Will Trump commit suicide if he loses to a black woman?

The whole discussion of Kamala's race is beyond stupid. The bigots on here should just use their own "would I hire this person" test. That way they know if the person is a "good person" or a "mud person".

Does it really matter to our local bigots whence her blackness comes?
This is funny/sad on a couple of levels.

Biden epitomized liberal thought previously with his "you ain't black...." statement and it perfectly summed up liberal feelings towards minorities (but black people specifically) that dare have heterodox thoughts. And we saw it again this election cycle with Nikki Haley and some liberals melting down over her Mom calling her by her middle name since she was a baby and how that somehow made her not an authentic person of Indian decent.

And now we have people on the right doing it. Yes Harris is bi-racial but she went to a HBCU and was in a (black) sorority. For those who aren't familiar with black sororities look them up and research them. It's an absolutely stupid argument for Trump to be making and others to be parroting.

It does show a bi-partisan consensus that regardless of one's political leanings they can make and hold really stupid racial comments/beliefs.

Trump’s fury over Harris’ switch with Biden is increasingly driving his campaign​

Deep into his ranting news conference on Thursday, former President Donald Trump told a truth that explained everything : “I’m very angry at her.”

He was referring to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose late entry into the general election race has left him bitter, disoriented, and mourning the loss of the old campaign — the one he was winning against President Joe Biden.

Trump’s discombobulation was laid bare in a self-pitying and raging stream of consciousness delivered at his New Jersey golf club that raised serious questions about the future trajectory of his quest to return to power.

The ex-president insulted his way into the Oval Office in 2016 — when his often-unhinged soliloquies that shattered all the rules of decorum and politics delighted grassroots Republican voters craving an anti-establishment revolution. But eight years on, the now-familiar act is getting tired, a reality that’s been thrown into sharp relief now that Trump is facing a new campaign against younger, more energetic opponent rather than a re-run against 81-year-old Biden. The former president is driving his strategists to distraction by refusing to stay focused on the issues — like the economy — that could help him prevail in November. He keeps missing chances to prod Harris’ vulnerabilities, allowing the vice president the space to power up her campaign and erase Biden’s polling deficits.

Trump, imagine the MAGA cult, they still haven’t gotten over a Black guy getting elected, twice, and a Black women would set them over the cliff
So it's the father that makes one black

have you seen Lenny Kravitz father... White as mayonnaise

Lenny has a black mother and white father... So that makes Lenny is white...got it
No asshole.

The One Drop Rule: How Black Is "Black?"​

careful the FBI watches this site..

Have you been diligently reporting on all the enemies of the party who are suspected of supporting Donald Trump? Back in 2021 - you might have actually been able to get people arrested for supporting Trump.

Now, well not so much - and if Harris loses (she will) the Constitution comes back and all the fun is over for you.