Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Of course you're not saying what you've already said. :laugh:

Interesting... because, of course, "you're not saying that" "temperature is increasing without any additional energy".

IOW, you're saying that Earth's radiance is being reduced, as that would be the result of, as you have worded it here, "more of the existing energy is not escaping into space". Here is the Stefan Boltzmann Law in "layman" terms:

[Radiance] = [Temperature^4] * [Boltzmann Constant] * [Emissivity Constant]

Notice that the last two items on the right side of the equals sign are constants, which means that those amounts "are what they are" (they don't differ). The amounts that can differ are the [Radiance] amount and the [Temperature^4] amount.

In an equation, both sides of the equation must equal one other. For example, 162 = [3^4] * 2 * 1. Ergo, IF, as you say, the [Radiance] amount has been reduced ("existing energy is not escaping into space"), THEN the [Temperature^4] amount would actually likewise DECREASE in order to retain the equation. E.g. 100 = (2.659148^4) * 2 * 1

This is but one bit of science that is standing in the way of your moronic religion.

Of course you're not saying what you've already said. :laugh:

You've implied that energy can be created out of nothing... IOW, a spontaneous temperature increase. "Whoomp, there it is".


I know it's not nice to laugh like that, but... sometimes a person just can't hold it in...


[1] Fire is an energy source.
[2] The interior of your car is warmer due to reduced heat.

In context of this discussion, the Earth is not the Sun nor is it a greenhouse.


And this is the part of the discussion in which you reject Stefan Boltzmann as I've explained to you above.

IBDaMann sure has your response sequence down perfectly. It's almost as if he's participated in this particular exchange with warmizombies numerous times before...

So I take it this is where you're going to tell me that "no one is claiming that radiance is being decreased ..." and then pivot over to part '2c' of the sequence??

Sorry, but this discussion is about YOUR CLAIMS, not any non-existent claims that you're trying to project onto others... Stay focused...
I really don't know how else to explain this. The earth warms and cools constantly. We artifically heat and cool our homes and cars constantly. This is all done without creating more energy.

Where is the confusion?
You're too late. I already predicted that you would argue that greenhouse gas creates energy out of nothing
Hard stop. I have said repeatedly and specifically that greenhouse gases do NOT create energy. The are impacted by existing energy in the form of infrared light that radiates from earth. If you don't believe that infrared light radiates from earth, but your hand over a rock or asphalt that has been in exposed to the sun for an extended period of time.

Do you disgree with any of what I said above?
How do you heat your car/house if heat can't be trapped, at least temorarily?
Now you begin to play word games.

If you trap an animal in a cage, how temporary is that? Your answer to that is needed before your question can be answered, especially now that you are playing word games. If you trap an animal in a cage and you do nothing to release the animal, how long will it be before it escapes on its own? You can use minutes or seconds in your answer.

Considering that you are now playing word games, your question requires a deeper understanding of what you consider the word "trapped" to mean. Who knows? Maybe you never went to school and have no idea what the word means. Let's find out. If there are thirty-two people in a large auditorium whose four sets of double-doors are wide open, and two people can pass through any given doorway at a time, are the people in the auditorium considered "trapped" or is it correct to say that they can "exit freely"?

If you pour water into a spaghetti strainer, does the water become "trapped" in the spaghetti strainer or does the water pour out of the spaghetti strainer freely?

I really don't know how else to explain this.
There is no "else." You haven't been able to even come close to explaining how you believe the earth's average global temperature somehow magically increases without additional energy that is required for temperature to increase.

The earth warms and cools constantly.
The earth's average global temperature does not change as far as anyone can tell.

You can't explain the miracle of your faith because it's one big violation of physics.
I really don't know how else to explain this.
What do you mean "how else to"? You haven't even explained ONCE how Earth's global average temperature increases...

The earth warms and cools constantly.
As far as I can tell, Earth's global average temperature remains unchanged. Why should any rational adult believe otherwise? Is there some additional energy source that I am unaware of?

We artifically heat and cool our homes and cars constantly.
Earth is not a house nor a car.

This is all done without creating more energy.

Where is the confusion?
The same place it's always been. With YOU.
I have said repeatedly and specifically that greenhouse gases do NOT create energy.
Hard stop.

1. You have insisted repeatedly that the earth's average global temperature is increasing.
2. You have insisted repeatedly that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature.
3. No body of matter can increase in temperature without additional energy.
Ergo, You are claiming that greenhouse gas creates additional energy which increases earth's average global temperature.

Are you logically inept as well?

The are impacted by existing energy in the form of infrared light that radiates from earth.
Nope. You cannot connect the dots from "additional greenhouse gas" to "an increase in earth's average global temperature" without violating physics, either thermodynamics, Stefan-Boltzmann or Plancks ... or by claiming that convection somehow works in the vacuum of space.
There is no "else." You haven't been able to even come close to explaining how you believe the earth's average global temperature somehow magically increases without additional energy that is required for temperature to increase.

The earth's average global temperature does not change as far as anyone can tell.

You can't explain the miracle of your faith because it's one big violation of physics.

Now let's try again with the full context:

"The earth warms and cools constantly. We artifically heat and cool our homes and cars constantly. This is all done without creating more energy."

Do you disagree?
Hard stop.

1. You have insisted repeatedly that the earth's average global temperature is increasing.
2. You have insisted repeatedly that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature.
3. No body of matter can increase in temperature without additional energy.
Ergo, You are claiming that greenhouse gas creates additional energy which increases earth's average global temperature.

Are you logically inept as well?

Nope. You cannot connect the dots from "additional greenhouse gas" to "an increase in earth's average global temperature" without violating physics, either thermodynamics, Stefan-Boltzmann or Plancks ... or by claiming that convection somehow works in the vacuum of space.

Yes or no, did I ever say greenhouse gases "create" energy?
You first:

Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this increase in temperature?

Nope. You made the claim. Either back it up or retract.

Did I claim that greenhouse gases create energy?
What do you mean "how else to"? You haven't even explained ONCE how Earth's global average temperature increases...
I have, you just don't believe it. Hence the discussion.
As far as I can tell, Earth's global average temperature remains unchanged. Why should any rational adult believe otherwise? Is there some additional energy source that I am unaware of?
The earth's average temperature remains unchanged? Link?
Earth is not a house nor a car.
I didn't say it was. I DID say that we heat and cool our homes despite not creating any additional energy. Do you disagree?
The same place it's always been. With YOU.
You honestly believe that the average temperature of the earth has been exactly consistent for as long as it has existed?
When did the topic suddenly change from you supporting your affirmative argument of Global Warming? Either explain how your mystical, magical greenhouse gas creates it energy out of nothing or modify your belief to understand that the earth's temperature is based solely on 1. solar output and 2. earth's proximity to the sun.

Yes or no, do we or do we not heat and cool our homes without creating energy?
Fuck your distractions. You haven't answered a single one of my questions, because you can't. Your religion is stupid.
Nope. You made the claim. Either back it up or retract.
Nope. I'm perfectly happy leaving your religion in the category of WRONG and FALSE without affording you the benefit of explanation. When you want an explanation, you start answering my questions ... all of them. You're the scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron who is flailing in a state of utter confusion. If that's how you want to live, so be it.
I have, you just don't believe it.
You have not. You are delusional.

The earth's average temperature remains unchanged? Link?[\QUOTE]
What link do you think exists for "as far as he knows"? Do you even understand how message boards work? You are the one with the affirmative argument, i.e. Global Warming. You are the one who wants others to accept your beliefs, beliefs that seem totally stupid on their face. You need to start answering questions if you want that to happen. If you are happy with your religion being summarily rejected, then don't bother with answering any questions.

gfm7175 is not trying to convince you of anything so he doesn't need to somehow justify the questions he asks.

I DID say that we heat and cool our homes despite not creating any additional energy.
How many of those things do we heat from within the vacuum that surrounds it?
When did the topic suddenly change from you supporting your affirmative argument of Global Warming?
Who said it's changed. I was just replying to this comment from you: "The earth's average global temperature does not change as far as anyone can tell. "

Either explain how your mystical, magical greenhouse gas creates it energy out of nothing or modify your belief to understand that the earth's temperature is based solely on 1. solar output and 2. earth's proximity to the sun.
I have explained it multiple times. You keep saying that I'm saying that process needs more energy, which I've never said. Why do you keep making things up?
Fuck your distractions. You haven't answered a single one of my questions, because you can't. Your religion is stupid.
I believe I didn't answer one. Are you ok?
Nope. I'm perfectly happy leaving your religion in the category of WRONG and FALSE without affording you the benefit of explanation. When you want an explanation, you start answering my questions ... all of them. You're the scientifically illiterate and mathematically incompetent moron who is flailing in a state of utter confusion. If that's how you want to live, so be it.

Ok, so you can't back it up. Cool. Do you often misrepresent and flat out lie?
You have not. You are delusional.

The earth's average temperature remains unchanged? Link?
What link do you think exists for "as far as he knows"? Do you even understand how message boards work?

Yes, but I prefer to actually have a source for claims that I make.

You are the one with the affirmative argument, i.e. Global Warming. You are the one who wants others to accept your beliefs, beliefs that seem totally stupid on their face. You need to start answering questions if you want that to happen. If you are happy with your religion being summarily rejected, then don't bother with answering any questions.

Clearly we also disagree on the definition of religion, also. Generally religions have a deity at their core. There is no deity in science.
gfm7175 is not trying to convince you of anything so he doesn't need to somehow justify the questions he asks.

How many of those things do we heat from within the vacuum that surrounds it?
Why does the vacuum of space matter as far as the sun hitting the earth and reflecting off into space?
Who said it's changed.
You just tried to change the subject. If you are going to stay on topic then stay on topic.

I was just replying to this comment from you: "The earth's average global temperature does not change as far as anyone can tell. "
Nope. The issue is your affirmative argument that the earth's average global temperature is increasing. I am telling you that I don't accept your claim on face value and that you need to demonstrate this. So demonstrate it.

I have explained it multiple times.
Nope. You keep making the same logical contradiction each and every time. The problem is that you are logically inept.

Suppose that I were to assert the following two statements:
1. Every time it rains, the driveway gets wet,
2. It rained last night.

It wouldn't matter that I never said that the driveway got wet last night. It wouldn't matter that I insisted over and over and over that the driveway did not get wet last night. All you would have to check is that I claimed that every time it rains, the driveway gets wet, and that it rained last night. So when you ask me "Do you insist that every time it rains, the driveway gets wet, and that it rained last night?", if I EVADE your question, and instead start chanting "I never said the driveway got wet last night, I never said the driveway got wet last night, I never said the driveway got wet last night, I never said the driveway got wet last night, (ad infinitum) ..." you know that I'm being totally dishonest because I have to get my king out of check whatever the cost.

So, instead of EVADING, and being totally dishonest to get your king out of check, answer my questions about your position, and let's make it clear to you why you are wrong and why this topic will not go well for you:

1. Do you insist that the earth's average global temperature is increasing?
2. Do you insist that greenhouse gas causes this temperature increase?
3. Are you aware that no body of matter's average temperature can increase without additional energy, i.e. that if the temperature has increased, energy has been added, specifically thermal energy?

These questions are everything that matter about your dogma. If you accept all three, you have an insurmountable physics violation. If you deny #3, you have an insurmountable physics violation. If you deny either #1 or #2, you must amend your dogma.

So, answer the three questions. Nothing else matters.