will there be a draft after the midterms?

Pre-emptive action is an absolute must to prevent innocent people from getting killed. And I would rather our enemies innocent people get killed rather than ours.

What an ass.
I don't expect a draft unless the US goes to outright war with Iran ... but that's a real possibility.

US forces are stretched. Keep in mind that it's not so much a matter of overall military size any more in Iraq. It's a matter of a few specific KINDS of troops: Mostly infantry with a smaller component of artillery, armor and rotary-wing air support and probably a downright tiny fixed-wing component. The cooks, B-52 pilots, etc. in the military might as well not be counted at THIS stage of THIS conflict.

If I had to guess, I'd say the bottlenecks are a) RECRUITMENT of infantry (it's just harder to get someone to sign up to carry a rifle or mortar right now) and b) TRAINING of field medical personnel and helicopter pilots (they don't just sign the contract and get handed their first aid kit or their Apache).

The US has the overall force size/strength to fight Iran, but it doesn't have the ground combat element size/strength to do so, especially with large pieces of that ground combat element already tied down in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran has three times the population of either of those other two countries, and a more modern military to boot ... and that population is much younger as well. They'll have no shortage of manpower. An air war will not break them. They lost a million dead in their war with Iraq and didn't say uncle.

On the "good news indications" front, I've seen no evidence that the Selective Service Administration is gearing up for an imminent draft. I serve on one of its local boards and they don't seem to be in any hurry to get us up to speed to be able to start processing deferment applications and such. The standards call for draftees to begin being inducted about 90 days from the time Congress says "go," but there would presumably be a ramp-up if Selective Service expected Congress to do so.

Tom Knapp

Good assessment of things. I don't think there would be need of a draft for iran though. It would mean a lot more redeployment of troops tho. there's plenty in europe to draw on yet. And you didn't figure in the Navy carrier groups which pack a serious punch in any theater.

It would be even better if iran attacked us and we could draw NATO into it as well. I doubt there would be boots on the ground until the iran air defense and shore installations are nullified. Hopefully a good pounding of the islamic guard units would inspire an uprising and the people take back their own country.

There has been no shortage of infantry enlistments, there are a lot of young idealistic guys signing up for just that. One old retired sergeant I know always says "only infantrymen are real soldiers". The idealists either stay in as hardcore NCO's or they transfer to other jobs to get behind the lines.
Pre-emptive action is an absolute must to prevent innocent people from getting killed. And I would rather our enemies innocent people get killed rather than ours.

What an ass.

That's pragmatic ass to you. Now crawl back under your rock.
There will not be any kind of draft until the US is outright attacked on a much larger scale than 911 and more than one country is involved. It would have to involve a real long conflict that would take more than a few divisions to conquor the areas involved. we have much more high tech equipment now and the troops are a lot more highly trained. Small numbers of quality troops can do a lot more than a bunch of cannon fodder. A draft would not be pratical.

There is a definate conflict coming with iran. Would be nice if we could take them down the way it was done in afgan with a small number of troops, airpower and the locals uprising against the government.

As for the Marines being called back to duty. They are inactive reserve with special training that is needed or going to be needed soon. They have critical MOS's that take a long time to train people in and many are being called up not for duty overseas but to train new people in the jobs and get them ready. If they were all going overseas then get ready for a big invasion cause thats the only reason to bring these guys back in and put them directly into line.

Whether Bush made the right choices about iraq will not be known for at least another ten years. I do feel he underestimated the shea and iran. I think even he is being to recognize we are at war with islam. And iran is the head of it. When iran falls you will find OBL.

Whereever the troops are and whatever they are doing, I'm cheering them on. And I see the need of going after the enemy before he has the chance to strick. Pre-emptive action is an absolute must to prevent innocent people from getting killed. And I would rather our enemies innocent people get killed rather than ours.

I was drafted myself. I was a combat veteran before I was old enough to drink or vote. I know exactly what the troops over there are dealing with and how they feel. They volunteered and continual deployment is the main morale problem. But the ones there are the ones experienced in desert combat and conditions. That's an important factor in combat conditions.

I was very much for saddam being taken down. I also knew it would be a long occupation process before we could get out of there. I didn't expect there would be as much secular action as there has been. But then I did more reading about islam and now I can see where the problems with democranizing the middle east are going to be. It can't be done as long as islam is in control there. We are going to have to confront that at some point and it will be bloody. But whatever happens i'll be here with my pompoms cheering for the troops. My age and a quadruple bypass prevent me from serving again or you can bet I would be trying.

I salute SE for his loyalty to the country and had he been younger with less responsibilities I'm sure he would be over there now. The question here is, if called up to go serve how many would give up what they have to go? How many would hightail it for canada to avoid serving? So many on here love to critize and flame but I bet there are not many that would atually sacrifice their time and put their careers on hold for their country?

I think even he is being to recognize we are at war with islam. And iran is the head of it. When iran falls you will find OBL.

I pray you become better informed, and don't mislead us into the wrong war, against the wrong enemy....again.

FYI: Bin Ladin is an extremist sunni. There are deep divisions between the shia and the sunni. Bin Ladin himself has recently called for sunni to kill shia (through his agents in Iraq, like Zarqawi), and has called the shia "traitors" and "agents of the americans". There is deep hatred for the shia, in the extremist sunni sects.

Iran is a shia state, who remains an enemy of the sunni arab states. The taliban, were in fact, the Iranians biggest enemies, after Saddam Hussein.

A smart, clever president, with a nuanced view of global geopolitics, would be able to exploit the divisions between shia theocrats and sunni extremists.

Nonsense, that would be the same as voting for a program without any budget numbers. You need numbers, so you can actually SEE what you are really voting for.
Good government doesn't pass vague bills of rhetoric.

students of good government know the difference between a bill and a resolution...

their ranks, obviously, does not include YOU.
Well, there is a back door draft going on now...is what they are saying?


The Kansas City Star

This was the plan in 1973: Dump the draft. Count on volunteers. When something big comes up, rely on the reserves and National Guard.

A special commission had told Richard Nixon the country could suffice with a smaller all-volunteer, active-duty military unless something really big came up.

Only in the case of a long-term, large-scale foreign deployment — define that as more than six months and 100,000 troops — would there be any need to bother with a draft again.

Now three-plus years since tanks rumbled into Baghdad, with more than 150,000 U.S. troops deployed to either Iraq or Afghanistan, the Pentagon is making do with thinly stretched volunteers.

Most recently, the Marine Corps announced the involuntary call-up of 2,500 troops in the individual ready reserves — people clearly obligated to fight if called but also expecting that their days in uniform were behind them.

“Up until now the Marines were able to recruit plenty of people and get them to come back just by asking. They’re the most gung ho of all the services,” said Lawrence Korb, who specialized in manpower issues as an assistant secretary of defense during the Reagan administration. “The fact that they’re forcing some Marines back into service is indicative of how military and former military people feel about this war.”

In a word, tired.

Already, the Marines had called some 5,000 troops voluntarily back into service. The Army has called back 5,000 soldiers from the ready reserves, most of them involuntarily, since Sept. 11, 2001.

In addition, so-called “stop loss” policies that protect the Army from losing people in high-demand specialties are freezing more than 10,000 soldiers in the service involuntarily and indefinitely. At times during the Iraq war, that number has risen to nearly 14,000.

Korb and others refer to it as a “back-door draft” — a means of putting enough boots on the ground without having to impose conscription on the general military-age population.

Nor are recruitment targets being increased to account for the 500 or so troops lost to battlefield deaths and injuries every month, he said.

“We can’t put in that factor because it would be too hot politically,” he said of the casualties. “It’s like the draft.”

While a few lonely voices call for a draft to spread the burden of military service and to force a national referendum on the occupation of Iraq, conventional wisdom in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill holds that such ideas will go nowhere.

Some in Congress have pushed to significantly increase the number of active duty troops, which the Bush administration has consistently resisted.

continued at: http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/15345565.htm
why didn't you serve your country when you were of fighting age?

Oh please Mainman! You don't believe him do you? Never have I see such a long line of repukes who are all just dying to get into the military but have all been turned down! I had people like this on my old board. Remember that wing nut guy Cypress? Oh, they're all packing their little bags in the morning, all gung ho, well honey, I'm off to fight the A-rabs for apple pie, virginity and Lockheed Martin! Wish me luck, I'll write! And they finally get to the recruitment office after walking 12 miles through three feet of snow, and what do you think happens? At a time when they are so desperate for people that they're enlisting retards, these guys get turned down! And so, our heros, crestfallen, turn back around, spurned, but still heroic, and go back home to rejoin the 101st fighting keyboardists, with the battle cry "Well at least I tried to join!"

They are so full of shit I would not want to be walking behind them, I can tell you that.
Back to the topic at hand, "Will there be a draft?"

I was thinking on this. They recalled Inactive Reservists in the Marine Corps, which has had no problems recruiting even during these times... I think that is a bad sign. They fill their recruitment requirements, yet they still recall them...

I read an article today, I don't remember where, but a bunch of vets were interviewed in it, it was a veteran's group I think, and they said that this is the last resort before a draft. It didn't look good to them.
I read an article today, I don't remember where, but a bunch of vets were interviewed in it, it was a veteran's group I think, and they said that this is the last resort before a draft. It didn't look good to them.

I read that one too
The Marines are calling up special MOS.s. They are not just pulling in guys to run a combat patrol. These are highly trained individuals in communications and things like that. They will be used in training the new troops. A lot of these position might be going unfilled because they are REMF jobs and the Marines in now prefer being in the action.

You write: "Well, there is a back door draft going on now...is what they are saying?"

There's no "backdoor draft." When you enlist in the armed forces, the contract clearly states the conditions under which you can be called up from the Individual Ready Reserve.

Until the first Gulf War, of course, none of us ever believed that would really happen (I went IRR in September of 1990, but managed to get back into my unit instead of waiting to be called up from IRR to a "casualty replacement company" as many of my friends were), but it's not like it's a secret. Do a search for the standard enlistment contract. There are two IRR callup provisions in it (one for when the president declares a state of emergency, the other requiring congressional authorization). The enlistee has to initial next to each one to signify that he or she understands and accepts it.

Tom Knapp
Moral of the story is:

Learn 2 Read

I knew full well that this provision was in my enlistment contract when I joined. These people have no reason to complain.
Moral of the story is:

Learn 2 Read

I knew full well that this provision was in my enlistment contract when I joined. These people have no reason to complain.
It was made clear to us all that it was an 8 year contract with 4 active, and 4 Inactive Reserves... I fully understood that I could be called back after I was released.