Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Which part of this do you disagree with:

85 degrees outside of the car. 87 degrees inside the car with the windows open. Average temperature is 86 degrees.

85 degrees outside the car. 100 degrees inside the car with the windows closed. Average temperature is (100+85)/2 = 92.5.

The Earth is not a car.
The level of tap dancing here is pretty amazing. We ALL know that the inside of a car gets hotter when the windows are closed without magically creating any energy, yet the spin/avoidance around that simple acknowledgement continues.

Desperation is an ugly color.

No problem, though. I'm very patient. Keep the dishonesty going. It's not hurting me at all.

Inversion fallacy. The Earth is not a car.
Nope. Violation of the 2nd LoT. Let me know when you can increase the temperature of warm coffee with an ice cube. Until then, your arguments are dismissed. Every single one violates physics in some obvious and egregious way.

Right. You abruptly shifted away from violating the 1st LoT and began egregiously violating the 2nd LoT.

Everything absorbs IR. Did you know that the restaurant industry learned this long ago?


Everything? So then you believe this experiment,done at MIT, is all a lie.....a pair trick of some sort?

Inversion fallacy. The Earth is not a car.

For probably the 8th time, I never said the earth was a car. I'm just trying, as I said pages ago, to establsh a very simple truth: It is possible, without magic creating energy, for one area (inside a car) to be warmer than an adjacent area and, therefore, there is no violation of the 1st Law.

For some reason, this simple truth has been impossible to establish for about FOUR pages.....

Ever though EVERYONE involved in the conversation knows it's true! :laugh:
There are many religions in our world and they are all different. Each one has a unique dogma that affords comfort to the believer and helps him cope with a chaotic and confusing world ... each one except for Global Warming that is. This religion seems only to instill fear and panic. Most religions are portrayed as a form of "good news" to be celebrated whereas everything about Global Warming is hyped as "bad news" that might already be "too late" and "past the tipping point."

Further, most religions are honest matters of faith whereas the Church of Global Warming specifically targets for recruitment the gullible and the scientifically illiterate because its dogma mandates the belief that egregious violations of physics are "Settled Science."

Question: why would any rational adult adopt the Global Warming faith?

The morons who bloviate this laughably stupid claim are no rational or adults. They are childlike morons who arrogantly believe that man can change earth's climate lacking any facts to actually back such a farcical claim up.
Everything? So then you believe this experiment,done at MIT, is all a lie.....a pair trick of some sort?

It's a hoax moron. Rational intelligent beings know that earth's climate is dictated by the sun.

Rational educated beings know that there have been several warming and cooling events before man and long before the gasoline engine was invented.

Moron's buy into the Government produced hoax that empowers government to control willful lemmings too stupid to think for themselves.
For probably the 8th time, I never said the earth was a car. I'm just trying, as I said pages ago, to establsh a very simple truth: It is possible, without magic creating energy, for one area (inside a car) to be warmer than an adjacent area and, therefore, there is no violation of the 1st Law.

For some reason, this simple truth has been impossible to establish for about FOUR pages.....

Ever though EVERYONE involved in the conversation knows it's true! :laugh:

Morons mistake WEATHER for CLIMATE.
It's a hoax moron. Rational intelligent beings know that earth's climate is dictated by the sun.

Rational educated beings know that there have been several warming and cooling events before man and long before the gasoline engine was invented.

Moron's buy into the Government produced hoax that empowers government to control willful lemmings too stupid to think for themselves.

"Rational intelligent beings know that earth's climate is dictated by the sun."

Correct. The sun in conjunction with the Earth's atmosphere, because if we didn't have an atmosphere, or had a significantly different atmosphere, the climate could be dramatically different.
For probably the 8th time, I never said the earth was a car. I'm just trying, as I said pages ago, to establsh a very simple truth: It is possible, without magic creating energy, for one area (inside a car) to be warmer than an adjacent area and, therefore, there is no violation of the 1st Law.

For some reason, this simple truth has been impossible to establish for about FOUR pages.....

Ever though EVERYONE involved in the conversation knows it's true! :laugh:

The Earth is not a car.
It's a hoax moron. Rational intelligent beings know that earth's climate is dictated by the sun.

Rational educated beings know that there have been several warming and cooling events before man and long before the gasoline engine was invented.

Moron's buy into the Government produced hoax that empowers government to control willful lemmings too stupid to think for themselves.

There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

Of course climate can change. That doesn't mean the Earth would have one climate, or that all parts of the planet would change equally. If the sun were to die, the Earth's climate would change. If the Earth's atmosphere were to suddenly change to something like Venus, it would change. When a volcano exploded in the 90s, the average temperature in that area dropped for about 2 years.

If there were suddenly hundreds of volcanic explosions, parts of the planet would experience a change in climate for a period of time.
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.

Of course climate can change. That doesn't mean the Earth would have one climate, or that all parts of the planet would change equally. If the sun were to die, the Earth's climate would change. If the Earth's atmosphere were to suddenly change to something like Venus, it would change.
Of course climate can change.
Climate cannot change. It has no values that can 'change'.
That doesn't mean the Earth would have one climate,
It does, liar. Stop the word games.
or that all parts of the planet would change equally.
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.
If the sun were to die, the Earth's climate would change.
There is no such thing as a global climate. No climate would change.
If the Earth's atmosphere were to suddenly change to something like Venus, it would change.
There is no such thing as a global climate. No climate would change.
When a volcano exploded in the 90s, the average temperature in that area dropped for about 2 years.
Climate has no temperature. There is no such thing as 'average temperature'. You are AGAIN ignoring the 0th law of thermodynamics.
If there were suddenly hundreds of volcanic explosions, parts of the planet would experience a change in climate for a period of time.
No climate would change.

A desert climate would still be a desert climate. A marine climate would still be a marine climate.
Climate cannot change. It has no values that can 'change'.

It does, liar. Stop the word games.

There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.

There is no such thing as a global climate. No climate would change.

There is no such thing as a global climate. No climate would change.

Climate has no temperature. There is no such thing as 'average temperature'. You are AGAIN ignoring the 0th law of thermodynamics.

No climate would change.

A desert climate would still be a desert climate. A marine climate would still be a marine climate.
Climate can change. I already gave you examples of what would cause that change. If you don't want to call it "climate", ok, whatever you DO wants call it, any significant change in the Earth's atmosphere or its source of energy, would cause significant changes in (insert word of choice).

As for everything else....you can't just say things and make them true. Sorry to break the news.
Everything? So then you believe this experiment,done at MIT, is all a lie.....a pair trick of some sort?
Yes, it's a parlor trick for the most gullible. As I have said before, you simply cannot be bothered to apply any sort of critical reasoning. Anyone can convince you of anything by simply making a YouTube video and calling it an "experiment."

Why didn't you call booooolsch't on the "experiment" not being performed outdoors in the sun? Didn't the video open with a belabored diagram of the sun and the earth, with everything about greenhouse effect involving the sun and it's full band of IR? I didn't see the sun anywhere in the "experiment". Was it in there and I just missed it? A candle has peak IR emission at a particular narrow band (Wein's law).

Everything absorbs IR, but every substance has a different absorption signature. CO2's absorption signature differs from oxygen's signature which differs from nitrogen's signature. Guess which of the three substances that I mentioned has an absorption signature that is closest to the emission signature of a candle. Go on, take a guess. Did you guess CO2? Good job! Since the sun radiates across the full spectrum of IR, it obviously radiates over the full absorption signatures of both oxygen and nitrogen as well. If the parlor trick were performed in the sun instead of indoors before just a candle, with oxygen, nitrogen and CO2 all being heated across their absorption signatures, the gullible marks, I mean the "viewing audience" wouldn't have any differences to observe and thus could not be fooled.

Additionally, IR absorption merely goes to the distribution of existing thermal energy and does not alter any average temperature.

Do you really not know what a heat lamp is? Are you not aware that heat lamps increase the temperature of all substances? This would probably be a good time to mention that you are still actively EVADING my question about the temperature of a cloud of oxygen and/or nitrogen in close proximity to the sun, even without any candles around.
Climate can change.
Climate cannot change.
I already gave you examples of what would cause that change.
You never did.
If you don't want to call it "climate", ok, whatever you DO wants call it, any significant change in the Earth's atmosphere or its source of energy, would cause significant changes in (insert word of choice).
Word games won't work.
As for everything else....you can't just say things and make them true. Sorry to break the news.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
The morons who bloviate this laughably stupid claim are no rational or adults. They are childlike morons who arrogantly believe that man can change earth's climate lacking any facts to actually back such a farcical claim up.
Have you ever considered that you yourself might be operating under some common misconceptions as well? I notice that you refer to earth's "climate," as in singular. While the earth has millions of climates, why should any rational adult believe that there is a single global climate which, on its face, is a contradiction in terms, i.e. global local conditions? Is the earth's "the climate" freezing hot? Windy calm? Foggy and clear? Rainy and arid? What is the earth's global climate?
Climate cannot change.

You never did.

Word games won't work.

Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.

Climate, as it is widely viewed and discussed, can change. Climate is just the Norma's/averages/highs/lows of temperature, precipitation, etc. YOU may deny that climate can change but again, climate, as it is recognized, would dramatically change is the sun died, our atmosphere suddenly mirrored Venus, etc.
Climate, as it is widely viewed and discussed, can change.
Climate cannot change.
Climate is just the Norma's/averages/highs/lows of temperature, precipitation, etc.
Climate has no temperature, no precipitation or rain gauge, etc. There is nothing that can change.
YOU may deny that climate can change but again, climate, as it is recognized, would dramatically change is the sun died, our atmosphere suddenly mirrored Venus, etc.
There is no such thing as a global climate. Climate cannot change.

You don't get to speak for everyone. You only get to speak for yourself. Omniscience fallacy.
Climate, as it is widely [misunderstood], can change.
Climates, being subjective characterizations, have no numerical values that can change. You know this. This is why you cannot give a single example of a climate that has changed in the last century.

Wait, does that mean there isn't any Climate Change? Why, yes it does! Isn't that great news? We don't have to worry about it anymore!

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.