Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Yes, but I prefer to actually have a source for claims that I make.
I have a much better idea. Stop being an intellectual coward. You should always be the source for all of your claims. No one can claim that you don't claim what you claim. Additionally, if you are in error, pointing to someone else on the internet who is equally in error does not support your argument. In the case of your religion, just state that it is your faith and you believe what you believe; no one can take that away from you. You don't see Christians pretending that their religion is thettled thienth. Ask gfm7175 the next time he's online if his faith in God is thettled thienth; if it were science, it wouldn't be his faith now would it? You're stuck trying to prove that your faith is somehow science, but there is no science of any religious faith.

The clergy of your religion have lied to you. They have bent you over furniture and abused your colon. You don't owe them anything. Ditch the lie, or be forever relegated to getting spanked on the internet by those who actually understand science.

Clearly we also disagree on the definition of religion, also.
Clearly you aren't smart enough to recognize a religion when it is right in front of you, even one that you have adopted. You cannot explain in what sense Christianity is a religion but that your religion is somehow not.

Generally religions have a deity at their core.
Usually, but it's not mandatory. Perhaps you did not participate in the various threads here on JPP where this was discussed and resolved. Buddhism is a religion without any deity; the Buddhist monks resolve the debate as to whether Buddhism is a religion or just a "philosophy." Similarly, Shintō and the many indigenous native American religions have no gods, but rather believe in the spirits of things in nature.

The Climate faiths, however, do have a deity at their core, i.e. the goddess Climate. I fully acknowledge that worshipers of Climate are barred from referring to Climate as the goddess that She is because all are commanded to profess that the faith is thettled thienth and to deny that the religion is a religion. Climate, however, punishes humanity for its carbon sins, and it is always a punishment, i.e. a drought where rain is needed and flooding rain where less precipitation is needed. The Climate congregation is required to honor Climate by exacting Climate justice for Her, whereas Christians are required to honor God by obeying Gods laws. Climate worshipers declare holy Climate places as "sacred", e.g. Climate ground zeroes, in the same way Muslims have declared Mecca and Media holy and sacred. Christians refer to nobelievers as "pagans," Muslims use "infidels" and the Climate congregation uses "deniers." Muslims refer to the message of Q'ran as "Islam", Christians refer to the message of the Bible as "The Word of God" and warmizombies refer to the message of Climate as "The Science."

Ergo, Christians can say "IBDaMann is a pagan who does not accept the Word of God." Muslims can say "IBDaMann is an infidel who does not accept Islam." You can say "IBDaMann is a denier who doesn't accept The Science."

There is no deity in science.
There is no science in your religion. Christian Science is a religious faith, despite having the word "Science" in the name. Climate Science is a religious faith, despite having the word "Science" in the name.

Why does the vacuum of space matter as far as the sun hitting the earth and reflecting off into space?
Nice pivot. You did not fool me. You were discussing greenhouse gas as insulation. It isn't. You tried to use cars and greenhouses on hot days as examples of how greenhouse gas is an insulation. Your examples show that you are terribly scientifically illiterate. I'm just pointing this out to you. It appears that you never took a science class in your life.
We, as humans, heat and cool our homes, cars and businesses every day without creating more energy. I assume you don't disagree with that. So, how do we do that without producing "additional" energy?
You use energy. Your furnace won't work without it. Your air conditioner won't work without it. You car won't work without it. None of these are the Earth. False equivalence fallacy.
All I've ever said is that the existing energy, in the form of infrared light, that would normally mostly leave the earth's atmosphere, could be prevented from leaving by greenhouse gases.
You cannot trap light.
You may not like the term "greenhouse gases", I don't care, pick a term that you like to describe certain gas molecules that, as a result of being hit by infrared light, produce heat.
Heat is not 'produced'.
Hard stop. I have said repeatedly and specifically that greenhouse gases do NOT create energy.
You also said that 'greenhouse gases' DO create energy. You are locked in paradox as you try to pivot from argument 2a to argument 2b.
The are impacted by existing energy in the form of infrared light that radiates from earth. If you don't believe that infrared light radiates from earth, but your hand over a rock or asphalt that has been in exposed to the sun for an extended period of time.
Convection is not radiance.
Do you disgree with any of what I said above?
Yes. For the reasons I have given.
Now let's try again with the full context:

"The earth warms and cools constantly.
Why would it?
The temperature of the Earth is unknown.
We artifically heat and cool our homes and cars constantly.
Homes and cars are not the Earth. You add additional energy to heat and cool them though.
This is all done without creating more energy."
It is done by adding energy.
Do you disagree?
I have, you just don't believe it. Hence the discussion. The earth's average temperature remains unchanged? Link?

I didn't say it was. I DID say that we heat and cool our homes despite not creating any additional energy. Do you disagree?:palm:

False equivalence fallacy. RQAA.
Who said it's changed.
You did.
I was just replying to this comment from you: "The earth's average global temperature does not change as far as anyone can tell. "
No, you weren't.
I have explained it multiple times. You keep saying that I'm saying that process needs more energy, which I've never said.
Yes you did.
Why do you keep making things up?
He's not. You are just denying your own posts again and playing stupid word games.
I believe I didn't answer one. Are you ok?
Random comment ignored.
You have not. You are delusional.
Random phrase ignored.
Yes, but I prefer to actually have a source for claims that I make.
He has given you the source. The theories themselves. So have I.
Clearly we also disagree on the definition of religion, also. Generally religions have a deity at their core. There is no deity in science.
Your religion is not science. Religions do not require a deity. Science is completely atheistic. It doesn't care whether there is a god or gods or not.
Why does the vacuum of space matter as far as the sun hitting the earth and reflecting off into space?
The Sun is not hitting the Earth (thankfully!).
You are adding energy to do that.

You aren’t adding any more energy than normal cycles of the sun dictate. When you sit in a car, on a sunny day with the windows closed, you aren’t adding any more energy than normal to witness the dramatically increased temperature inside the car. So, please explain how the scientific explanation for CO2 being impacted by infrared light violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, as you and others have been claiming since the start.
You use energy. Your furnace won't work without it. Your air conditioner won't work without it. You car won't work without it. None of these are the Earth. False equivalence fallacy.
The repeated claim is that there is a violation of the First Law of Thermodynamics because the apparent belief is that you need to "create" more energy for the Earth's climate to be impacted.
You cannot trap light.
Yes, but light impacts things it comes in contact with.
Heat is not 'produced'.

So we can stop talking past each other, what word/description of heat coming into existence would you like to use?
Now let's try again with the full context:

"The earth warms and cools constantly. We artifically heat and cool our homes and cars constantly. This is all done without creating more energy."

Do you disagree?
This statement is a statement of faith. To claim that Earth "warms and cools constantly" requires (amongst a number of other things) knowledge of what Earth's temperature is at any given moment. How do you claim to know what Earth's temperature is at any given moment? How can I verify this for myself?

This statement is irrelevant because Earth is not a house or a car.
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This statement is a statement of physics-denying faith. To claim that Earth "warms and cools constantly" requires (amongst a number of other things) knowledge of what Earth's temperature is at any given moment. How do you claim to know what Earth's temperature is at any given moment? How can I verify this for myself?

This statement is irrelevant because Earth is not a house or a car.

Temperatures on earth are tracked by around 32,000 temperature stations, weather balloons, buoys and ships in the ocean and satellites. There might be more, but those are the items that come to mind. I doubt that you have the necessary tools to measure the Earth's average temps on your own. I know I don't.

Even if you doubt the ability to track temps, as I'm sure you do, the sun's 11 year cycle, where the north/south poles flip-flop, impact overall temperatures, storm frequency and moisture levels. You've heard of El Nino and La Nina?