Will the shark be electrocuted??


19% inflation across the board. Higher than Carter, Frank. It's NOT doing very well. :nono:

"The proposed budget for FY24 is $6.9 trillion, fanning the flames of the debate over allocations and deficit levels. The 19% inflation experienced since January 2020 is permanent. There are no deflationary plans to bring back price levels to what they were in 2020. "

False. You do not understand the CPI so you should just not talk about it. Leave it to smarter people. Inflation under Biden is nowhere near late 1970s inflation. It isn’t even close.

Deflation is disastrous for the economy. Again, something you can’t possibly understand given your limited intelligence.
Again, reality sucks for y'all right now. Folks aren't ignoring them. You should focus on the real takeaway on this one. Folks would rather vote for a political felon who asks silly "would you rather" questions than keep the dementia addled pResident.

Joe is not doing well.... He's already skipping the G7 dinner...
It was because he was preparing to meet Zelensky, you really should turn off Fox News.
It was because he was preparing to meet Zelensky, you really should turn off Fox News.
Why would you quote me on that one? Someone else says something in response to what I said and you quote me as if I said it? Interesting. I will note that the poll I'm talking about is from CBS and is not from Fox News...
Why would you quote me on that one? Someone else says something in response to what I said and you quote me as if I said it? Interesting. I will note that the poll I'm talking about is from CBS and is not from Fox News...
It was an error. You can unbunch your undies now!
The statistics show that the economy is doing great...especially when compared with the economies of just about every other country on the planet.

He is getting older. In 6 years he will be almost as old as I am right now. I also am getting older. That is what many of us strive for...getting older.

No you won't.

Check out our economy's standing in the world community...then get back to me.
comparison is the beginning of envy.