Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

cancel2 2022


I know that a lot of Americans, through sheer ignorance and also Hollywood, have an image of Ireland as a land of leprechauns, Guinness and the craich. There is also a more sinister side which is not really spelt out that much and should be, as this disturbing case exemplifies. In Ireland abortion is totally illegal and many young women come to the UK to get abortions, the situation is not much better in Northern Ireland. I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?

Horrific that any religion has such ability to control peoples choices and lives. What a beautiful woman and how sad she died because of lack of healthcare.
Horrific that any religion has such ability to control peoples choices and lives. What a beautiful woman and how sad she died because of lack of healthcare.

It wasn't lack of healthcare, it was because abortion is illegal in Ireland with no exceptions!! She was deliberately allowed to die.

'An unviable foetus - the woman was having a miscarriage - was given priority over the woman's life, who unfortunately and predictably developed septicaemia and died.'
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It wasn't lack of healthcare, it was because abortion is illegal in Ireland with no exceptions!! She was dleiberately allowed to die.

This is where you show your stupidity. Having the abortion would have saved her life and I call that healthcare. Idiot!
ITs very sad, this is where many Republicans want to take us. Did the women have other kids who lost a mother?

I wonder what position the men who vote for these type of measures would take if there wives were facing such a situation?
I can't read your mind, that's not how it read to me. I thank you for the clarification but you can keep the insult.

It's a male perspective that causes you to not recognize abortion as healthcare. If you needed one you'd appreciate having access to all forms of healthcare. It's healthcare and limited by religion rather than facts. Your response warranted the insult..
It's a male perspective that causes you to not recognize abortion as healthcare. If you needed one you'd appreciate having access to all forms of healthcare. It's healthcare and limited by religion rather than facts. Your response warranted the insult..

Suit yourself, if you want to play sexual politics that's your prerogative.
It wasn't lack of healthcare, it was because abortion is illegal in Ireland with no exceptions!! She was deliberately allowed to die.
Exeption is its available on the NHS in NI.
Unfortunatly failure to deliver care is the norm under these socialised systems.
Exeption is its available on the NHS in NI.
Unfortunatly failure to deliver care is the norm under these socialised systems.

Northern Ireland opted out of the 1967 Abortion act. There are also very many private clinics doing abortions on the mainland, it is big business as there are many women coming from Ireland, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe and Africa for abortions. I'm guessing that you left the UK in the '70s, one or two things have changed since then!!

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Is that it? I wonder why Darla isn't protesting about the ban on abortion in her home country? The Irish in New York were too busy giving money to the IRA to bother about mundane matters like this!!

I know that a lot of Americans, through sheer ignorance and also Hollywood, have an image of Ireland as a land of leprechauns, Guinness and the craich. There is also a more sinister side which is not really spelt out that much and should be, as this disturbing case exemplifies. In Ireland abortion is totally illegal and many young women come to the UK to get abortions, the situation is not much better in Northern Ireland. I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?


I'll comment. God damn religion!

I know that a lot of Americans, through sheer ignorance and also Hollywood, have an image of Ireland as a land of leprechauns, Guinness and the craich. There is also a more sinister side which is not really spelt out that much and should be, as this disturbing case exemplifies. In Ireland abortion is totally illegal and many young women come to the UK to get abortions, the situation is not much better in Northern Ireland. I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?


How did she get pregnant again?
ITs very sad, this is where many Republicans want to take us. Did the women have other kids who lost a mother?

I wonder what position the men who vote for these type of measures would take if there wives were facing such a situation?

Even as a Christian I am for Abortion in cases of rape, although many of those who are rape children go on to live amazing lives, also incest, and Mothers life.