Will McCabe flip in order save retirement?

Darth Omar

Russian asset
Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to meet today w/ staff of Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein as final appeal in his poss firing, says person familiar. Decision rests w/ AG Sessions. devping...story from last night on latest twist in saga: [@Del Quentin Wilber]

Wilber is a Wall Street reporter.

If I’m McCabe I’m offering to spill some beans to keep my pension—maybe some really good beans, if it involves immunity.
Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to meet today w/ staff of Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein as final appeal in his poss firing, says person familiar. Decision rests w/ AG Sessions. devping...story from last night on latest twist in saga: [@Del Quentin Wilber]

Wilber is a Wall Street reporter.

If I’m McCabe I’m offering to spill some beans to keep my pension—maybe some really good beans, if it involves immunity.

Why would you fire a man who is just 3 days away from retiring. Let him leave in peace.
Why would you fire a man who is just 3 days away from retiring. Let him leave in peace.

Why should he get to keep his retirement if he broke rules?

Why is he special?

Fire the fucker. Make him sign a deal that he will tell all he knows about the Obama conspiracy to take out Trump and then he gets to keep his pension. That is how it works right?

McCabe knows who above him has been cooking up these lies so now put the screws to him
Why should he get to keep his retirement if he broke rules?

Why is he special?

Fire the fucker. Make him sign a deal that he will tell all he knows about the Obama conspiracy to take out Trump and then he gets to keep his pension. That is how it works right?

McCabe knows who above him has been cooking up these lies so now put the screws to him

Still into that phoney Obama conspiracy? Its all meaningless garbage, only you are being paid to post those lies.
Fire him! ... his pension can always be reinstated at a later date ... after he's done spillin' the beans.
gotta get that damn IG report released....everything is so damn slow with Sessions. ( Deputy Dog)
He won't even look at the possibility of an SP unto the IG and DoJ prosecutors go thru their Kabuki
Why should he get to keep his retirement if he broke rules?

Why is he special?

Fire the fucker. Make him sign a deal that he will tell all he knows about the Obama conspiracy to take out Trump and then he gets to keep his pension. That is how it works right?

McCabe knows who above him has been cooking up these lies so now put the screws to him

he already has told all he knows about that

there is no there there

so there is nothing to say
Another made up story about a made up controversy with a made up scape-goat. What passes for reality in trumpchumplandia is amazing.
McCabes wife ran for congress as a Dem. That pissed Forest Trump off. He did not pledge loyalty to Trump when Trump was kind enough to allow him to kiss the ring..

FBI Office of Professional Responsibility recommended he be fired
after an internal report by the Justice Deportment's inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign.

McCabe acted inappropriately in managing the Hillary Clinton email server investigation, and on answers McCabe provided to IG investigators when questioned about how certain investigative details.

An FBI special agent's word is his currency, and when an agent jeopardizes his integrity, he or she is no longer of use to the organization.
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Apparently liberals don’t care about an FBI agent lying. But lie to the FBI and HOLY SHIT. Since when did liberals declare undying loyalty to the FBI? Is their new KGB? SS?

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Apparently liberals don’t care about an FBI agent lying. But lie to the FBI and HOLY SHIT. Since when did liberals declare undying loyalty to the FBI? Is their new KGB? SS?

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You dont seem to give a shit when our dear President lies, so why not a member of the FBI. Did you just get religion, my dear?