Why the Democrat Party opposes National SCHOOL CHOICE especially for BLACK Children

Why not allow the kids that don't give a shit to go to schools with teachers that don't give a shit? Makes no sense to force students that care to be in classes full of students that don't.
Throwing money at lazy punks accomplishes nothing. May as well flush it down the toilet.

You have your view and we have ours.

If we weren't forced to share the same nation, we could both have our way.

This is a perfect example of why I'm a radical partitionist.
I don't believe moderate solutions exist for immoderate problems.
Then tell me what the teacher's unions want.

I have no proxy to speak for them, but for the most part,

they want more funding for better PUBLIC education and also,

a better standard of living for educated professionals like themselves.

That's why I'd rather fund schools from the national treasury rather than local property taxes

and I'd rather the control go to the Department of Education

rather than local yokels.

You can't trust redneck crackers, for example, to know what their own kids need.

That's how I see it. Others like TOP see it differently.

That applies to every subject that we discuss, doesn't it?

There's no forum-wide consensus on anything.
Choice implies having options. Poor people without reliable transportation have to go to the school they can actually access. That is usually the school they are assigned to.
Again, ruling monarchs cannot be further from socialism.
You like to make up your own definitions because it's easier than learning the real ones.

A monarch owns the means of production. and provides his subjects with a living wage while he and his royal court live in luxury. That is the essence of Socialism.

Furthermore, the first modern welfare State was created in Prince Bismarck's monarchy.

I'm sorry you can't see the forest for the trees.
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Perhaps if you ever learn how to think for yourself, without Donald Trump, Fox News, or Hate Radio TELLING YOU WHAT TO FUCKING THINK AND HATE, you will have more success in life or have more influence with people who are capable of thinking for themselves.

Now True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" people in this world like you who find REALITY more difficult to understand and be able to deal with.

I wish you the best of luck with your emotional, and social struggles, and all of your tiny-fisted little sissy-fied rants, that seem to be placing such a HIGH demand on you.

Another white lib afraid to discuss policy. :palm:
Choice implies having options. Poor people without reliable transportation have to go to the school they can actually access. That is usually the school they are assigned to.

A poor racist excuse to keep Black Americans segregated and trapped in ghettos.
Plantation owners didn't want Blacks getting an education.

Democrats don't want Black students getting an education.

Democrats are Against School Choice.
Since their socialist Slave Trade days, Democrats have opposed educating Black children, and they still do today.

Dems do not want Black children learning the truth about their party, and the false Dem myth that the parties switched names.

Like the Hitler Youth, the Dems want them to serve the socialist State party.

They want power over the sexualization of children and to fill their heads with socialist lies like 'you can change your gender', the U.S. has a white supremacist epidemic, Blacks can not escape the Ghetto, Blacks should be obedient servants to, and act like white libs.

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We must have a credible public school system in this country or we end up with a bunch of ignorant shitheads like you. The schools are supported by tax dollars. If you want to send your kids to a school of your choice, no democrat is going to stop you. You want to do it and then not have to pay the taxes everyone else pays for the public school system, not a chance.
White Lib plantation policies are working as planned. :thup:

"City Schools' $1.6 billion budget divided by the number of budgeted students enrolled comes out to $21,606 per student. According to the most recent U.S. Census report released this year, $21,606 makes Baltimore City Schools the fourth most-funded large school system in America.Aug 15, 2022

You can't accept your own history. Conservatives were the slavers in the US. Lincoln and his kind were liberal Republicans.
We must have a credible public school system in this country or we end up with a bunch of ignorant shitheads like you. The schools are supported by tax dollars. If you want to send your kids to a school of your choice, no democrat is going to stop you. You want to do it and then not have to pay the taxes everyone else pays for the public school system, not a chance.

No, I want the tax dollars to follow the student to whatever school the parents choose, whether it be public or private.
13 Baltimore City high schools had zero students who tested proficient in math

Pulic schools in Baltimore spend $16,182 per student each year.

The average private school tuition in Baltimore cost is $12,777

And the Democrats don't want to have school choice.

Let that sink in.

Send your children wherever the fuck you want to, just don't think you won't have to pay the same taxes as everyone else that support public schools.
You can't accept your own history. Conservatives were the slavers in the US. Lincoln and his kind were liberal Republicans.

The Big Lib Lie. :palm:

You have absolutely zero evidence to support the Socialist myth that the parties magically switched names.

Big Gov't Neo Libs are the exact opposite of Classical Liberals (conservatives).
You can't accept your own history. Conservatives were the slavers in the US. Lincoln and his kind were liberal Republicans.

What did Dems do the last 50 years? ...
1.keep Black Americans trapped in Norther ghettos
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. deny them an education
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans

Explain why you support these white lib plantation policies.
No. Diverting money from public schools that need it is definitely not the progressive position.

Letting somebody send their kid to some fakakta Christian School
to learn Creationism
on our dime as taxpayers
is what we would consider
criminally regressive.
The average student in Baltimore spends 16k of taxpayer money. The average private school tuition is 12 K.

Let the money follow the kid and educate the kid.

Pay the 12K in tuition and take the extra 4 k and let the public school keep it.

So Public schools would make 4K for every school they don't have to educate and have zero expenses for. So every student that gets educated out of Public schools makes them money. Let poor parents that actually care about their kids and actually want their kids to be educated have a chance at an education.