Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

'Heat is not energy.'

When you start in a position of absolute ignorance, there really is no where to go.

And therefore you have nowhere to go. You are stuck in your fundamentalist religion and continue to deny theories of science and continue to deny mathematics.
Heat is a measure of energy, not energy itself.
Heat is not a measure of energy. It is not a scale to measure energy by.
This is drivel. Heat is a measure of energy regardless of how it's created.
Heat is not energy nor a measure of energy.
The primary source of energy in, well everything, starts with nuclear reactions and decay.
No. An energy source is anything that has greater energy then what it dissipates into. In other words, a state of minimum entropy.
Whether an atom is unstable and decays releasing energy, or atoms interact through fission or fusion and release energy, that's where things start.
No. One energy source, for example, is a battery. It does not use fission nor fusion to provide energy. It is an electrochemical reaction.
This is more drivel. As atoms gain energy, their electrons move to higher orbits and give off that energy to return to a stable orbit.
Light is not heat.
So, the two things that create energy are gravity that brings particles together so they can interact, and the nuclear force that turns mass into energy. From there, that energy can be redistributed to other forms. Heat (aka temperature) is a measure of how much energy is present.
Heat is not a measure of energy.
A joule is not heat.

I hesitate to ask, but morbid curiosity gets the best of me sometimes....

What do the first and second laws of thermodynamics and stefan boltzmann law have to do with the belief that infrared light leaving the earth interacts in a specific way with CO2 molecules to warm the earth?
I hesitate to ask, but morbid curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.... What do the first and second laws of thermodynamics and stefan boltzmann law have to do with the belief that infrared light leaving the earth interacts in a specific way with CO2 molecules to warm the earth?
The laws of thermodynamics, Stefan-Boltzman and Planck's law represent the science that kill your Global Warming religion, principally by quashing your greenhouse effect doctrine. Warmizombies cannot make their dogma "work" without violating this science in some way.

1. Global Warming is the Marxist religion that asserts the inexplicable spontaneous increase in earth's average global temperature despite unchanging solar output, i.e. the equilibrium temperature simply increases without any additional energy. This is an egregious violation of Planck's law, the zeroth law of thermodynamics and of all black body science.

2. greenhouse effect is the doctrine that provides the holy mechanism for earth's Global Warming (see point 1) which began during the Industrial Revolution, specifically upon the writing of the sacred Communist Manifesto text. Global Warming, as taught by the Church, is caused by miraculous greenhouse gases which are attributed to human activity (that all points back to conservatives) that have magical superpowers to defy physics, as follows:

- 2a. The force awakens within greenhouse gases, which begin creating additional energy out of nothing, in miraculous violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics. This miraculously-created thermal energy increases the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output. The massive increase in human activity at the hands of GREEDY, fascist, socialist conservatives is the cause of the heavily accelerated increase in global temperatures that we must delude ourselves into seeing.

... when it is pointed out that point 2a is an egregious violation of thermodynamics, the preacher backpedals from 2a with the words "no one is claiming that energy is created out of nothing ..." and then seamlessly pivots to 2b, as such:

- 2b. greenhouse gases act as insulation, like a big, warm, cumfy wool blanket that cradles the earth in Global Warming. This cumfy blanket is totally transparent/non-existent to inbound solar energy, but then "traps" some of earth's "heat" by preventing earth's radiance (thermal radiation) from escaping into space. This causes a direct increase in the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output.

... when it is pointed out that point 2b is an egregious violation of Stefan-Boltzmann, because radiance and temperature always move in the same direction, i.e. you can't have an increase in temperature with a decrease in radiance, the preacher backpedals from 2b with the words "no one is claiming that radiance is being decreased ..." and then seamlessly pivots to 2c, as such:

- 2c. The earth, in equilibrium, radiates thermally into space exactly what it absorbs, without creating any additional energy out of nothing, which is exactly what has been taught all along. The earth's thermal radiation, however, is simply absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and half of that energy is re-radiated back down to earth, increasing the temperature of the surface, which therefore provides additional thermal radiation to the atmosphere which balances out the quantity of thermal radiation needed to escape into space and maintain equilibrium.

... when it is pointed out that point 2c is an egregious violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, because the much warmer lithosphere cannot be heated by the much cooler atmosphere, the preacher backpedals from 2c with the words "no one is claiming that the cooler atmosphere is somehow warming the earth ..." and then seamlessly pivots to 2a, as such:

- 2a. The force awakens within greenhouse gases, which begin creating additional energy out of nothing, in miraculous violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics. This miraculously-created thermal energy increases the earth's average global temperature in conjunction with the sun's constant output. The massive increase in human activity at the hands of GREEDY, fascist, socialist conservatives is the cause of the heavily accelerated increase in global temperatures that we must delude ourselves into seeing.

... and the cycle continues forever.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.
I hesitate to ask, but morbid curiosity gets the best of me sometimes....

What do the first and second laws of thermodynamics and stefan boltzmann law have to do with the belief that infrared light leaving the earth interacts in a specific way with CO2 molecules to warm the earth?

RQAA. I have already answered this question.

There is no 'specific way'.
You cannot heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.
CO2 cannot warm the Earth.
I do know what a joule is. A joule is not heat. Heat is not energy. Obviously, you don't know what heat is. You are just as clueless as ZenMode on this.

That explains nothing about a joule. Heat is the manifestation of thermal energy and a measure of its transfer between systems. Q = m(∆T)
That explains nothing about a joule. Heat is the manifestation of thermal energy and a measure of its transfer between systems. Q = m(∆T)
What is the unit of measure for conduction?
What is the unit of measure for convection?
What is the unit of measure for solar radiation and for earth's thermal radiation?

You never answered the question about the unit of measure for heat? Instead, you started talking about Joules. Answer the question that was asked.
What is the unit of measure for conduction?
What is the unit of measure for convection?
What is the unit of measure for solar radiation and for earth's thermal radiation?

You never answered the question about the unit of measure for heat? Instead, you started talking about Joules. Answer the question that was asked.

Joules are the preferred unit of measurement for heat in calorimetry and thermodynamics. Another is the calorie, that one is obsolete today.
Calorimetry and thermodynamics is not measured in joules.
The calorie is not obsolete today at all. It is not measured in joules.

Scientists define heat as thermal energy transferred between two systems at different temperatures that come in contact. Heat is written with the symbol q or Q, and it has units of Joules (J).


Q = m(∆T)

Where Q is heat, m is mass, and ∆T is the difference in temperature between the hot and cold points in the system.

The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics:
An extension of the principle of thermal equilibrium is known as the zeroth law of thermodynamics, which states that two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third system are in equilibrium with each other. In other words, if T1, T2, and T3, are the temperatures of three systems, with T1 = T3 and T2 = T3, then T1 = T2. This statement, which seems almost trivial, serves as the basis of all temperature measurement. Thermometers, which are used to measure temperature, measure their own temperature. We are justified in saying that the temperature T3 of a thermometer is the same as the temperature T1 of a system if the thermometer and system are in thermal equilibrium.


Q is usually measured in Joules.

It's obvious you never took thermodynamics or physics or you'd know this stuff already. It's pretty basic stuff to both areas of science.
Scientists define heat as thermal energy transferred between two systems at different temperatures that come in contact. Heat is written with the symbol q or Q, and it has units of Joules (J).


Q = m(∆T)

Where Q is heat, m is mass, and ∆T is the difference in temperature between the hot and cold points in the system.

The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics:
An extension of the principle of thermal equilibrium is known as the zeroth law of thermodynamics, which states that two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third system are in equilibrium with each other. In other words, if T1, T2, and T3, are the temperatures of three systems, with T1 = T3 and T2 = T3, then T1 = T2. This statement, which seems almost trivial, serves as the basis of all temperature measurement. Thermometers, which are used to measure temperature, measure their own temperature. We are justified in saying that the temperature T3 of a thermometer is the same as the temperature T1 of a system if the thermometer and system are in thermal equilibrium.


Q is usually measured in Joules.

It's obvious you never took thermodynamics or physics or you'd know this stuff already. It's pretty basic stuff to both areas of science.

Heat is not measured in joules.
Q is not measured in joules.

At least you understand that heat is the flow of thermal energy, not the thermal energy itself.

Joules are used to measure energy, not flow.
What is the unit of measure for conduction?
What is the unit of measure for convection?
What is the unit of measure for solar radiation and for earth's thermal radiation?

Joules are the preferred unit of measurement for heat in calorimetry and thermodynamics.
Heat is not measured in Joules. At this point, you are being intentionally obtuse. You don't answer the questions I ask; you answer questions that I don't ask.

Let me try one more time just to see if you are being intentionally dishonest:
What is the unit of measure for conduction?
What is the unit of measure for convection?
What is the unit of measure for solar radiation and for earth's thermal radiation?
The Stefan-Boltzmann law does not calculate temperature. I have already shown this equation to you, and you STILL choose to ignore it.

So you DON'T know what the S-B relationship is. You dimwad...it CALCULATES TEMPERATURE. What do you think the giant "T^4" term is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So you DON'T know what the S-B relationship is. You dimwad...it CALCULATES TEMPERATURE. What do you think the giant "T^4" term is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

No. It does not calculate temperature. It calculates radiance from a known temperature and a known emissivity. Temperature is the independent variable, and radiance is the dependent variable. Emissivity is a measured constant. The emissivity of Earth is unknown.

r = C*e*t^4

The ONLY way to reduce radiance (as is claimed by the Church of Global Warming) is to REDUCE temperature (it's colder, not warmer!).
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So you DON'T know what the S-B relationship is.
Into the Night understands the Stefan-Boltzmann law and black body science just fine. Your problem is your mathematical incompetence and your inability to differentiate dependent variables from independent variables.

RADIANCE is determined by TEMPERATURE, not the other way around. The Stefan-Boltzmann law calculates RADIANCE given a TEMPERATURE. That's why it is always written "RADIANCE = (insert function here)"

You dimwad...
Oh, thanks for reminding me ... You dimwad, the Stefan-Boltzmann law calculates RADIANCE given a TEMPERATURE.

You misspelled "?". You mistakenly added an extra "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" ... which, in English at least, denotes mathematical incompetence.