Why there will be no new laws on guns


Politicians will soon be breaking for Christmas and they have to work on fiscal cliff bullshit. By the time everyone gets back from Christmas break, people will have moved on.

Today's Americans have short attention spans. Sorry lefties
and then count the number of dead people your insistance of a gun saturated country have caused
Here's the thing, no one is ever going to take guns from law-abiding gun owners. They won't allow it. So we can all PRETEND that we're going to do this someday, but it's just not ever going to happen in America. Sorry Libs.

Not only can we not take guns away from law-abiding gun owners, we can't even stop illegal guns from crossing our borders. Regardless of what laws you pass, there will always be guns in this country. Now, if there was some way to wave a magic wand and make all the guns disappear, perhaps we could have a gun-free America, but we don't live in a fantasy world. Most of us, at least.
Now, if there was some way to wave a magic wand and make all the guns disappear, perhaps we could have a gun-free America, but we don't live in a fantasy world. Most of us, at least.

But you do.
and dicksee and all his gun worshipping fools will SCREAM and lie about any gun legislation being equal to all guns being banned.
Politicians will soon be breaking for Christmas and they have to work on fiscal cliff bullshit. By the time everyone gets back from Christmas break, people will have moved on.

Today's Americans have short attention spans. Sorry lefties

You and your kind can get out of our way or go to hell.

We can't even hear you.

Anyone opposing what is coming is either childless or a child abuser. So be warned.
Gun legislation wouldn't have mattered here, the perpetrator didn't obey legislation.

banning the weapons this woman allowed to be accessed by her insane son sure would have made it easier for more to survive this horror
You come for my guns, and I'll SEND you to hell, mutherfucker!

Here you go dixie,

The country votes and decides to ban a type of gun.

You have one in your "collection".

The ATF comes to your door so you can hand it over to them.

What will you do?
Dont act all violent and pretend its one of us coming to your door.

Its the ATF and your gun is now illegal.

You handing it over?

you will do it in the red hot second without one little hesitation
Here you go dixie,

The country votes and decides to ban a type of gun.

You have one in your "collection".

The ATF comes to your door so you can hand it over to them.

What will you do?

I'll ask for their warrant and call my attorney. If they manage to get in my home, they won't get into my gun safe, only I have the combination. They also will not ever find my hidden cache of guns and ammo. So that about does it, you will NOT take my guns. PERIOD!