Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Watch some kid kill school kids? What in the fuck are you talking about? It’s awful early to be drunk already.

Ignorance of what? Well, we can start with basic science. The efficacy of vaccines that save lives vs the ignorance of ghe same resulting in uncountable unnecessary deaths.

We can talk about understanding this:

ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i)

Know what that is? It’s the simple equation that calculates change in temperature as CO2 levels rise.

An educated person understands the Constitution and the different functions of government. An ignorant fool thinks they can march in to Congress and halt its constitutional duties.

An ignorant person, lacking critical thinking skills, buys into any conspiracy theory that suits their narrow view of the world. Such as, the election was stolen. That antifa was behind the J6 riots. People who still refer to the COVID vaccine as “death jabs”. That Trump is being persecuted only for exercising his First Amendment rights.

I even saw this one today, rewatching the documentary about Four Seasons Landscaping in Philly. Remember them? They were accused of burning ballots in the crematorium across the street.

Remember the Arizona “audit” that looked for Chinese watermarks on the ballots? The persecution of those poll workers?

That kind of harm, you fucking moron. The type of harm you idiots propagate every day. Those of us who can see through the bullshit are OK. There are many who can’t. Those like you. The ignorant. The uneducated.

I don't drink, dickhead. Apparently you must, by looking at the silly ramblings you post.

I find it amusing you fucktards say everyone you disagree with is uneducated. You don't even understand what education is.
Multiple hundreds. Some are still on death row. One has been executed.

Helped to make the world safer. Even for worthless cocksuckers like you.

I stand corrected. Multiple hundreds. Lol!

Ohh, ohh. "worthless cocksuckers"? Typical leftist...
I don't drink, dickhead. Apparently you must, by looking at the silly ramblings you post.

I find it amusing you fucktards say everyone you disagree with is uneducated. You don't even understand what education is.

I just listed all the things ignorant people buy into.

How many describe you, Jethro?

Stolen election?
Death jabs?
Rising CO2 levels?
I just listed all the things ignorant people buy into.

How many describe you, Jethro?

Stolen election?
Death jabs?
Rising CO2 levels?

None, dickhead. Well, CO2 levels aren't rising nearly as fast as the left is preaching, unless you're taking into account cow farts...
None, dickhead. Well, CO2 levels aren't rising nearly as fast as the left is preaching, unless you're taking into account cow farts...

The CO2 levels are rising faster than anyone predicted. Now over 400ppm. Know when the last time it was this high? About 3 million years ago.

Another example of your ignorance. Methane is generated by the cows, not CO2.
None, dickhead. Well, CO2 levels aren't rising nearly as fast as the left is preaching, unless you're taking into account cow farts...

Can you show me on the graph of DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF CO2 LEVELS where the deviation from reality occurs?

The Big Lib Lie. :palm:

You have absolutely zero evidence to support the Socialist myth that the parties magically switched names.

Big Gov't Neo Libs are the exact opposite of Classical Liberals (conservatives).

Conservatives are called "conservatives" because they want to conserve the status quo.
What did Dems do the last 50 years? ...
1.keep Black Americans trapped in Norther ghettos
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. deny them an education
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans

Explain why you support these white lib plantation policies.

By your logic, Obama should have been a Republican. Yet he isn't.