will there be a draft after the midterms?

And why would you think that?

Well, repubs/bush apologists have been cheerleading this debacle from the beginning. Since they are the ones that are so motivated I think they'd have better luck getting those people to join their quagmire.
Well, repubs/bush apologists have been cheerleading this debacle from the beginning. Since they are the ones that are so motivated I think they'd have better luck getting those people to join their quagmire.

Ok, but are you suggesting that only repubs/bush apologists as you would put it are the only ones in support of this particular war?

Man, the mainstream thinker here is quick to classify! Would it be a fair assesment then to assume all lib/dems are in favor of an instant pullout? I doubt it, but who am I to say as an instanly classified staunch neocon bush supporter.
We went in to depose Saddam: mission accomplished

We went in to rid the world of Saddam's WMD's: mission accomplished even before we set one foot in Iraqi territory.

When did Bush ever tell us that we had to stay until the Iraqis were done with THEIR civil war before we could declare victory and leave?

Although morons like yourself would call me a neocon which I am not, I would certainly take pride in being drafted. I have no fear of being drafted, don't think I would fit the bill but I would'nt have to be asked twice.

And why is it you are certain in speaking for the American people, what is it that makes you think that your opinion resides in the mind of the American people to begin with?

I see it a bit different I guess but hey, if ya get drafted you can always run off to Canada instead......:igive:

I was drafted and believe me it sucks.
Why wait to be drafted Evil, just join up. Or are you all blow and no go ?
He sure is saying we have to stay there and I cannot understand why. the things we went in there to do we've done.... and done poorly....

let's declare "victory" and leave. We have fucked up the middle east bigtime by removing the only guy who had been capable of keeping a lid on Iranian hegemony...now they are pulling strings all over the place.

The civil war will ultimately end up with the shiites - who are an overwhelming majority - winning and aligning themselves with Iran even further solidifying Iran's dominance.

Face it: we fucked up and stay there any longer will not unfuck things...it will only make us fewer, poorer, less safe, and more despised.
I was drafted and believe me it sucks.
Why wait to be drafted Evil, just join up. Or are you all blow and no go ?

Age is the issue pops, but tell ya what, got me a beautiful little daughter that needs me just the same but that did'nt stop my attempt to try. Now, got any brilliant ideas on how I can stymie my birth certificate so I could do this? Well even so as far as you and the like minded would feel it would be one last supporter, one last neocon, one last whatever else y'all like to call someone with opposing views...

So with that tidbit out of the way, hows it hanging pops? :cof1:
We went in to depose Saddam: mission accomplished

We went in to rid the world of Saddam's WMD's: mission accomplished even before we set one foot in Iraqi territory.

When did Bush ever tell us that we had to stay until the Iraqis were done with THEIR civil war before we could declare victory and leave?

I guess you did not read the fine print written in disappearing ink. What is the matter with you? You are supposed to read all of that stuff. :)

There is help for this Care.....

Movement to Classify 'Liberalism' as Mental Disorder Gains Steam

Worry_thumbThink that some of President Bush's judicial nominees are 'out of the mainstream'? Worried that John Bolton may not have the temperament to represent the U.S. at the U.N.? If some Republicans get their way, there may soon be an official diagnosis of what really ails you: political paranoia disorder.

American Psychiatric Association approves the inclusion of "Political Paranoia" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

By Hermione Slatkin, medical correspondent

Selftest_1NEW YORK, NY—When Zacharia Goodman recently sought out the help of a therapist, it was no mystery as to what was ailing him. The 27-year-old copy editor was so consumed by his belief that President George W. Bush stole the 2004 election that he was having trouble sleeping, completing rudimentary tasks at work, and carrying on conversations about topics not related to politics.

The therapist he consulted wrote Goodman a prescription for the social anxiety drug Paxil and encouraged him to spend less time reading left-wing Web logs and listening to Air America.

What no link ?
Age is the issue pops, but tell ya what, got me a beautiful little daughter that needs me just the same but that did'nt stop my attempt to try. Now, got any brilliant ideas on how I can stymie my birth certificate so I could do this? Well even so as far as you and the like minded would feel it would be one last supporter, one last neocon, one last whatever else y'all like to call someone with opposing views...

So with that tidbit out of the way, hows it hanging pops? :cof1:

why didn't you serve your country when you were of fighting age?
Age is the issue pops, but tell ya what, got me a beautiful little daughter that needs me just the same but that did'nt stop my attempt to try. Now, got any brilliant ideas on how I can stymie my birth certificate so I could do this? Well even so as far as you and the like minded would feel it would be one last supporter, one last neocon, one last whatever else y'all like to call someone with opposing views...

So with that tidbit out of the way, hows it hanging pops? :cof1:

why didn't you serve your country when you were of fighting age?

"other priorities" like Dick "shooter" Cheney?
He sure is saying we have to stay there and I cannot understand why. the things we went in there to do we've done.... and done poorly....
Oh, you can't understand why? write him and tell him so, I'm sure it will weigh heavy on his mind and maybe he will have a change of heart!

let's declare "victory" and leave. We have fucked up the middle east bigtime by removing the only guy who had been capable of keeping a lid on Iranian hegemony...now they are pulling strings all over the place.
Well I agree Iran is in all over the place but to say that we fucked up the middle east is pretty sad, I think they probably helped the matter a bit themselves! You act if saddams influence was all that widespread outside of his own country, as if he would really make a difference in what Iran, and Syria have in mind with their visions for the middle east. So in essence the middle east would pretty much be at peace had we not went into Iraq?

The civil war will ultimately end up with the shiites - who are an overwhelming majority - winning and aligning themselves with Iran even further solidifying Iran's dominance.

Face it: we fucked up and stay there any longer will not unfuck things...it will only make us fewer, poorer, less safe, and more despised.

Well if you say so it must be true, think I will try an convert myself now!
why didn't you serve your country when you were of fighting age?

"other priorities" like Dick "shooter" Cheney?

Nope no real priorities, and still I classify myself as fighting age. I have no excuse other than the fact that there was no reason for it at the time, taking care of family seemed more important then doing the service routine, money was good and it would have been had I simply joined. Come to think of it I probably could have and should have enlisted during the initial gulf war, so I guess ya got me there. So what does this mean, I'm talking shit? that's cool, would'nt of expected you to accuse me of being truthful anyway.

So coon, whats your track record outside the UN service? don't feel the need to reveal, just curious.
Age is the issue pops, but tell ya what, got me a beautiful little daughter that needs me just the same but that did'nt stop my attempt to try. Now, got any brilliant ideas on how I can stymie my birth certificate so I could do this? Well even so as far as you and the like minded would feel it would be one last supporter, one last neocon, one last whatever else y'all like to call someone with opposing views...

So with that tidbit out of the way, hows it hanging pops? :cof1:

They just raised the enlistment age.
Did you have the daughter at 19 ?
Is it better to draft em and kill em off before or after they have children ?
You really need to condiser her safety from the islamofacialist terrorist types, heck she might wind up marrying one .
Anyone with a "little daughter" is almost certainly 42 years old or younger.

Bush raised the enlisment age up to 42 this year.
Talk to David Letterman about that one. People are known to have daughters above the age of 40...