Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Can you show me on the graph of DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF CO2 LEVELS where the deviation from reality occurs?

Can you show me where the "pandemic shutdown" of the entire global economy caused the growth of atmospheric CO2 to stop?
I favor it, if it's choice and not privilege at public expense. Why should taxpayers fund schools that are realistically out of reach for some kids?

Favor it? ... then why do vote against it all your life?

The taxpayer funds will be attached to the student, not the school. They will no longer be out of reach for lower middle class or "poor" parents with school choice.

If you want to put an income cap on it for the obscenely wealthy white libs; that's fine by me.
By your logic, Obama should have been a Republican. Yet he isn't.

Plantations always had house negros. Obama was obedient to the white libs.

So why do you support the white lib plantation policies I listed?
The CO2 levels are rising faster than anyone predicted. Now over 400ppm. Know when the last time it was this high? About 3 million years ago.

Another example of your ignorance. Methane is generated by the cows, not CO2.

The last time the planet was this FREEZING COLD was about 280 million years ago.

This is indeed contradictory. You said, "Wrong" to my statement that progressives and the teachers union want the same things.


you were trying to speak for what the other side wants.

it is what Terry does.

We have the same variant of this argument when we discuss Renewable Energy and EV's.,

Terry states as if fact that no new future developments are coming that could improve them. that Terry just knows the future and can state it definatively in debate.

The same thing Terry speak definitively for OTHERS, here.

it is like Terry is incapable of understanding how that invalidates someones arguments even if their position proves correct later.

I cannot imagine being in a relationship with a person who thinks and speaks like that. A person incapable of understanding their opinions and views are NOT fact, no matter how much they think they are correct.
The CO2 levels are rising faster than anyone predicted. Now over 400ppm. Know when the last time it was this high? About 3 million years ago.

Another example of your ignorance. Methane is generated by the cows, not CO2.

Yes, I know cows fart methane, so do people and other animals. Duh!