Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Liar. It is NOT what you wrote.

Nope. Your formula is utterly wrong.

Simple. You cannot acidify an alkaline. Ocean water is alkaline.

LIF. Grow up.

You DO know that your act doesn't actually play for people who know chemistry. Right? I mean you aren't of the opinion that anyone who actually knows this stuff thinks you are speaking on authority, right?
They can't create energy out of nothing either. No gas or vapor has the magick ability to create energy out of nothing, or to heat a warmer substance from a colder one.

You cannot create energy out of nothing.
You cannot trap heat.
You cannot trap light.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.

Science does not use consensus. It has no politics. It has no religion.

This schtick is boring as fuck. You don't know what you're talking about.
No, actually they weren't.
Yes, they were, which is why none of his work remains in the body of science. I don't know what to tell you besides perform your due diligence next time.

... but he understood the warming effects of CO2
First, you do not get to speak for dead people.
Second, Arrhenius totally misunderstood thermodynamics and presumed that a substance could create thermal energy out of nothing. He was wrong and his erroneous conclusions have been discarded from the body of science. Next time, perform your due diligence.

His estimates for mean temperature increase/decrease at different levels of CO2 were surprisingly accurate.
They were totally erroneous and discarded. I hate to be the one to burst your little bubble but you were stupid for falling for the WACKY dogma without calling boooooolsch't.
Even if one ignores Arrhenius there's still the work of Suess and Revelle in the 50's and 60's.
While one is rightfully ignoring the work of my buddy Svante, one should also ignore the distractions of Suess and Revelle. Their work was more politically-based than rooted in any science. This is why there is no theory or law named after either of them. Neither made any substantive contribution to science, although they made significant contributions to the current political landscape, as you can attest.

Revelle actually raised the issue to the US Government at the time as a potential concern.
... and you see this as scientific as opposed to political, yes?

This topic has been in the minds of scientists for over 100 years now.
You don't get to speak for anyone but yourself. You don't get to speak for what has been on the minds of an undelineated group. You certainly don't get to speak for scientists.
You DO know that your act doesn't actually play for people who know chemistry. Right? I mean you aren't of the opinion that anyone who actually knows this stuff thinks you are speaking on authority, right?

You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
LIF. Grow up.
Tell that the the person flying a hot air balloon.
Fine. I already have.
They may all technically vibrate, but CO2 and H2O vibrate significantly more when heated, which causes them to trap more heat.
Thermal energy is not heat. You cannot trap heat.
Heat does have a location.
Heat has no location.
Put your hand over a camp fire and then don't put it over a camp fire and you'll see that heat does have a location.
Nope. Heat has no location.
I honestly don't know how you can say these things with a straight face.
Because I know the physics that you are desperately trying to deny.
Correct, but water evaporates faster when it's heated.
So? That would lower water level, not raise it.
You may not be able to purely trap heat or trap cold,
It is not possible to trap heat or cold.
but why does coffee stay warmed longer in an insulated cup than it would in a plastic cup if you can't "trap" heat?
Reduced heat. I already answered that question. RQAA.
turn your oven on and crawl inside.
Word games. You know exactly what I'm talking about.
YOUR problem. You cannot project YOUR problem on anyone else.
You have no interest in science. You have interest in rhetoric and game playing.
YOUR problem. You cannot project YOUR problem on anyone else.
For the purposes of a discussion of the impact of CO2 on the earth, Climate Science is the standard term. More word games.
There is no branch of science called 'climate'.
CO2 has absolutely no capability to warm the Earth.

CO2 cannot create energy out of nothing.
CO2 cannot trap heat.
CO2 cannot trap light.
CO2 cannot trap thermal energy.
CO2 cannot heat a warmer surface than itself.
You don't know the first foreign thing about the Laws of Thermo. You don't even understand acids and bases...how on earth would you have survived a P Chem class??????

You are describing yourself again. You can't project YOUR problems on anyone else.

Let me try to educate you once again:

1st law of thermodynamics: E(t+1) = E(t) - U where 'E' is energy, 't' is time, and 'U' is work (or force applied over time).

CO2 is not work. Therefore 'U' is zero. Therefore, E(t+1) = E(t). You cannot create energy out of nothing.

2nd law of thermodynamics: e(t+1) >= e(t) where 'e' is entropy (or the ability of energy to do work), and 't' is time. In other words, entropy must always increase or stay the same. It can NEVER decrease. You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. This equation defines the concept of 'heat' and assigns it a direction. Heat can never flow 'uphill' or 'backwards'. You cannot trap heat. You cannot trap thermal energy.

Stefan-Boltzmann law: E = C*e*t^4 where 'E' is electromagnetic energy (light), 'C' is a natural constant, 'e' is a measured constant denoting how well a substance absorbs or emits light, and 't' is temperature in deg C.
CO2 has no magick ability to not convert thermal energy to light. Neither does anything on the surface. This equation is one part of radiant heat (heating by light). You cannot trap light.

ALL substances above absolute zero contain thermal energy. You have denied this also.

You simply want to ignore these theories of science and play word games.
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You are describing yourself again. You can't project YOUR problems on anyone else.

I suspect this feels "clever" to you. Which is pretty sad when you think about it. You know next to nothing about actual science but you seem to think you can bullshit your way through. It's abundantly clear you aren't that well educated in the sciences.

You really should stick with soldering circuits because you don't have much in the way of a science background.
This schtick is boring as fuck.
Everything Into the Night wrote is correct. I see that bores the fuck out of you, perhaps explaining why you fall for every lie you are told to believe and regurgitate, because the lies aren't as boring as fuck, right?.

You don't know what you're talking about.
You sure like to declare what other people don't know. Into the Night was correct on every single point. What's the problem here?
I suspect this feels "clever" to you. Which is pretty sad when you think about it. You know next to nothing about actual science but you seem to think you can bullshit your way through. It's abundantly clear you aren't that well educated in the sciences.
You are describing yourself again.
You really should stick with soldering circuits because you don't have much in the way of a science background.
You are describing yourself again, with the exception that I don't think you know which end of a soldering iron to hold.
Everything Into the Night wrote is correct. I see that bores the fuck out of you, perhaps explaining why you fall for every lie you are told to believe and regurgitate, because the lies aren't as boring as fuck, right?.

You sure like to declare what other people don't know. Into the Night was correct on every single point. What's the problem here?

The problem is his religion. He's a fundamentalist believer in the Church of Global Warming. His mind is utterly closed. Such is the fate of fundamentalism.
Everything Into the Night wrote is correct. I see that bores the fuck out of you, perhaps explaining why you fall for every lie you are told to believe and regurgitate, because the lies aren't as boring as fuck, right?.

You sure like to declare what other people don't know. Into the Night was correct on every single point. What's the problem here?

LOL. Watching you two try to do acid-base chemistry is hilarious. Seriously. Hilarious.

I get it, you and Into the Night are the same person so you'll DEFINITELY agree. But two morons doesn't make a chemistry department. :)