Why the liberal arts are important

yes. college is a con subsidizing the work life balance for the fascist/globalist indoctrination brigade.

Assuming you even have a job, it's unfortunate you feel work is supposed to be a grind you just have to slog through and can't enjoy.

That's why I went to college, and didn't allow myself to get bullied into boring 'practical' majors
Our future students will devolve into shallow careerists who risk becoming outdated in a few years because of rapidly changing tech innovations. Without liberal arts, students will lack the cultural awareness and critical thinking skills to adapt to and understand the fast-changing job markets of the future. They’ll also lack the social, cultural and historical knowledge to be active citizens in a democracy.

There is no creativity without critical thinking and no critical thinking without creativity.


Another moronic strawman. Who is saying Liberal Arts are not important for learning?

Let me help you MSNBC parrots with this one: NO ONE!!
"When soldiers and teachers realized they also werent safe from globalization, things actually changed," said the phrase from the history book from the future, 'How Trumptards Saved Earth'.
There is no creativity without ''Critical' thinking and no critical thinking without creativity.

Critical Thinking? Is that the same as 'Critical' Race Theory' where students are taught to be against so-called privileged white
people and support their so-called under-privileged blacks or minorities? What should these victims create besides a culture
that is becoming more anti White and more anti American every day? Will WOKESTERS and ME TOO people help find the solution?
the so-called
Critical Thinking? Is that the same as 'Critical' Race Theory' where students are taught to be against so-called privileged white
people and support their so-called under-privileged blacks or minorities? What should these victims create besides a culture
that is becoming more anti White and more anti American every day? Will WOKESTERS and ME TOO people help find the solution?
the so-called

critical thinking used to mean just logical thinking.

critical in "critical Theory" means: sophistry and lies to always smear one's opponents to gain power.
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