Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Then why are you the one who does not want to discuss the policy? :dunno:

The policy on school choice has nothing to do with racism, no matter how hard you wish it to be.

Stop pushing so much, dogbreath, your hemorrhoids will only get worse.
So rich kids get a good educations but poor kids are still stuck getting no education. Let that sink in.

No, rich kids get good educations and poor kids get a public education supported by everyones tax dollars. I don't know why you fucking idiots bitch about this, we aren't going to cut taxes on some who want to send their kids to private schools and let our public schools go to shit when they already need more.
Wouldn't it be good if only people with kids in school had to pay school taxes?
So what are you bitching about? No political party is against you sending your child to a private school.

In general, what the school choice people want are vouchers to send their kids to religious schools. Or home school (same thing). They have no interest in improving public education. In fact, just the opposite.

The concept is called “starving the beast”. Depriving an institution of revenue to where it becomes more difficult to impossible to carry out its primary function. Then use that failure to justify its removal.
Why does it? Your kid's education isn't benefiting me whatsoever.


I get it. Everything is always all about you.

Ignorance is the enemy of a democracy like ours. Not to mention its basic infrastructure.

We see the harm of collective ignorance everyday with Trumptards like you.

I get it. Everything is always all about you.

Ignorance is the enemy of a democracy like ours. Not to mention its basic infrastructure.

We see the harm of collective ignorance everyday with Trumptards like you.

Yep, it sure is. Especially when I have to shell out nearly $2000 a year, and for what? To watch some kid kill school kids?

Ignorance of what?

You keep babbling about ignorance, maybe you should take a look at yourself. There's enough there for all of us.
Perhaps if you ever learn how to think for yourself, without Donald Trump, Fox News, or Hate Radio TELLING YOU WHAT TO FUCKING THINK AND HATE, you will have more success in life or have more influence with people who are capable of thinking for themselves.

Now True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" people in this world like you who find REALITY more difficult to understand and be able to deal with.

I wish you the best of luck with your emotional, and social struggles, and all of your tiny-fisted little sissy-fied rants, that seem to be placing such a HIGH demand on you.

Lizard Man here is a serious question. When over 40% of Baltimore school have ZERO percent doing math at grade level.


The Baltimore school system is clearly a sinking ship and is going down like the Titanic.

Here is my question:
Now is it not time to throw poor parents a life ring? Some poor parents want to get their kids the best education possible some parents could not give a shit if their kids get an education or not. Why not let the poor parents that want use the tax money that is set aside for their kids to get those kids off the Titanic Public schools and use those tax funds to actually educate their schools.

There would be a rule though.

All schools ,public and private, would have every student tested by state testing for student performance. Private schools could not receive School Choice funding unless its performance on state testing was better that public school testing.

Now Lizard Man please honestly tell me what would be wrong with that.

Try to think outside the box that CNN, MSNBS the Democrat party has put you into your head.

BTW Riggs tore his ACL :(
Yep, it sure is. Especially when I have to shell out nearly $2000 a year, and for what? To watch some kid kill school kids?

Ignorance of what?

You keep babbling about ignorance, maybe you should take a look at yourself. There's enough there for all of us.
He got educate in a public school . Nuff said :palm:
A monarch owns the means of production. and provides his subjects with a living wage while he and his royal court live in luxury. That is the essence of Socialism.

Furthermore, the first modern welfare State was created in Prince Bismarck's monarchy.

I'm sorry you can't see the forest for the trees.

You really don't have any clue at all what "socialism" means.
The average student in Baltimore spends 16k of taxpayer money. The average private school tuition is 12 K.

Let the money follow the kid and educate the kid.

Pay the 12K in tuition and take the extra 4 k and let the public school keep it.

So Public schools would make 4K for every school they don't have to educate and have zero expenses for. So every student that gets educated out of Public schools makes them money. Let poor parents that actually care about their kids and actually want their kids to be educated have a chance at an education.

No public money to private schools.
I'm not paying to have some asshole teach "creationism" to America's youth.
Yep, it sure is. Especially when I have to shell out nearly $2000 a year, and for what? To watch some kid kill school kids?

Ignorance of what?

You keep babbling about ignorance, maybe you should take a look at yourself. There's enough there for all of us.

Watch some kid kill school kids? What in the fuck are you talking about? It’s awful early to be drunk already.

Ignorance of what? Well, we can start with basic science. The efficacy of vaccines that save lives vs the ignorance of ghe same resulting in uncountable unnecessary deaths.

We can talk about understanding this:

ΔT(c)=S⋅log (c/i)

Know what that is? It’s the simple equation that calculates change in temperature as CO2 levels rise.

An educated person understands the Constitution and the different functions of government. An ignorant fool thinks they can march in to Congress and halt its constitutional duties.

An ignorant person, lacking critical thinking skills, buys into any conspiracy theory that suits their narrow view of the world. Such as, the election was stolen. That antifa was behind the J6 riots. People who still refer to the COVID vaccine as “death jabs”. That Trump is being persecuted only for exercising his First Amendment rights.

I even saw this one today, rewatching the documentary about Four Seasons Landscaping in Philly. Remember them? They were accused of burning ballots in the crematorium across the street.

Remember the Arizona “audit” that looked for Chinese watermarks on the ballots? The persecution of those poll workers?

That kind of harm, you fucking moron. The type of harm you idiots propagate every day. Those of us who can see through the bullshit are OK. There are many who can’t. Those like you. The ignorant. The uneducated.