Will McCabe flip in order save retirement?

^ ignorance abounds. does one think McCabe is pleading for his job just because Hannity says so?

@LindseyGrahamSC on Andrew McCabe probe: "The punishment for violating the law should be you lose your job, if he in fact he did authorize FBI agents to talk to the media and lied about it.

It has nothing to do with Hannity....something about 100,000+ dollars every year for the rest of your life might be something
to consider though.....
I found this tidbit in my e-mail, which appears to have been deleted by FloridaFOOL.....I want to respond to it however:

Speaking of a piece of shit, you spent the entire afternoon attempting to defend trump after his meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada. Now we find out, even worse, this meeting never took place. Please do what you now can to defend this deranged idiot who makes up meetings with foreign dignitaries,

To the idiots who think this; you have been played by a FAKE media who, when they saw this, spent inordinate amounts of time desperately trying to prove Trump wrong. You were played.

So to now whine and bitch about what a bunch of gullible idiots you are is the pinnacle of irony.

We know who the deranged mental midgets are; it is a media no longer interested in honest journalism and leftist dumbfucks like yourself who think they can change an election result they refuse to accept by fabricating a parallel fantasy built on the idiotic narrative that Trump only one because the Russians liked him more than Hillary.

Yes, you idiots on the left really are that stupid, paehtics and dishonest.
Yeah, let the liberals who are presumably guilty get your tax payer money

If he was a con, you and I both know that you would say the opposite....

I would not, asshole. let him retire in peace. Trump wants to drag out this mans misery just as long as possible. We know nothing of any possible guilt.
I would not, asshole. let him retire in peace. Trump wants to drag out this mans misery just as long as possible. We know nothing of any possible guilt.

Trump didn't make the recommendation you lying hyper partisan leftist dumbass. But I get it; you leftist morons think it is just fine to usurp authority and our laws if it promotes the false ideology you worship over.
Of course you do. you are near retardation. So you have to do that when you have no arguments. And you never, ever do. Drive by name calling and then you pat yourself on the back for your great post. You are so sad.

It’s a fact the recommendation came from the IG and not Trump. Apart from the occasional Twitter rant, Trump has steered clear of all this.

McCabe misled investigators ‘on an array of matters related to the 2016 election’. Forget retirement, he’s lucky isn’t he being criminally charged.

And he may yet.
He wasn’t, but why would it matter if he was?

You don’t mislead investigators. Do you think McCabe should get away with it?

neither you nor I know the complete details of exactly what happened. All we hear from is the side that wants to oust him. Either way he is due to retire after more than 2 decades of service to this country. He deserves his pension.