decrease (ie acidify).
You just made a common gullible layman's mistake. You fell for the physics violation being proselytized as thettled thienth. In chemistry, whenever the pH shifts towards 7.0, the solution is said to be neutralizing. A solution would have to cross over from pH>7.0 to pH<7.0 in order to have acidified. The ocean has never crossed over the 7.0 pH threshold, i.e. the ocean has never acidified.
Just an amazing coincidence that he was basically spot-on with his understanding and accuracy regarding CO2 and how it impacts climate, right?
He wasn't spot on. His conclusions were all wrong. All of his work has been discarded from the body of science. This is why none of it is ever taught anywhere.

You failed to perform your due diligence.
You just made a common gullible layman's mistake. You fell for the physics violation being proselytized as thettled thienth. In chemistry, whenever the pH shifts towards 7.0, the solution is said to be neutralizing. A solution would have to cross over from pH>7.0 to pH<7.0 in order to have acidified. The ocean has never crossed over the 7.0 pH threshold, i.e. the ocean has never acidified.

Look, I know you don't know chemistry very well, but if the ocean goes from a pH of 8.2 to pH 8.1 THAT IS A DECREASE IN pH WHICH IS "ACIDIFICATION", meaning it is going toward more acidic.

It is happening because the ocean absorbs more CO2 which creates carbonic acid which lowers the pH.
Look, I know you don't know chemistry very well,
I know chemistry. You do not. Your religious clergy has duped you into believing that profound faith in Climate Change bestows upon you sheer geniuth in the thettled thienth. Unfortunately, you remain a scientifically illiterate moron.

but if the ocean goes from a pH of 8.2 to pH 8.1 THAT IS A DECREASE IN pH
If the ocean were to somehow decrease in pH from 8.2 to 8.1, that is SHIFTING TOWARDS 7.0 - which means it is NEUTRALIZING, not "acidifying." Showing that you are too stupid to learn, you could not grasp what I taught you, despite it being easy enough for a 3rd-grader. For the ocean to acidify, it would have to cross the 7.0 threshold, i.e. transforming from an alkaline to an acid.

Go learn some chemistry.

Also, the global average ocean pH is not decreasing in pH to any discernible extent. pH change is zero for all applications.

It is happening because the ocean absorbs more CO2 which creates carbonic acid which lowers the pH.
So I need to be writing in bold letters? OK.

Every moment, 24 hours per day, seven days per week, all year 'round, water is evaporating from the ocean, which lowers the ocean's pH. Every second, the ocean loses 11,191,000,000,000 liters of sea water to evaporation, with a corresponding release of any absorbed CO2, and a corresponding increase of the ocean's pH. One second later, wham, another 11,191,000,000,000 liters are GONE and the ocean's pH continues to shoot for the moon. Then the next second passes and another 11,191,000,000,000 liters are gone, then another 11,191,000,000,000 liters, and another, and another, and another ... forever. Every single second. Your piddly "CO2 absorption" can't hope to keep up.