Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Wrong, TAG.

Progressive tax payers will not abide their tax money going to school vouchers for alternate schools
while the people's public school are underfunded,...or even if they're not.

Teachers unions and we have always been on the same side.

Wrong. The ONLY reason the Democrats and Left are so vocal in support of public schools and teacher's unions is they see that as a direct monetary and political benefit to them. Teacher's unions hand Democrats and the Left HUGE piles of cash every year to support them politically. That in turn gives them more political power.

Currently, teacher's unions give the Democrats and Left about $66 million a year in political contributions. They are the number one contributor.


About 10% of the delegates to the DNC's primary system are members of a teacher's union.

Since the Left makes up less than 20% of the population, and Democrats are a minority party (as are the Republicans), all of this doesn't represent some "will of the people." It represents a political minority with lots of money they use to gain power.
Wrong. The ONLY reason the Democrats and Left are so vocal in support of public schools and teacher's unions is they see that as a direct monetary and political benefit to them. Teacher's unions hand Democrats and the Left HUGE piles of cash every year to support them politically. That in turn gives them more political power.

I find it interesting that you not only espouse your own views
but take it upon yourself to decide how the other side feels about things as well.

We share NO values, TAG.
Can you understand that?
Regardless of what you think is right and what you think is wrong,
you don't get to decide what the other side wants.

The teachers union, which is the teachers themselves, not a third party getting themselves involved,
and progressives like myself
are pretty much in lockstep agreement on most issues..
I give up, how?

You are the one who said if a school is underperforming improve it. Schools underperform because they're full of students that have no desire to achieve.
If my competition (other students) is weak I have little incentive to try hard myself.
So your solution is give up.
You are the one who said if a school is underperforming improve it. Schools underperform because they're full of students that have no desire to achieve.
If my competition (other students) is weak I have little incentive to try hard myself.
So your solution is give up.

One student is not performing. You conclude the entire school is a failure. Bad logic.
You are the one who said if a school is underperforming improve it. Schools underperform because they're full of students that have no desire to achieve.
If my competition (other students) is weak I have little incentive to try hard myself.
So your solution is give up.

My solution is to seriously discourage stupid people from breeding
so that we have fewer slackers in the schools.

That's a win-win for everybody.
The teachers union, which is the teachers themselves, not a third party getting themselves involved,
and progressives like myself
are pretty much in lockstep agreement on most issues..
Like school choice. Winning issue for pubs , losing one for dims.
But dims do have winning cultural issues , like abortion . So it depends on what issue is more important to the voter.
For me it's neither.
I find it interesting that you not only espouse your own views
but take it upon yourself to decide how the other side feels about things as well.

We share NO values, TAG.
Can you understand that?
Regardless of what you think is right and what you think is wrong,
you don't get to decide what the other side wants.

The teachers union, which is the teachers themselves, not a third party getting themselves involved,
and progressives like myself
are pretty much in lockstep agreement on most issues..

None of that changes what I stated which was accurate.
Wrong. The ONLY reason the Democrats and Left are so vocal in support of public schools and teacher's unions is they see that as a direct monetary and political benefit to them.

This is indeed contradictory. You said, "Wrong" to my statement that progressives and the teachers union want the same things.


you were trying to speak for what the other side wants.
This is indeed contradictory. You said, "Wrong" to my statement that progressives and the teachers union want the same things.


you were trying to speak for what the other side wants.
Progressives and teachers unions are one in the same. In this case , very regressive.
This is indeed contradictory. You said, "Wrong" to my statement that progressives and the teachers union want the same things.


you were trying to speak for what the other side wants.

No, it's not. As I pointed out, Progressives and teacher's unions want the same thing and that is money and power. It has nothing to do with school choice outside of those two things. If there was no money or power to be lost in school choice, neither would care a wit about it. You make it sound like they actually give a shit about what kind of school a student attends. They don't.

What they don't want are parents able to make choices that reduce their monetary intake and political power.
Wouldn't school choice be considered progressive, compulsory inferior school regressive?

No. Diverting money from public schools that need it is definitely not the progressive position.

Letting somebody send their kid to some fakakta Christian School
to learn Creationism
on our dime as taxpayers
is what we would consider
criminally regressive.
No. Diverting money from public schools that need it is definitely not the progressive position.

Letting somebody send their kid to some fakakta Christian School
to learn Creationism
on our dime as taxpayers
is what we would consider
criminally regressive.

Why not allow the kids that don't give a shit to go to schools with teachers that don't give a shit? Makes no sense to force students that care to be in classes full of students that don't.
Throwing money at lazy punks accomplishes nothing. May as well flush it down the toilet.
No, it's not. As I pointed out, Progressives and teacher's unions want the same thing and that is money and power. It has nothing to do with school choice outside of those two things. If there was no money or power to be lost in school choice, neither would care a wit about it. You make it sound like they actually give a shit about what kind of school a student attends. They don't.

What they don't want are parents able to make choices that reduce their monetary intake and political power.

Once again you're attempting to define what the other side wants.

You have neither the insight NOR the proxy to do that.

You're certainly free to have your own regressive and reactionary ideas,
but you're not free to speak for us and try to explain what we want.

Sorry, but that should be obvious to you.
Once again you're attempting to define what the other side wants.

You have neither the insight NOR the proxy to do that.

You're certainly free to have your own regressive and reactionary ideas,
but you're not free to speak for us and try to explain what we want.

Sorry, but that should be obvious to you.

Then tell me what the teacher's unions want.
Why not allow the kids that don't give a shit to go to schools with teachers that don't give a shit? Makes no sense to force students that care to be in classes full of students that don't.
Throwing money at lazy punks accomplishes nothing. May as well flush it down the toilet.

Why bother? If you don't want to learn, are disruptive, etc., we should have a labor program for you to attend instead. Digging ditches and the like is your future job. You don't give a shit, why should we?