Will Harris chicken out?

That's great
Yeah, you're a slave to the borg MSM mind melders. :dunno:

They'll tell you to think things that conflict daily and you'll just bark and clap like a good seal.
C'mon, Matt. You were doing so well...and then you went Trump ape shit. Keep it together. Don't look like a fool.
Why is Heels Up still hiding?
She doesn't want to open her mouth and get kicked off the ticket by the DNC.

If the DNC doesn't steal this election, there is no hope for the Democrat ticket. Not only are the DNC hemhorraging across all demographics but now the DNC has lost the support of the unions because of their 100% effort destroy all union jobs through illegal alien saturation.

Don't forget the DNC blunder of repelling Hispanics by attacking Goya. It will be a long time before Hispanics even consider returning to the DNC.
The DNC got a thousand people to show up for a Kamalliasauraus event. Can I get a big "Wow!" from everybody? That took months of preparation and coordination. Trump merely announces that he is holding a rally and there isn't any stadium or venue with enough seating.

Basically, the answer to your question is that Kamalignant is hiding because the DNC still needs more time to ensure there are a thousand people at her event. Until such a time, Kamoron has been ordered to stand down and just shut up.
Brit Hume
X · brithume
19.3K+ likes · 19 hours ago
If VP Harris were a confident, competent candidate well-prepared to be president, she would be willing, even eager, to outline her plans and explain herself to inquiring journalists. But she is not. She appears afraid she'll remind people why so many came to regard her as a giggling lightweight.

If you believe that it "makes sense" for her to avoid FOX then you also believe it "makes sense" for Trump to avoid liberal media outlets. IMHO What makes sense is to have debates on more than one platform which both parties seemed to be trying to avoid. Neither of them wanted to debate on a platform that was going to work against them, I get that. However I think both of them are wankers for not suggesting a "both" option.
Fox is unique. It has lost certification as a news channel. It paid almost a billion in damages to Dominion. They fired half their on-air staff and many in management. They still face a suit from Smartmatic. larger than Dominion. They lie as a business model.
CNN is not on level ground with that mess of a station.
Brit Hume
X · brithume
19.3K+ likes · 19 hours ago
If VP Harris were a confident, competent candidate well-prepared to be president, she would be willing, even eager, to outline her plans and explain herself to inquiring journalists. But she is not. She appears afraid she'll remind people why so many came to regard her as a giggling lightweight.

She will do all of that. She was a surpise candidate who had to develop an organization and pick a VP quickly. 2 weeks is not a long time.