will there be a draft after the midterms?

Ya think so? where is your beloved party outside of shooting down every damn thing this administration attempts to do, is it not a partisan thing going on there? Yeah well I have not been supportive in all their views, but is every single thing done thus far wrong?

So let's not talk loyalty and quality, not much of it exists on either side of the line, and if you think so, well........

I am trying to think of something good Bush has done......Perhaps if I sleep on it something will come to me. I am certain there is something he has done good that was not messed up. He even messes up supposedly good stuff like the medicare prescription pill bill, and the NCLB.
I will think on it tonight though and let you know tomorrow, might have to try and fish something off of Rush's site .
Bush didn't even know there were such things as sunni and shiite muslims...he was completely unprepared and unqualified to make decisions about this war....

Let me ask ya this, do you think bush all himself comes up with the tactics used, war preperations, and such? yeah well I guess he does have to much power then..... who then is the real puppet afterall?....:rolleyes:

the shiites are going to win this bloody civil war... and they will undoubtedly align themselves with Iran.... and we will have gotten THAT putrid result and that alone, for all those lives and all that money when we could have been making our country safer..when we could have been fighting the folks who attacked us and disabling their network...

can't you SEE how terrible this thing has turned out?
Hmmm, I can't recall saying how wonderful things have turned out, are you talking to me or are you talking to what you think is MY mind ruler? I never said it was looking good, not once! but guess since I supported the damn thing I must have meant it was rosy all over!

Who exactly are the folks according to you that attacked us, and where might we find these so called folks? pinpoint that for me will ya?
Attacked us as in 911 ? Hmm I believe several were from our good ally Saudi Arabia. Bush has said that OBL does not matter anymore ?
I am trying to think of something good Bush has done......Perhaps if I sleep on it something will come to me. I am certain there is something he has done good that was not messed up. He even messes up supposedly good stuff like the medicare prescription pill bill, and the NCLB.
I will think on it tonight though and let you know tomorrow, might have to try and fish something off of Rush's site .

Tell ya what, while sleeping on that one drop your partisan ways, then rethink the issues at task.... Wonderful, now if the rest of them can do it perhaps some good stuff could turn about but for the love of god it will never happen! Ya can't even come on a website these days if you are not firmly planted with one or the other...... United we stand, divided we fall ring of any kind of bells???
Attacked us as in 911 ? Hmm I believe several were from our good ally Saudi Arabia. Bush has said that OBL does not matter anymore ?

I think all may of been for that matter but what about it? have I been stating in every thread how iraq masterminded 911, have I been saying iraq harbored the 911 perps? nope, simply stated that iraq was known to be running terrorist camps, and were a problem prior to 911.

Now tell me, how is the capture of OBL going to change the face of things, he's one man! Oh I see, that may win some hearts and minds here at home and finally put a bit of a rosy picture on things?? C'mon, OBL will spend his days cave dwelling & bunker jumping! if caught it would be nice, but it ain't going to amount to shit on the grand scheme of things....
What, is the bombardment over already? I figure cyphilis to be a pussy right from day one but I thought there the rest were semi hard core! C'mon now, make me a believer in the one way thinking system!!!
So coon, whats your track record outside the UN service? don't feel the need to reveal, just curious.

Oh, no further update on this one?

Ahhh, what a buch of shitbricks.....fire me up for a good one here and then leave me hanging.......:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Oh, no further update on this one?

Ahhh, what a buch of shitbricks.....fire me up for a good one here and then leave me hanging.......:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

mostly sea duty...mostly destroyers and replenishment ships... one birdfarm...command of a shore installation
mostly sea duty...mostly destroyers and replenishment ships... one birdfarm...command of a shore installation

Ya know what, it's really none of my business anyway, a mans track record in the service should'nt be questioned...... Ya got any proof of that record?:cof1:

Nah, I just get fired up when questioned on what I would and would'nt do but to be honest the topic did'nt need to get into that portion of personal info. Suggesting that drafting should be done at any political gethering of any sort or side is just plain assinined!!

So I guess you are an honorable man, you served I did'nt! I can live with it...
the proof is hanging all over the walls in my office. but I am glad that we are square on this issue.

Because I said that you were honrable? I think anyone who has served is honorable! Now are you going to say my opinions are less valid as I have'nt served? that would tell a lot more about being square or not....
you opinions about the war are no less valid than mine. Your understanding as to the consequences of war is not as well developed as mine. Your understanding of the middle east is not as well developed as mine. But I have NEVER suggested that those who have not served are any less entitled to their opinions about the legitimacy of this war. I have stated that those Iraq war cheerleaders who are of fighting age ought to go serve in this war that they so vigorously support so that members of the inactive reserve are not involuntarily forced back on active duty for lack of fresh cannon fodder.
I have stated that those Iraq war cheerleaders who are of fighting age ought to go serve in this war that they so vigorously support so that members of the inactive reserve are not involuntarily forced back on active duty for lack of fresh cannon fodder.

Well then we need to be a little more square about things, I am far from cheerleadin any war at anytime. I don't think that anyone wants it to be a first option, I merely am in support of it. Now has your time served ever put you in the middle of a real conflict, or have you ever seen actual combat? if not how does that make you more suitable to argue either way about the conflict? if so how does it? I am friends with plenty of NAM vets that would love nothing more than to be serving right now, does that make them any better to argue this cause then you?
Back to the topic at hand, "Will there be a draft?"

I was thinking on this. They recalled Inactive Reservists in the Marine Corps, which has had no problems recruiting even during these times... I think that is a bad sign. They fill their recruitment requirements, yet they still recall them...
First, why not tell me what in your opinion is a necon?

I support the iraq war for many reasons unlike the so called 911 link that the majority here think was a big reason for going to war to begin with, as well as the wmd issue. Let me explain it this way, had the subject of wmd's had never of even come up prior to invasion I would of been in support of the idea of invading iraq. There was no way that saddam was ever going to comply with international law, who sits on opinion for this issue? The UN, in which had already sat on the issue for 12 years without a single knock towars iraq. saddam knew as well as most in the world that the UN is nothing to be worried about, it's a failed orginization by all means just about.

After 911 bush declared a war on terrorism wherever it is, I support that idea 100%, and to think that it could'nt have anything to do with iraq is rediculous, it is documented that there has been terrorist camps all along there.

So now that things have not gone smoothly what to do? Novel idea, let's not support the whole thing anymore..:rolleyes: I got news for you, the conservs were'nt the only ones in support of this idea initially.

Yes .. but if there were no WMD's he than was in compliance ... that's the enitire dispute Evil ... In the beginning I thought the same way as you .. but over time I am in agreement with the left .. we had no business going into Iraq ..and we need to get the hell out of there.
Well then we need to be a little more square about things, I am far from cheerleadin any war at anytime. I don't think that anyone wants it to be a first option, I merely am in support of it. Now has your time served ever put you in the middle of a real conflict, or have you ever seen actual combat? if not how does that make you more suitable to argue either way about the conflict? if so how does it? I am friends with plenty of NAM vets that would love nothing more than to be serving right now, does that make them any better to argue this cause then you?

Go do some reading and find out what was going on in Lebanon in 1981 and 1982. See who was bombing whom.... see who was shooting at whom.... I was in the "middle" of that. In fact, my job was specifically to hop into a jeep whenever alerted to "real conflict" between UNIFIL forces and indiginous militia groups, or with IDF forces, and drive right into the "middle of the real conflict" and convince people to stop killing one another. At other times in my tour, my job was to stay on the radio at the Beirut UN office and inform New York that the buildings all around me were exploding after being struck with ordinance dropped by Israeli fighters. I would say that I have seen actual combat and that I have served in the middle of real conflict.

Again...I do not think that those who have not served are any less entitled to their opinion...I do , however, take offense when the cheerleaders of this war who are of fighting age not only do not show the courage to go fight in a war they helped bring about, but also call those of us who disagree with this horrible war cowards or traitors. Do you see my point?

And damo....I hope that if there is a draft, that we make it tight enough that the children of privilege cannot escape it by using college as a deferrment.
The dispute should no longer be do we need a draft .. it should be a time line for when we will withdraw our troops .. ... once we get this done .. a draft will not be neccessary ...

With this thought in place .. I am waiting for an assertive plan by the DNC and Congressional Candidates on how they plan to do this... Dean was not able to address this on Hardball last night ...
Will there be a draft? When the fuck will this lying fearmongering stop? You guys have been playing the draft threat bullshit for over 2 years now, will you EVER give it up and stop trying to scare people?

It's almost been 2 years since the election and I notice we still have no draft. Nor is there any calls for one.

Isn't this very strange? The Left said leading up to the last election that Republicans would have a draft for sure, that Bush was gonna do it unless people voted for Dems and Kerry to make sure we don't get one.

To date the only politicians that have called for a draft for Iraq have been Dems.
Including Chuck Rangel, a Dem house member, who didn't just call for a draft, he introduced a bill to force one:

Where are their apologies? Will they apologize for their rampant, irresponsible and ultimately baseless fearmongering?
The dispute should no longer be do we need a draft .. it should be a time line for when we will withdraw our troops .. ... once we get this done .. a draft will not be neccessary ...

With this thought in place .. I am waiting for an assertive plan by the DNC and Congressional Candidates on how they plan to do this... Dean was not able to address this on Hardball last night ...

So it is up to the dems to clean up Bush's mess ?
Go do some reading and find out what was going on in Lebanon in 1981 and 1982. See who was bombing whom.... see who was shooting at whom.... I was in the "middle" of that. In fact, my job was specifically to hop into a jeep whenever alerted to "real conflict" between UNIFIL forces and indiginous militia groups, or with IDF forces, and drive right into the "middle of the real conflict" and convince people to stop killing one another. At other times in my tour, my job was to stay on the radio at the Beirut UN office and inform New York that the buildings all around me were exploding after being struck with ordinance dropped by Israeli fighters. I would say that I have seen actual combat and that I have served in the middle of real conflict.
And precisley why I made the question optional! But now that I have read your statements here are you saying that Israel was at fault during that conflict? is this about sides again? are you suggesting that terrorist groups are a solution to israel, or at least a path of no choice?

Again...I do not think that those who have not served are any less entitled to their opinion...I do , however, take offense when the cheerleaders of this war who are of fighting age not only do not show the courage to go fight in a war they helped bring about, but also call those of us who disagree with this horrible war cowards or traitors. Do you see my point?

And damo....I hope that if there is a draft, that we make it tight enough that the children of privilege cannot escape it by using college as a deferrment.
So we are back to questioning ones courage who have not yet served? So in essence you are saying that those who are in support of this war are the ones who help bring it about? well if that is the case I would think it would serve you well to go back to lebanon and join the uprise against israel then, you have pretty much used your time served as an argument here against israel, so would it be the proper assumption to make?