will there be a draft after the midterms?

Talk to David Letterman about that one. People are known to have daughters above the age of 40...

LOL you're totally right.

Somebody just posted the other day, that 70-year old John McCain has an 18 year old son. Way to go John! He must have a young trophy wife ;)
You must be assuming a Democratic win in the mid-terms...

after all, they are the only freekin' idiots that would introduce that kind of crap.....as they have in the past

The House voted 2-402 against suspending the debate and moving toward passage, meaning that the bill could be debated in perpetuity. The procedural motion is an action that prompts the sponsor of the legislation to pull it out of consideration.

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (search), D-N.Y., introduced the legislation in January 2003 in an effort to highlight what he saw as an ill-prepared and ill-advised Iraq policy. Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings, D-S.C., pushed a similar bill in the Senate.

The legislation in both chambers declares that it is the obligation of every U.S. citizen and resident between the ages of 18 and 26 to perform a two-year period of national service.

A link:


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Well I agree Iran is in all over the place but to say that we fucked up the middle east is pretty sad, I think they probably helped the matter a bit themselves! You act if saddams influence was all that widespread outside of his own country, as if he would really make a difference in what Iran, and Syria have in mind with their visions for the middle east. So in essence the middle east would pretty much be at peace had we not went into Iraq?

isn't that curious? When youy guys were selling this war, Saddam was a global threat to us so imminent we couldn't even wait another six weeks for Blix to tell us what we know now: that he didn't HAVE any fucking WMD's... but now that the place has turned to shit and the one thing that Saddam did well - contain Iran - ain't getting done and Iran is exerting HUGE influence all around the region...NOW... Saddam didn't have any influence outside his own country?? What WAS he? Terrrorist mastermind with his evil finger on the nuclear trigger...a threat so real and powerful we needed to waste a half a trillion dollars, kill tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and 2613 Americans to depose right this instant? or regional tinhorn with no real influence?

You guys try to play this from both sides...it would be comical.... if it weren't so sad and so deadly
NO kidding... Which blog is that from?
On the enlistment age Damo ? It is not a blog, I think it is 45 for the guard, but not entirely certain on that one. And some reservists specialists like DR's and such have been called up at nearly 60 yrs old.
Anyone with a "little daughter" is almost certainly 42 years old or younger.

Bush raised the enlisment age up to 42 this year.

Man if you just about the biggest pussy on this board! But yeah ya got me there, I am just below that age so it must of been a bit of a bullshit story I made up eh?

You wanna keep me on your ignore list and go ahead and quote others to say something to me? go ahead, it shows your true courage when it comes to debating an issue!

On the enlistment age Damo ? It is not a blog, I think it is 45 for the guard, but not entirely certain on that one. And some reservists specialists like DR's and such have been called up at nearly 60 yrs old.
No, on the article from bravo. I found it and added it.
isn't that curious? When youy guys were selling this war, Saddam was a global threat to us so imminent we couldn't even wait another six weeks for Blix to tell us what we know now: that he didn't HAVE any fucking WMD's... but now that the place has turned to shit and the one thing that Saddam did well - contain Iran - ain't getting done and Iran is exerting HUGE influence all around the region...NOW... Saddam didn't have any influence outside his own country?? What WAS he? Terrrorist mastermind with his evil finger on the nuclear trigger...a threat so real and powerful we needed to waste a half a trillion dollars, kill tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and 2613 Americans to depose right this instant? or regional tinhorn with no real influence?

You guys try to play this from both sides...it would be comical.... if it weren't so sad and so deadly

The denials from war apologists, that they went to war primarily over WMD and nuclear programs have been coming fast and furious recently.
They just raised the enlistment age.
Did you have the daughter at 19 ?
Is it better to draft em and kill em off before or after they have children ?
You really need to condiser her safety from the islamofacialist terrorist types, heck she might wind up marrying one .

Listen up dickhead! I can flame with the best of em, I can take being flamed all day long, but tell ya what, let's leave my daughter out of the equation right fucking now!

So what is it pops, ya wanna here me say that I am off to enlist tomorrow? well would ya believe me if I said I am in? Well ya know how that scenario goes...
don't you think that YOUR children deserve the chance to be all sad and proud of their dead daddy like the kids of the 2613 GI's who have already died for this goatfuck?
don't you think that YOUR children deserve the chance to be all sad and proud of their dead daddy like the kids of the 2613 GI's who have already died for this goatfuck?

I actually think the idea of a draft has merit.

Let cheerleaders for unneccessary war face the prospect of dealing with the consequences of their choices.
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Of course I would not believe you. Why should I even believe you have a daughter. Most of your posts on here have been to snipe and flame, so why would I believe you ? But I said nothing bad about her (if she exists), and would not threaten anyones daughter. You brought a daughter up as the reason you did not enlist.
So don't bring up any rweasons why you sluff off on your military service and then take offense if someone discusses that subject.
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isn't that curious? When youy guys were selling this war, Saddam was a global threat to us so imminent we couldn't even wait another six weeks for Blix to tell us what we know now:
Who is you guys? it's really a convienient statement is't it? I mean because I support a particular issue I am conglomerated with the rest. Well guess ya better start hacking up Hillary as well seeing as she supported it as well at that time... O'oops I see that has already taking place here.. talk about the with us or against us mentality...:rolleyes:

that he didn't HAVE any fucking WMD's... but now that the place has turned to shit and the one thing that Saddam did well - contain Iran - ain't getting done and Iran is exerting HUGE influence all around the region...NOW... Saddam didn't have any influence outside his own country?? What WAS he? Terrrorist mastermind with his evil finger on the nuclear trigger...a threat so real and powerful we needed to waste a half a trillion dollars, kill tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and 2613 Americans to depose right this instant? or regional tinhorn with no real influence?

You guys try to play this from both sides...it would be comical.... if it weren't so sad and so deadly

So when you stae an issue of influence, turn it back to WMDs or the mastermind of 911? is that noty withing half the already existing threads? I guess absolutely nobody in the world ever considered the fact that iran could become an issue here, as if they were just another quiet bunch minding their own business in the region.
I think the issue has probably been discussed somewhere along the line, but then again maybe none of the brass could possibly think at your super genius level! Hmmmm, I would guess that iran picked the perfect time, did ya not see it coming, was it all a sudden surprise?
and I would not want evil or any other American to die in this stupid stupid counterproductive war in Iraq. NO American children should have lost their father or mother for this idiocy
Ebvil we are paying people a lot of money to run our govt that should be smarter than burger slingers, but apparently they are not. and refused to listen to those who were smarter than they were. I guess loyalty is above quality now in our govt.
Bush didn't even know there were such things as sunni and shiite muslims...he was completely unprepared and unqualified to make decisions about this war.... the shiites are going to win this bloody civil war... and they will undoubtedly align themselves with Iran.... and we will have gotten THAT putrid result and that alone, for all those lives and all that money when we could have been making our country safer..when we could have been fighting the folks who attacked us and disabling their network...

can't you SEE how terrible this thing has turned out?
Of course I would not believe you. Why should I even believe you have a daughter. Most of your posts on here have been to snipe and flame, so why would I believe you ? But I said nothing bad about her (if she exists), and would not threaten anyones daughter. You brought a daughter up as the reason you did not enlist.
So don't bring up any rweasons why you sluff off on your military service and then take offense if someone discusses that subject.

You got me there, I have not made any sense with a topic I chose to debate amongst because my opinion is the wrong one. That could be pops, but ya see, I at least express my opinion, yep my own. I think some of them may even be well thought out, but anyways while on the subject would ya wanna direct me to a few of your threads that exclude your two line wonders, or your copy & pasted articles?

Oh and by the ways pops, if you haven't noticed my flame thread is pretty large, I think 6 pages last I remember... pretty funny how a flame thread gets so large while I am the only one slinging them!

Damn, you guys make debating a topic fun! usually I can just refer to half the other topics posted and use the same replies...
Ebvil we are paying people a lot of money to run our govt that should be smarter than burger slingers, but apparently they are not. and refused to listen to those who were smarter than they were. I guess loyalty is above quality now in our govt.

Ya think so? where is your beloved party outside of shooting down every damn thing this administration attempts to do, is it not a partisan thing going on there? Yeah well I have not been supportive in all their views, but is every single thing done thus far wrong?

So let's not talk loyalty and quality, not much of it exists on either side of the line, and if you think so, well........