Will McCabe flip in order save retirement?

You guys never cease to amaze

You should be one of the last people to be amazed by it lol.

If...Trump colluded...if the Dossier is true...if if if if.

If it’s alleged that McCabe ordered Flynn’s 302 changed, that’s kind of a big deal. It warrants further investigation. He can do worse than lose his pension. It’s also worse than what Flynn was charged with.
You should be one of the last people to be amazed by it lol.

If...Trump colluded...if the Dossier is true...if if if if.

If it’s alleged that McCabe ordered Flynn’s 302 changed, that’s kind of a big deal. It warrants further investigation. He can do worse than lose his pension. It’s also worse than what Flynn was charged with.

What does this dossier have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing.
You should be one of the last people to be amazed by it lol.

If...Trump colluded...if the Dossier is true...if if if if.

If it’s alleged that McCabe ordered Flynn’s 302 changed, that’s kind of a big deal. It warrants further investigation. He can do worse than lose his pension. It’s also worse than what Flynn was charged with.
Yea...Hannity's allegations are worth looking into?
^ ignorance abounds. does one think McCabe is pleading for his job just because Hannity says so?

@LindseyGrahamSC on Andrew McCabe probe: "The punishment for violating the law should be you lose your job, if he in fact he did authorize FBI agents to talk to the media and lied about it.
Okay, what did he do?

Not even Trump said that McCabe did anything illegal. He said that McCabe's wife ran as a Democrat in state elections.
That isn't against the law, I checked.


The recommendation from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility came after an internal report by the Justice Department’s inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign, the source said.


Speaking of a piece of shit, you spent the entire afternoon attempting to defend trump after his meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada. Now we find out, even worse, this meeting never took place. Please do what you now can to defend this deranged idiot who makes up meetings with foreign dignitaries,
Another made up story about a made up controversy with a made up scape-goat. What passes for reality in trumpchumplandia is amazing.


The recommendation from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility came after an internal report by the Justice Department’s inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign, the source said.
McCabes wife ran for congress as a Dem. That pissed Forest Trump off. He did not pledge loyalty to Trump when Trump was kind enough to allow him to kiss the ring..


The recommendation from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility came after an internal report by the Justice Department’s inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign, the source said.

The recommendation from the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility came after an internal report by the Justice Department’s inspector general accused the FBI veteran of misleading investigators looking into an array of matters connected to the 2016 presidential campaign, the source said.

Really fleshed that discussion out didn't you? Typical truth deflector childish drive by insults. You are not open enough, or intelligent enough to learn.,
Really fleshed that discussion out didn't you? Typical truth deflector childish drive by insults. You are not open enough, or intelligent enough to learn.,

Apparently facts have no impact on a dullard like yourself. Here is how I picture you and many of your fellow retards on the left:

Apparently facts have no impact on a dullard like yourself. Here is how I picture you and many of your fellow retards on the left:


Of course you do. you are near retardation. So you have to do that when you have no arguments. And you never, ever do. Drive by name calling and then you pat yourself on the back for your great post. You are so sad.
Of course you do. you are near retardation. So you have to do that when you have no arguments. And you never, ever do. Drive by name calling and then you pat yourself on the back for your great post. You are so sad.

Wrong again dumbfuck; when we get to this point, it is usually because a moron like you refuses to admit to the facts and continues to bloviate like a dumbfuck in a vacuum of reality or the facts.

I call it the point and laugh stage. If anyone defines retard it would be someone like you, who in face of the obvious facts, ignores them and continues to bloviate like an idiot with the same dumb tired lies.

We've been watching this stupidity for a year without let up. There is no "there" there and if you stupidly believe the Russians helped Trump get elected, you give a bad name to retards.
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