Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

[h=2]Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children[/h]
Since their socialist Slave Trade days, Democrats have opposed educating Black children, and they still do today.

You, Rush, are competing very strongly for the title of Stupidest Person on the Internet,
and considering the field, that's fucking impressive.

First, there's no such thing as "The Democrat Party."

That's a term that extremely stupid people use in reference to "The Democratic Party"
so that they can recognize one another to start a circle jerk.

Second, the plantations worked by slaves were as far from socialist
as it is humanly possible for anything to be.

Misusing words that badly pretty much identifies you as an idiot as well.

You've got tough competition--
TDAK, volsrock, Truth "Bullshit Blob" Detector, Earl the Vandy Boy, and several other very formidable contenders--

but nobody can help but applaud your effort. You're right up there in the hunt.
You, Rush, are competing very strongly for the title of Stupidest Person on the Internet,
and considering the field, that's fucking impressive.

First, there's no such thing as "The Democrat Party."

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You, Rush, are competing very strongly for the title of Stupidest Person on the Internet,
and considering the field, that's fucking impressive.

First, there's no such thing as "The Democrat Party."

It is inaptly named. They only recognize election results when they win. 2016 is a stellar example.

You're right it should be called the dictator party.

Just as massa should be called a monarch aka socialist dictator.
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Sorry .... Not Going to Work :laugh:

Voters demand school choice for their kids. So why aren't Democrats embracing it?
As a party that prides itself on supporting solutions backed by evidence, many Democrats have missed the mark on public school choice, and it's costing future generations dearly.

USATODAY disagrees. Now why are dims against school choice? Or is the OP correct in that dims are trying to keep black kids dowm?
It is inaptly named. They only recognize election results when they win. 2016 is a stellar example.

You're right it should be called the dictator party.

Just as massa should be called a monarch aka socialist dictator.

Again, ruling monarchs cannot be further from socialism.
You like to make up your own definitions because it's easier than learning the real ones.
Since their socialist Slave Trade days, Democrats have opposed educating Black children, and they still do today.

Dems do not want Black children learning the truth about their party, and the false Dem myth that the parties switched names.

Like the Hitler Youth, the Dems want them to serve the socialist State party.

They want power over the sexualization of children and to fill their heads with socialist lies like 'you can change your gender', the U.S. has a white supremacist epidemic, Blacks can not escape the Ghetto, Blacks should be obedient servants to, and act like white libs.

Why are Democrats so afraid of school choice?
School choice has exploded across the country over the past few years — no thanks to Democrats, who are doing everything they can to prevent...
.Jul 13, 2023

USA Today
School choice is popular with voters. Why aren't Democrats listening?
As a party that prides itself on supporting solutions backed by evidence, many Democrats have missed the mark on public school choice,...
.1 month ago

Catholic League president Bill Donohue looks at how the states deal with school choice initiatives: There are 13 states that are most known...
.Apr 21, 2023

Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
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To combat the growing public demand for robust school choice in Oklahoma, Democratic lawmakers have filed bills that would infringe on...
.Jan 24, 2023


Perhaps if you ever learn how to think for yourself, without Donald Trump, Fox News, or Hate Radio TELLING YOU WHAT TO FUCKING THINK AND HATE, you will have more success in life or have more influence with people who are capable of thinking for themselves.

Now True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" people in this world like you who find REALITY more difficult to understand and be able to deal with.

I wish you the best of luck with your emotional, and social struggles, and all of your tiny-fisted little sissy-fied rants, that seem to be placing such a HIGH demand on you.
Bad, good, indifferent... Doesn't matter. Teacher's unions are the #1 reason for opposition to school choice.

Wrong, TAG.

Progressive tax payers will not abide their tax money going to school vouchers for alternate schools
while the people's public school are underfunded,...or even if they're not.

Teachers unions and we have always been on the same side.
Why are teacher's unions against School choice?

Because it weakens unions. If you can choose a school that isn't unionized, then the teacher's union loses money and political clout. The union wants education limited to public schools that have a strong, universal, union presence because that ensures they get maximum membership, even if it is forced, and that results in more money and political clout for the union leadership. It's that simple.

Where parents have a choice to use private schools, charter schools, home teach, etc., and these don't have a union presence, the union is weakened, often significantly. That is clearly something any union leader would fight against even if it were in the best interests of the students.