Will Kamala replace Walz

Democrats need to stop trying to highlight the madness of Donald Trump and just stay on message. This entire election season has been one big cluster fuck in a can!!​

One time. 30 years ago

A lie. He did no such thing

Another lie. He was a command Sgt Major when he retired.

So much BS. So many semantic word games from the frightened GOP.
Right on target, Zappa.

They are terrified. They thought it was going to be a walk-over...and they now realize they may well get their asses kicked mightily.

It is getting to the point where I am enjoying watching them squirm so much, it is becoming theater.
He was caught once no telling how many other times he did it. He thought so little of others that he drove nearly 100 mph while he was DRUNK.


He was not a Command Sargent Major when he retired He was busted down to Master Sargent BEFORE the army released him. He is not currently or ever has been a retired Command Sargent Major.

So he WAS a Command Sgt Major when he submitted his resignation, but the army busted him down before they released him.
TWO real Command Sargent Majors that knew him say he shirked his duty. I trust their opinions more than yours.

So they SAY. Show me some hard evidence that he shirked his duty.

I will bet they can't provide a single piece of documentation to back up the two CSM's claims.
You sound desperate.
You sound like you're lying again.

I will bet they can't provide a single piece of documentation to back up the two CSM's claims.
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Bullshit, MN's population growth in is immigrants

In 2017, the IRS showed MN lost $217 million in reported income
In 2023 that number has swelled to $2+ billion in lost reported income.
I see you have zero sources to support your claims.

If population growth due to immigration makes a state lose population then Florida and Texas have lost population.
I am curious how the IRS shows lost reported income?
TWO real Command Sargent Majors that knew him say he shirked his duty. I trust their opinions more than yours.
Name the TWO real Command Sargent Majors.

I will bet you can't name them because you are the one here attempting to steal valor by promoting someone who doesn't exist to a military rank not held by that person.

Hint - (It was only one and he is a real piece of work where another Command Sargent Major accused him of attacking Walz because Walz was promoted over him.)
Yes, I agree.

Ask his men.

His paygrade was reduced. So was his rank.

Word games? As if the left doesn't use word games.
The GOP is not frightened. Trump is not frightened.
After all the left's smoke and mirrors drift away, their
true selves will shine clear. They can never be trusted.
His pay grade and his rank were reduced AFTER he submitted his resignation.

And Walz was a CSM when he submitted his resignation.
No,.....Democrats LOVE those kind of people. Losers like themselves so they can relate.
I think she was looking for someone that looked as older and whiter than Biden without all the memory issues. It's not like folks don't like voting for old white dudes...
He has so many problems. Saying he carried a rifle into war when he has never even seen a war zone.
Except he never claimed to have carried a rifle INTO war.

The actual quote reads:

“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”

Walz and his battalion were deployed to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom and he carried a rifle.
I see you have zero sources to support your claims.

If population growth due to immigration makes a state lose population then Florida and Texas have lost population.
I am curious how the IRS shows lost reported income?
Stop trying to defend what has happened to your once great State under Walz, Frey, and Carter. With the help of your Hennepin DA, the place has become a shithole.

From a podcast I listen to,
Go to 13:45 for your IRS facts. It's only a minute or two so even you can understand what Walz has done to the state.

Except he never claimed to have carried a rifle INTO war.

The actual quote reads:

“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”

Walz and his battalion were deployed to Italy to support U.S. operations in Afghanistan under Operation Enduring Freedom and he carried a rifle.
And he needed a weapon because getting into a good restaurant in Italy can be war.
The funniest part of this is Ronnie Jackson still has on his bio that he is a rear admiral and they don't seem to care about that.
They didn't care when seven FOUR STAR GENERALS admonished Trump for his dereliction of duty on Jan 6. It's all bullshit because they are SCARED. Trump's campaign is sinking like the Titanic, which is funny because they used the theme to the movie during a rally recently.

They didn't care when seven FOUR STAR GENERALS admonished Trump for his dereliction of duty on Jan 6. It's all bullshit because they are SCARED. Trump's campaign is sinking like the Titanic, which is funny because they used the theme to the movie during a rally recently.

He has so many problems. History of drunk driving. History of shirking his duty and avoiding service in Iraq. Stolen valor saying he is a retired Command Sargent Major when he is a retired Master Sargent. Saying he carried a rifle into war when he has never even seen a war zone. Putting Tampons in boys bathrooms. He let Minneapolis burn. Will Kamala replace him?

LOLOLOLOL. This all you have? Really???? Meanwhile your POTUS candidate has:

1. A history of breaking every sacred vow he ever took in marriage
2. Dodged the draft in Vietnam several times
3. Has a history of fraud (several court cases settled out of court like Trump University etc.)
4. Has a history of not paying his debts (several bankruptcies)

But at least he never had them install a tampon machine in the boys room.

Seriously do you guys ever pull your heads out of your anuses?