Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Wrong. Conservatives are Classical Liberals that want small gov't, like the founding fathers wanted.

Hehe. The Founding Fathers hardly agreed on much of anything. The Constitution was the result of a lot of deliberation and compromise between different ideologies. Just compare Madison to Jefferson.
Yes, I know cows fart methane, so do people and other animals. Duh!

Then you should probably avoid stupid fucking statements like this:

“ Well, CO2 levels aren't rising nearly as fast as the left is preaching, unless you're taking into account cow farts...”

Or, along the education lines, learn proper fucking grammar.
Wrong again, stupid fuck.

Global temperatures have rising almost 2°F since 1880 or so.

ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i) is holding quite accurately.

Total bullshit. There were no satellites in 1880.

The Earth is CURRENTLY in an ICEHOUSE condition.

You anti science climate changers can't even read this chart that shows Earth's normal temp is 10C warmer than today ...

No, I want the tax dollars to follow the student to whatever school the parents choose, whether it be public or private.

Go fuck yourself, it ain't gonna happen. An education is free in this country and everyone has to pay for it or we end up with a country full of dumbshits like you. If you want to send your kids to a private school have at it, just don't think you get a break from paying for the public ones.
The average student in Baltimore spends 16k of taxpayer money. The average private school tuition is 12 K.

Let the money follow the kid and educate the kid.

Pay the 12K in tuition and take the extra 4 k and let the public school keep it.

So Public schools would make 4K for every school they don't have to educate and have zero expenses for. So every student that gets educated out of Public schools makes them money. Let poor parents that actually care about their kids and actually want their kids to be educated have a chance at an education.

You are truly an idiot.
Go fuck yourself, it ain't gonna happen. An education is free in this country and everyone has to pay for it or we end up with a country full of dumbshits like you. If you want to send your kids to a private school have at it, just don't think you get a break from paying for the public ones.

Jam it up your racist plantation white ass. I want Baltimore city's Black parents to have the same choice that you elitist white libs have.

"FREE" public schools will still exist.
In general, what the school choice people want are vouchers to send their kids to religious schools. Or home school (same thing). They have no interest in improving public education. In fact, just the opposite.

The concept is called “starving the beast”. Depriving an institution of revenue to where it becomes more difficult to impossible to carry out its primary function. Then use that failure to justify its removal.

So we remove the public school system and fully 80% or more kids in this country get no education whatsoever.
Hehe. The Founding Fathers hardly agreed on much of anything. The Constitution was the result of a lot of deliberation and compromise between different ideologies. Just compare Madison to Jefferson.

Meaningless deflection. The classical liberals, the FFs, agreed on small limited gov't.

You neo libs want massive socialist gov't. In true Orwellian fashion, that definition is the opposite of liberalism.
Total bullshit. There were no satellites in 1880.

The Earth is CURRENTLY in an ICEHOUSE condition.

You anti science climate changers can't even read this chart that shows Earth's normal temp is 10C warmer than today ...


Stupid fuck. Your graph’s X graduations are in 100 million year increments. You can’t even visualize the last 2 million years. And the Y in 1000ppn increments.Totally irrelevant bullshit. The levels in the dinosaur era are irrelevant.

No wonder you right wing fucktards are considered anti-science. You lack any critical thinking skills.

I did have to laugh at your comment in light of your graph.

“There were no satellites in 1880.” Yet, you post a graph with temps back 600 million years. The irony is priceless!
Stupid fuck. Your graph’s X graduations are in 100 million year increments. You can’t even visualize the last 2 million years. And the Y in 1000ppn increments.Totally irrelevant bullshit. The levels in the dinosaur era are irrelevant.

No wonder you right wing fucktards are considered anti-science. You lack any critical thinking skills.

I did have to laugh at your comment in light of your graph.

“There were no satellites in 1880.” Yet, you post a graph with temps back 600 million years. The irony is priceless!

So climate history is irrelevant to you. :palm:

The graph that you can NOT comprehend shows the last time the Earth was in an ICEHOUSE condition, like today, was about 280 mya.

It is unscientific to compare proxy data to modern instrument data, fuckwad. Which is what you are doing ... because modern proxy data, like tree rings, does NOT match the instrument data. So you discard it. :palm:
So climate history is irrelevant to you. :palm:

The graph that you can NOT comprehend shows the last time the Earth was in an ICEHOUSE condition, like today, was about 280 mya.

It is unscientific to compare proxy data to modern instrument data, fuckwad. Which is what you are doing ... because modern proxy data, like tree rings, does NOT match the instrument data. So you discard it. :palm:

Here’s the deal you fucking idiots can’t seem to grasp.

280 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, THERE WERE NO FUCKING HUMANS. Get it? CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been SINCE HUMANS HAVE INHABITED THE EARTH. Dinosaurs and other creatures merely migrated in response to climate change, which naturally occurred in a much longer time frame. Many thousands of years vs a few decades. Get it, dumbfuck?

The science of greenhouse gases is well understood and not in dispute by anybody. Nobody argues with ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i).

CO2 is climbing at a rate faster than anyone predicted. Global temperatures correlate with those rising levels.

So, idiot, spare us the global temps 300 million years ago. They merely demonstrate your ignorance.
So climate history is irrelevant to you. :palm:

The graph that you can NOT comprehend shows the last time the Earth was in an ICEHOUSE condition, like today, was about 280 mya.

It is unscientific to compare proxy data to modern instrument data, fuckwad. Which is what you are doing ... because modern proxy data, like tree rings, does NOT match the instrument data. So you discard it. :palm:
You are arguing with a person that has never taken a course in science and is a moron.
Here’s the deal you fucking idiots can’t seem to grasp.

280 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, THERE WERE NO FUCKING HUMANS. Get it? CO2 levels are higher than they’ve been SINCE HUMANS HAVE INHABITED THE EARTH. Dinosaurs and other creatures merely migrated in response to climate change, which naturally occurred in a much longer time frame. Many thousands of years vs a few decades. Get it, dumbfuck?

The science of greenhouse gases is well understood and not in dispute by anybody. Nobody argues with ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i).

CO2 is climbing at a rate faster than anyone predicted. Global temperatures correlate with those rising levels.

So, idiot, spare us the global temps 300 million years ago. They merely demonstrate your ignorance.

So, 3 million years LATER, those levels are reaching what they were then? We survived this long, didn't we, dickhead? Fucking retard, get a gas mask and shut the fuck up.