will there be a draft after the midterms?

Do you think they will do it?

Not just out of the blue, they will need a reason. He is going to attack Iran, I believe that, whether he still believes after the Israeli debacle that he can do it with air power only, I don' t know.

We'd need a massive terrorist attack to take place, larger even than 9/11, they would waste no time pinning it on Iran, and then we would have our draft. I think that's how it would have to happen, if it does happen.

My personal feeling is that, before he is out of office, we may very well need one. He is pretty much dead set on fighting WWIII, as you probably have noticed Desh.
Do you think they will do it?

Doubt it. Outside of your volunteer professional army, I doubt virtually anyone is willing to die in Iraq, or in a war against Syria or Iran.

God knows virtually none of the NeoCons who cheer for a war with iran and syria, would go there to die.

A draft - particullary for unneccessary NeoCon wars - wouldn't be accepted by the american people.
Do you think they will do it?

Concerned of being drafted or don't fit that category? I doubt it will happen, not with the current circumstances, but that has been known to change overnight too...
If there is another 911 incident I think Bush could get the votes.

It terrifies me like nothing OBL ever did.
A draft - particullary for unneccessary NeoCon wars - wouldn't be accepted by the american people.


Although morons like yourself would call me a neocon which I am not, I would certainly take pride in being drafted. I have no fear of being drafted, don't think I would fit the bill but I would'nt have to be asked twice.

And why is it you are certain in speaking for the American people, what is it that makes you think that your opinion resides in the mind of the American people to begin with?

I see it a bit different I guess but hey, if ya get drafted you can always run off to Canada instead......:igive:
If there is another 911 incident I think Bush could get the votes.

It terrifies me like nothing OBL ever did.

Bush is now a known liar. All polling show that the majority consider him a liar.

He blew his chance for greatness. I don't think he can lie us into another war.

Next time, if saudi, afghan, and pakistani-backed terrorists hit us again (like they did on 9/11), but won't be able to point to ANOTHER country (say, Syria for example) and say to the american people: "Hey, look over there! Syria is involved in this!"

He pulled that shit and diverted us to iraq. I think he will be questioned if he tries it again.
You must be assuming a Democratic win in the mid-terms...

after all, they are the only freekin' idiots that would introduce that kind of crap.....as they have in the past

The House voted 2-402 against suspending the debate and moving toward passage, meaning that the bill could be debated in perpetuity. The procedural motion is an action that prompts the sponsor of the legislation to pull it out of consideration.

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (search), D-N.Y., introduced the legislation in January 2003 in an effort to highlight what he saw as an ill-prepared and ill-advised Iraq policy. Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, D-S.C., pushed a similar bill in the Senate.

The legislation in both chambers declares that it is the obligation of every U.S. citizen and resident between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a two-year period of national service.
You must be assuming a Democratic win in the mid-terms...

after all, they are the only freekin' idiots that would introduce that kind of crap.....as they have in the past

The House voted 2-402 against suspending the debate and moving toward passage, meaning that the bill could be debated in perpetuity. The procedural motion is an action that prompts the sponsor of the legislation to pull it out of consideration.

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (search), D-N.Y., introduced the legislation in January 2003 in an effort to highlight what he saw as an ill-prepared and ill-advised Iraq policy. Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, D-S.C., pushed a similar bill in the Senate.

The legislation in both chambers declares that it is the obligation of every U.S. citizen and resident between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a two-year period of national service.

Yeah, but we're only gonna institute a draft in congressional districts who's members voted for the war. The people who cheerled us into this disaster, should go serve in their war.

IF enough of the people who back this stupid mess would join up and go we might have enough troops.
how can anyone but a neo con support this stupid war?

First, why not tell me what in your opinion is a necon?

I support the iraq war for many reasons unlike the so called 911 link that the majority here think was a big reason for going to war to begin with, as well as the wmd issue. Let me explain it this way, had the subject of wmd's had never of even come up prior to invasion I would of been in support of the idea of invading iraq. There was no way that saddam was ever going to comply with international law, who sits on opinion for this issue? The UN, in which had already sat on the issue for 12 years without a single knock towars iraq. saddam knew as well as most in the world that the UN is nothing to be worried about, it's a failed orginization by all means just about.

After 911 bush declared a war on terrorism wherever it is, I support that idea 100%, and to think that it could'nt have anything to do with iraq is rediculous, it is documented that there has been terrorist camps all along there.

So now that things have not gone smoothly what to do? Novel idea, let's not support the whole thing anymore..:rolleyes: I got news for you, the conservs were'nt the only ones in support of this idea initially.
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Back in 2003 we had 1.4 million in the Armed Service...so in reality, there is more than enough...
my husband has been having all of these unsettling nightmares that President Bush will declare martial law after another attack that will happen right at the 2008 election time, keeping President Bush in absolute power!!!

it is a reoccurring nghtmare!!! he's had it at least 5 times already...

and he's the republican in our family unit! hahaha! or, ex-republican!!!

you'd think, i would be the one, as the Democrat, having that nightmare!

i think his guilt for supporting bush in 2000 is catching up to him! hahaha! poor guy!!! well, at least in 2004 bush did not get his vote! :D (here's where you say, thank you care4all for knocking some sense in him! )

but i say NO on the draft...unless another terror incident happens....then ya better watch out!
There is help for this Care.....

Movement to Classify 'Liberalism' as Mental Disorder Gains Steam

Worry_thumbThink that some of President Bush's judicial nominees are 'out of the mainstream'? Worried that John Bolton may not have the temperament to represent the U.S. at the U.N.? If some Republicans get their way, there may soon be an official diagnosis of what really ails you: political paranoia disorder.

American Psychiatric Association approves the inclusion of "Political Paranoia" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

By Hermione Slatkin, medical correspondent

Selftest_1NEW YORK, NY—When Zacharia Goodman recently sought out the help of a therapist, it was no mystery as to what was ailing him. The 27-year-old copy editor was so consumed by his belief that President George W. Bush stole the 2004 election that he was having trouble sleeping, completing rudimentary tasks at work, and carrying on conversations about topics not related to politics.

The therapist he consulted wrote Goodman a prescription for the social anxiety drug Paxil and encouraged him to spend less time reading left-wing Web logs and listening to Air America.
Well if we have to, lets start with red districs. But before we get to that point, I think the army should heavily recruit at republican events.