Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

I'm surprised you're using a gender-neutral pronoun.

Its not gender neutral it's the appropriate word to use in reference to this statement, "Because it irks a certain kind of person." Had you written "Because it irks him" I would have responded, "It irks him to be on your ignore list?" Had you written, Because it irks her.", I would have responded, "It irks her to be in your ignore list?" That's how english works. Understand?
Just as I thought. Not a speck of science background. Doubtful that you even attended college. That’s damn obvious when you cut and paste a graph that you don’t even know what it means. That includes the appeal to authority fallacy.

Fucking clown.

I know the graph confused you because you thought we were in a Greenhouse. It's hard for you to accept we are in an ICEHOUSE. Maybe you join reality someday and acknowledge that fact.

You lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. :dunno:
Your sheepskin is meaningless here when you are inable defend your position with anything ... except your racism.
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I know the graph confused you because you thought we were in a Greenhouse. It's hard for you to accept we are in an ICEHOUSE. Maybe you join reality someday and acknowledge that fact.

You lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. :dunno:
Your sheepskin is meaningless here when you are inable defend your position with anything ... except your racism.

^Good chance not even a high school education.
Its not gender neutral it's the appropriate word to use in reference to this statement, "Because it irks a certain kind of person." Had you written "Because it irks him" I would have responded, "It irks him to be on your ignore list?" Had you written, Because it irks her.", I would have responded, "It irks her to be in your ignore list?" That's how english works. Understand?

What I don't understand is why you whine so much.
Because it weakens unions. If you can choose a school that isn't unionized, then the teacher's union loses money and political clout. The union wants education limited to public schools that have a strong, universal, union presence because that ensures they get maximum membership, even if it is forced, and that results in more money and political clout for the union leadership. It's that simple.

Where parents have a choice to use private schools, charter schools, home teach, etc., and these don't have a union presence, the union is weakened, often significantly. That is clearly something any union leader would fight against even if it were in the best interests of the students.

That is true.

"Union Report: 19,000-Member California State University Affiliate Cuts Ties With State Union, NEA in Major Blow to National Organization

By Mike Antonucci August 7, 2019

The California Faculty Association, the union representing some 19,000 members who work in the California State University system, abruptly ended its affiliation with both the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association.

In a story first reported by Louis Freedberg at EdSource, the faculty union’s board of directors made the decision in May and completed the process June 14. That was just in time to avoid the new restrictions NEA placed on disaffiliations at its convention in Houston in early July."

Wrong. The ONLY reason the Democrats and Left are so vocal in support of public schools and teacher's unions is they see that as a direct monetary and political benefit to them. Teacher's unions hand Democrats and the Left HUGE piles of cash every year to support them politically. That in turn gives them more political power.

Currently, teacher's unions give the Democrats and Left about $66 million a year in political contributions. They are the number one contributor.


About 10% of the delegates to the DNC's primary system are members of a teacher's union.

Since the Left makes up less than 20% of the population, and Democrats are a minority party (as are the Republicans), all of this doesn't represent some "will of the people." It represents a political minority with lots of money they use to gain power.

$66 million ... kind of contradicts the narrative of the penniless teacher.

The teachers also have to support the Hitler Youth oppressor/oppressed socialist indoctrination. IIRC, about 98% of teachers are Leftists. So much for Diversity. :dunno:
"The effort to form a union began a couple of months ago and supporters say they feel confident they will receive enough signatures by the next school year. ...

Smith said Clovis has a way of living that is unlike the rest of the Central Valley. Smith said he and other educators put students first and it shows in their dedication to work. Something he feels might get lost if they unionize.

So, with the help of other Clovis Unified employees like Joni Sumter, they created a website explaining why they are not in favor of unionizing their district."


"No Teachers Union in Clovis

California Policy Center
https://californiapolicycenter.org › no-teachers-union-in-...
Jun 7, 2016 — While state law mandates much of what happens in school districts, including union ... students first and foremost. Can the Clovis model be ...

On teacher freedom, Clovis sets an example for California

Orange County Register
https://www.ocregister.com › 2016/08/18 › on-teacher...
Aug 18, 2016 — ... union work rules, but rather on committed teachers and administrators who are dedicated to their students first and foremost. As we ...

Clovis Unified School District - 2022 REPORT

Foundation For Clovis Schools
https://www.foundationforclovisschools.com › ...
We believe by putting students first, we are paving the way for them to become successful today - and tomorrow - in mind, body and spirit! CLOVIS UNIFIED."
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"Ninth Circuit sides with conservative Clovis college students over school’s censorship
Jurists sided with conservative students in a two-year-old fight over Clovis Community College’s censoring of flyers.

AUGUST 6, 2023

Conservative students at Clovis Community College prevailed over the college in a battle centering on First Amendment rights.

The legal spat, stemming from posters placed by the local branch of Young Americans for Freedom, made it to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled on the college’s policy for flyers."

From the decision: The Ninth Circuit ruled that Clovis Community College’s flyer policy is unconstitutional.

The court found that the policy, which prohibited students from posting flyers containing “inappropriate” or “offensive” language, was deemed overbroad and vague by the court, allowing administrators to remove any flyers they disliked, therefore violating students’ First Amendment rights.

The Ninth Circuit ruled that Clovis’ policy suppressed protected speech and gave college administrators unbridled discretion to block speech they disliked.

The court noted that political speech has a high propensity to be viewed as “offensive,” and the First Amendment provides the broadest protection for political expression.
The unanimous panel also noted that Clovis’ vague policy violated student speech rights by inviting arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement.

^Good chance not even a high school education.

So you and the other white libs are going to make ICEHOUSE Earth even colder by buying EVs. How many degrees will you lower the entire planet's temperature by doing that?

Even shutting down the planet's entire global economy for the Wuhan Flu had zero effect on atmospheric CO2 growth. :dunno:
So you and the other white libs are going to make ICEHOUSE Earth even colder by buying EVs. How many degrees will you lower the entire planet's temperature by doing that?

Even shutting down the planet's entire global economy for the Wuhan Flu had zero effect on atmospheric CO2 growth. :dunno:

^Folks, this is called evasion. It’s used when they are unable to deny the claim. Which is:

Good chance not even a high school education.
^Folks, this is called evasion. It’s used when they are unable to deny the claim. Which is:

Good chance not even a high school education.

It is YOU White Libs that still deny Black children an education. Just like in your Democratic party socialist Slavery and Jim Crow days.
Because their parents don't care most of the time.

Parents? I disagree.

LBJ's war on poverty, ... his Great (white) Society, was a war on the Black family and Black fathers. All that is left is the moms. And LBJ trapped them in the ghettos and in generational welfare ... by replacing Black husbands and fathers with Gov't.

The Dems removed discipline and prayer from the public schools. Lowered standards, graduate students that are unable to read and write, creating schools that are a pipeline to prison, not college. And the mothers had no choice.

Back when LBJ ruled, Black Americans were known for their strong family unity and their strong Christian faith. The Dems have been attacking and demonizing those two strengths for a long time.
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The left opposes nearly ALL FORMS OF FREEDOM, which includes school choice...

Yep. And the schools have become DNC Hitler Youth indoctrination camps that teach racial hatred, bigotry, division by identity politics and sexualization of children.