Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Here’s the deal you fucking idiots can’t seem to grasp.

280 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, THERE WERE NO FUCKING HUMANS. Get it? CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been SINCE HUMANS HAVE INHABITED THE EARTH. Dinosaurs and other creatures merely migrated in response to climate change, which naturally occurred in a much longer time frame. Many thousands of years vs a few decades. Get it, dumbfuck?

The science of greenhouse gases is well understood and not in dispute by anybody. Nobody argues with ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i).

CO2 is climbing at a rate faster than anyone predicted. Global temperatures correlate with those rising levels.

So, idiot, spare us the global temps 300 million years ago. They merely demonstrate your ignorance.

All of the phanerozoic climate matters to life.
You can't just cherry pick in science.

Thank God, CO2 levels have risen. We've been in a state of near CO2 starvation. Thank mother nature for creating MAN to restore the Carbon to the atmosphere.

Temps rose so fast that sea levels rose an average of 4 ft. every century for 10,000 years. But you pretend that never ever happened in the last 20k years .


You are arguing with a person that has never taken a course in science and is a moron.

True. He can not comprehend science. He just makes shit up all the time on all topics. I ignore him half the time because he just parrots party lies.

Like all climate changers, he does NOT know the difference between proxy data and instrument data. :palm:
So, 3 million years LATER, those levels are reaching what they were then? We survived this long, didn't we, dickhead? Fucking retard, get a gas mask and shut the fuck up.

The planet has survived all along, stupid fuck. And it will continue to do so. That’s not the point though, is it?

The point, you fucking moron, is that humans have only inhabited the earth for a few hundred thousand years. And only in significant numbers where migration is difficult for a few thousand. Now, fucktard, the population is around 8 BILLION. Mass migration is no longer possible.

So, climate change is a big fucking deal. Bigger than it was 3 million years ago. Or even 300 thousand years ago.

Get it, moron?
You are arguing with a person that has never taken a course in science and is a moron.

My degree is in the sciences from a world class university. Then, my decades long career was in the sciences. Forensic. Environmental. Academia.

I forgot more science by 8th grade than you morons learned your entire life.

All of the phanerozoic climate matters to life.
You can't just cherry pick in science.

Thank God, CO2 levels have risen. We've been in a state of near CO2 starvation. Thank mother nature for creating MAN to restore the Carbon to the atmosphere.

Temps rose so fast that sea levels rose an average of 4 ft. every century for 10,000 years. But you pretend that never ever happened in the last 20k years .



Yeah, I see your graph is flat for the last couple thousand years. So, that AVERAGE over 10,000 years is more cherry-picking bullshit.

It’s HUMAN life we’re talking about, stupid fuck. Sea level rise during the post glacial period didn’t affect cities like Miami, New Orleans, New York City, or any other major coastal city in the world, did it, stupid fuck. Now, a couple of feet is disastrous.

But, go ahead and get posting global temps when people did not inhabit coastal cities. It’s humorous
True. He can not comprehend science. He just makes shit up all the time on all topics. I ignore him half the time because he just parrots party lies.

Like all climate changers, he does NOT know the difference between proxy data and instrument data. :palm:

What’s your degree in, bitch? I don’t recall you mentioning your background in the sciences.
The planet has survived all along, stupid fuck. And it will continue to do so. That’s not the point though, is it?

The point, you fucking moron, is that humans have only inhabited the earth for a few hundred thousand years. And only in significant numbers where migration is difficult for a few thousand. Now, fucktard, the population is around 8 BILLION. Mass migration is no longer possible.

So, climate change is a big fucking deal. Bigger than it was 3 million years ago. Or even 300 thousand years ago.

Get it, moron?

The only stupid fucking moron here is you, dickhead.
Jam it up your racist plantation white ass. I want Baltimore city's Black parents to have the same choice that you elitist white libs have.

"FREE" public schools will still exist.

Who is going to pay for those "free" public schools if taxpayers can opt out and use a voucher to pay for a private school? Who is going to pay for the vouchers you give to everyone who wants to send their child to a private school? Most of the poor aren't paying a property tax to begin with because they don't own property and those that do their property taxes are next to nothing because their properties are worth next to nothing. So the poor are already in most cases not paying anything or nearly anything for their childs school and now you want to furnish them with a voucher to pay for a private school? Baltimores cities black parents already have the same choice as your elitest white libs have. You want to send your kids to a private school then you fucking pay for it just like anyone who sends their kids to a private school. It is those elitest white libs that don't even have children that pay the bulk of those property taxes because they are the ones paying high property taxes. Without them who is going to pay for those public schools.
Jam it up your racist plantation white ass. I want Baltimore city's Black parents to have the same choice that you elitist white libs have.

"FREE" public schools will still exist.
The average pubic school kid cost Baltimore ~16K the average private school tuition in Baltimore is ~12K
Let Baltimore public schools keep the ~4K difference so they make money for every kid that leaves and have more money for those that stay in the public school system. WIN WIN. Some poor kids get to go to private schools and some who stay in public schools get more money for their education.
Yeah, I see your graph is flat for the last couple thousand years. So, that AVERAGE over 10,000 years is more cherry-picking bullshit.

It’s HUMAN life we’re talking about, stupid fuck. Sea level rise during the post glacial period didn’t affect cities like Miami, New Orleans, New York City, or any other major coastal city in the world, did it, stupid fuck. Now, a couple of feet is disastrous.

But, go ahead and get posting global temps when people did not inhabit coastal cities. It’s humorous

Even your white lib anti "cheap fossil fuel energy" policies are racist, and punish the poor and Blacks, not just in America, but all over the world. While you white libs fly private jets because you "have to". :palm:

Of course the recent 400 ft. rise in sea level affected those cities. They would not exist without it, dumbass.

And it demonstrates that predictions of a 1 foot rise per century is nothing in comparison.

The Earth is currently in only its 5th ICEHOUSE condition in 4 billion years.
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What’s your degree in, bitch? I don’t recall you mentioning your background in the sciences.

Bitch, science is easy for me. I don't know why it is such a struggle for you gender fluid Leftists. Unlike Justice Jackson, I don't need a masters degree in biology to know what a woman is. :palm: I don't need a climate or dendrochronology degree to analyze data or read a chart.
Who is going to pay for those "free" public schools if taxpayers can opt out and use a voucher to pay for a private school? Who is going to pay for the vouchers you give to everyone who wants to send their child to a private school? Most of the poor aren't paying a property tax to begin with because they don't own property and those that do their property taxes are next to nothing because their properties are worth next to nothing. So the poor are already in most cases not paying anything or nearly anything for their childs school and now you want to furnish them with a voucher to pay for a private school? Baltimores cities black parents already have the same choice as your elitest white libs have. You want to send your kids to a private school then you fucking pay for it just like anyone who sends their kids to a private school. It is those elitest white libs that don't even have children that pay the bulk of those property taxes because they are the ones paying high property taxes. Without them who is going to pay for those public schools.

Who? The question should be "Why?". Those taxpayers pay for "free" public schools that fail to teach basic math and reading skills. Those most impacted by these horrible Democrat run schools are poorer Black Americans.

Baltimore city spends $21k per student and gets nothing in return. The city schools now have a 58% truancy rate. Even the kids don't want to go to your Dem schools. The teachers take the money, anyway.
Who? The question should be "Why?". Those taxpayers pay for "free" public schools that fail to teach basic math and reading skills. Those most impacted by these horrible Democrat run schools are poorer Black Americans.

Baltimore city spends $21k per student and gets nothing in return. The city schools now have a 58% truancy rate. Even the kids don't want to go to your Dem schools. The teachers take the money, anyway.

You obviously cannot answer the questions I put forth and you just want to bitch. Property taxes will always be supporting public schools and if the quality of those schools is not enough then raise them. Giving everyone the money for private schools isn't going to get that 58% to start attending.