Why Should Anyone Believe in Global Warming?

Earth is not a car. RQAA. You are denying science. Apparently you don't understand what 'reality' means either, or how it's defined.

English is used here, dude. You're going to have to learn it.

I'making no claims about the Earth being anything. I'm (still) trying to establish agreement on a simple reality that we ALL KNOW is true...

Do you agree or disagree that the temperature inside a car increases significantly, when compared to the outside of the same car, with no magical (thermodynamic law by violating) creation of energy?
Do you believe there are objective characteristic differences between a desert climate and a tropical climate?

Do you believe that, within a given desert climate, there can be changes in precipitation and temperature or do you believe that a desert climate location gets exactly XX amount of rain per year and has an average temperature that never changes, year over year?

RQAA. Climate has no temperature and has no rain gauge measurement. There is no objective difference. Just a subjective one. Climate cannot change.
I'making no claims about the Earth being anything. I'm (still) trying to establish agreement on a simple reality that we ALL KNOW is true...

Do you agree or disagree that the temperature inside a car increases significantly, when compared to the outside of the same car, with no magical (thermodynamic law by violating) creation of energy?

Earth is not a car. RQAA.
Earth is not a car. RQAA.

Again..... I'm not saying the Earth is a car. I'm saying a car is a car.

Do you agree or disagree that the temperature inside a car increases significantly, when compared to the outside of the same car, with no magical (thermodynamic law by violating) creation of energy?

For the record, and to expose the level of dishonesty here, on October 31st I started the process of getting agreement on something WE ALL KNOW to be true. What we all know is that the inside of a car gets hotter than the outside of a car when it's sitting in the sun with the windows closed.


Seven days and 8 pages later none of the three climate change deniers can even acknowledge this reality.

Cleanly you didn't watch the MIT video where the amount of energy that reaches the thermopile at the end of the tube is being measured.
You like to open FALSE statements with the word "Clearly." You are one very confused individual. You are the one who didn't read my post that thoroughly explaining this cheap, two-bit circus act that targets the gullible, like all Global Warming recruiters do.

You know that I watched the video because I told you about the greenhouse effect narrative at the beginning, and that the parlor trick was nonetheless performed indoors and not out in the sun. You know that I know that you were mesmerized by the opening sermon such that you never noticed the bait-and-switch. You OBEDIENTLY prayed along with the Climate clergy over the course of the Climate service and never called booooolsch't when you very well should have.

You were taken. You were fooled. It's just a parlor trick

So if you are correct that everything absorbs energy, why is there a change when CO2 is introduced into the tube?
Why are you asking me about something I already explained thoroughly? Why do you think that all IR is the same? Have you even learned what "heat" is? What about what "science" is?
For the record, and to expose the level of dishonesty here, on October 31st I started the process of getting agreement on something WE ALL KNOW to be true. What we all know is that the inside of a car gets hotter than the outside of a car when it's sitting in the sun with the windows closed.
For the record, and to expose the level of dishonesty here, since October 31st I started the process of getting agreement from ZenMode on something WE ALL KNOW to be true. What we all know is that if the windows of a car are closed, the air inside of the car cannot flow/rise out of the car and heat the outside air. The air remains trapped inside. For some reason, ZenMode refuses to acknowledge that the air remains trapped in the car and that convection therefore does not heat the outside air because it's not rising out of the car.

Unbelievable. This is important because the topic is "average overall temperature" and not the mere redistribution of thermal energy. ZenMode claims that the average temperature increases by denying the cooler temperature outside the car! You can't make this shit up. Seven days and 8 pages later, ZenMode can't bring himself to admit that car windows simply block convection, and thus only affect the distribution of existing thermal energy, and don't affect any average temperature.

Do you believe there are objective characteristic differences between a desert climate and a tropical climate?
Do you believe there are objective characteristic differences between subjective characterizations? What does that even mean? Recall that I gave you an example of a disagreement between two people in an office in which I worked wherein a man was complaining that it was too hot and demanded the thermostat be turned down. A woman was complaining that it was far too cold in that same office and demanded that the thermostat be turned up. When discussing a climate, since it is a subjective characterization, the person so characterizing must be taken into account. Is he a machinist from Yekaterinburg, he isn't likely to refer to too many things as being "very cold", applying a bit of a warm-shift to all of his characterizations. Somebody from Southern California is likely to consider everywhere to be cloudier and more overcast than you consider it. It takes a lot for a Saudi or a Qatari to consider a place to be "very hot," considering most places to be at most "temperate" or cooler/colder.

"Subjective" means that two different people could have different characterizations of the s

So what is the answer to your question? I'm curious.

Do you believe that, within a given desert climate, there can be changes in precipitation and temperature
I believe that everywhere, the precipitation and temperature change regularly, as do all other weather parameters.

or do you believe that a desert climate location gets exactly XX amount of rain per year and has an average temperature that never changes, year over year?
That can't happen. That would be a "pattern" and there is no such thing as a weather pattern. Weather is random.
You like to open FALSE statements with the word "Clearly." You are one very confused individual. You are the one who didn't read my post that thoroughly explaining this cheap, two-bit circus act that targets the gullible, like all Global Warming recruiters do.

You know that I watched the video because I told you about the greenhouse effect narrative at the beginning, and that the parlor trick was nonetheless performed indoors and not out in the sun. You know that I know that you were mesmerized by the opening sermon such that you never noticed the bait-and-switch. You OBEDIENTLY prayed along with the Climate clergy over the course of the Climate service and never called booooolsch't when you very well should have.

You were taken. You were fooled. It's just a parlor trick

Why are you asking me about something I already explained thoroughly? Why do you think that all IR is the same? Have you even learned what "heat" is? What about what "science" is?

You are right, you did explain but incompletely and inaccurately. The energy coming from the Sun is not the issue. The energy leaving the Earth's surface is lower energy and longer wavelength. The energy from candlelight is also the longer wavelength that is absorbed by CO2. Oxygen and Nitrogen absorb much different wavelengths of IR.

In other words, there's no trick to be found in e you understand what you're seeing.
You are right, you did explain but incompletely and inaccurately.
My explanation was thorough and accurate ... and you had no questions, so you resumed shifting between physics violations. You did not ask for any clarifications.

The energy coming from the Sun is not the issue.
It's the entire issue because there are no other substantive energy sources at play.

The energy leaving the Earth's surface is lower energy and longer wavelength.
The earth is in equilibrium. Exactly the same amount of energy is emitted by the earth as is absorbed.

The energy from candlelight is also the longer wavelength that is absorbed by CO2.
I care nothing about the flows involved in the distribution of thermal energy. None has any effect on the average temperature.

Oxygen and Nitrogen absorb much different wavelengths of IR.
If you would have read my post, I belabored the point that different substances have different absorption signatures.

Going back to the parlor trick for which you gullibly fell, the sun nonetheless radiates across the absorption signatures of oxygen and nitrogen whereas the candle does not. You can see how the trick won't work if performed in open sunlight with the sun ensuring there is no difference in the temperature of any gas involved, explaining why that parlor trick is always performed indoors.

You haven't answered my question about the temperature of a cloud of oxygen and/or nitrogen gas in close proximity to the sun. This is what tells me that you are well aware that the parlor trick is a deception, but a deception of your religion, and thus your protests are not genuine.
Again..... I'm not saying the Earth is a car. I'm saying a car is a car.

Do you agree or disagree that the temperature inside a car increases significantly, when compared to the outside of the same car, with no magical (thermodynamic law by violating) creation of energy?

Earth is not a car. RQAA.
For the record, and to expose the level of dishonesty here, on October 31st I started the process of getting agreement on something WE ALL KNOW to be true. What we all know is that the inside of a car gets hotter than the outside of a car when it's sitting in the sun with the windows closed.


Seven days and 8 pages later none of the three climate change deniers can even acknowledge this reality.

Earth is not a car. Climate cannot change. RAAA
You are right, you did explain but incompletely and inaccurately. The energy coming from the Sun is not the issue. The energy leaving the Earth's surface is lower energy and longer wavelength. The energy from candlelight is also the longer wavelength that is absorbed by CO2. Oxygen and Nitrogen absorb much different wavelengths of IR.

In other words, there's no trick to be found in e you understand what you're seeing.

Homunculus fallacy. CO2 doesn't care where the infrared comes from. It is not intelligent. You are AGAIN trying to trap light, ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann law and Planck's laws. You are AGAIN ignoring that the surface LOSES energy by emitting light. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
My explanation was thorough and accurate ... and you had no questions, so you resumed shifting between physics violations. You did not ask for any clarifications.

It's the entire issue because there are no other substantive energy sources at play.

The earth is in equilibrium. Exactly the same amount of energy is emitted by the earth as is absorbed.

I care nothing about the flows involved in the distribution of thermal energy. None has any effect on the average temperature.

If you would have read my post, I belabored the point that different substances have different absorption signatures.
If you're aware that different substances have different absorption signatures, then you should also know that the energy leaving the earth is a much different wavelength than the energy coming to the earth. The energy leaving the earth is an IR wavelength that is invisible to oxygen and nitrogen, but is absorbed by CO2.
Going back to the parlor trick for which you gullibly fell, the sun nonetheless radiates across the absorption signatures of oxygen and nitrogen whereas the candle does not. You can see how the trick won't work if performed in open sunlight with the sun ensuring there is no difference in the temperature of any gas involved, explaining why that parlor trick is always performed indoors.
Correct, energy from the sun is absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen. That has never been disputed and has never been pointed to as the cause of climate change. I've heard it described as the energy from the sun comes in as one currency and leaves as another. In - shortwave. Out - longwave. There would be no reason to perform the experiment as you described, because the IN energy isn't the issue.

At the top of the atmosphere - Incoming energy from the sun is balanced with outgoing energy from the Earth.


+100 Shortwave radiation from the sun.


-23 Shortwave radiation reflected back to space by clouds.

-7 Shortwave radiation reflected to space by the earth's surface.

-49 Longwave radiation from the atmosphere into space.

-9 Longwave radiation from clouds into space
-12 Longwave radiation from the earth's surface into space.

+100 Total Incoming -100 Total Outgoing

You haven't answered my question about the temperature of a cloud of oxygen and/or nitrogen gas in close proximity to the sun. This is what tells me that you are well aware that the parlor trick is a deception, but a deception of your religion, and thus your protests are not genuine.

No, I haven't. I'm maintaining 3 conversations and have begun trying to keep things on topic by disregarding questions/claims that are not part of the immediate discussion.
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