Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

No that is for Irish women to do, I am not a supporter of cultural imperialism. You might read some Muslim feminist intellectuals and learn something about that.

But your tactic of attempting to somehow (in your peabrained mind) "delegitimize" American feminists by implying we need to solve misogyny in other parts of the world before we can get to shitheads like you and others in America, is so old it's from before I was born. Didn't work then, won't work now. Try again misogynist asshole.

This is his latest stinky bait thread....
This is his latest stinky bait thread....

What a load of crap, how hard is it to get US feminists to say that this is disgusting without them talking bullshit about cultural imperialism? I would suggest that it is cultural imperialism for an Irish hospital to impose their values on an Indian Hindu woman!! The poor woman came to Ireland to work as a dentist and when she went into the hospital to have her first baby, I'm sure that she never expected that would cause her death. I must admit that I do find it wondrous how these people tie themselves up in knots because there isn't an obvious bogeyman to blame.
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I assumed he was talking about Northern Ireland.

He said that in Northern Ireland there is the NHS, which is true, but a total red herring as women from Ireland wouldn't qualify for an abortion in Northern Ireland anyway. I also pointed out that Northern Ireland is not subject to the Abortion Act 1967 and abortions there are only allowed for rape and danger to the mother.
This is the US that Rick Santorum and his ilk would like. One where the fetus, regardless of it's condition trumps a woman's right to survive.
This is the US that Rick Santorum and his ilk would like. One where the fetus, regardless of it's condition trumps a woman's right to survive.

Darla considers it to be cultural imperialism to interfere or even voice an opinion about the subject. Which is astounding for someone who seems to have an instant opinion on anything to do with women's issues.
What a load of crap, how hard is it to get US feminists to say that this is disgusting without them talking bullshit about cultural imperialism? I would suggest that it is cultural imperialism for an Irish hospital to impose their values on an Indian Hindu woman!! The poor woman came to Ireland to work as a dentist and when she went into the hospital to have her first baby, I'm sure that she never expected that would cause her death. I must admit that I do find it wondrous how these people tie themselves up in knots because there isn't an obvious bogeyman to blame.

Cultural imperialism? You mean the church dictating to people?
Cultural imperialism? You mean the church dictating to people?

Have you actually been following this thread or are you just jumping in? Darla was the one who pointed out that it was cultural imperialism to have any opinion on this situation. Apparently we need to read up on Muslim feminist intellectuals as that will point the way to true enlightenment. If you don't get it take it up with her, not me!!
Nope but there are consequences for ones actions, it's called countability.

At first you want to make this guy kneel on the ground with his back to you and put a slug in his head. Then it occurs to me, this REALLY is the view of the government enforced pregnancy party. There are indeed consequences to you actions. If you choose to get pregnant the fetus can develop problems that will ensure it dies in the womb, but that's too bad, you can deliver the corpse when that happens. The child can form without a brain (anencephaly) and either die in the womb, or shortly after birth, but you don't get avoid that pain and sadness, oh hell no, it's genetically a human and at least mechanistically alive so no aborting that gift from god. This is the America that MOST people in the government enforced pregnancy party want. One in which every fertilized egg, every zygote is exactly the same as a two year old child, or an 80 year old woman. There are consequences to your actions, and I am sure many on the right do indeed call it "countablity".
At first you want to make this guy kneel on the ground with his back to you and put a slug in his head. Then it occurs to me, this REALLY is the view of the government enforced pregnancy party. There are indeed consequences to you actions. If you choose to get pregnant the fetus can develop problems that will ensure it dies in the womb, but that's too bad, you can deliver the corpse when that happens. The child can form without a brain (anencephaly) and either die in the womb, or shortly after birth, but you don't get avoid that pain and sadness, oh hell no, it's genetically a human and at least mechanistically alive so no aborting that gift from god. This is the America that MOST people in the government enforced pregnancy party want. One in which every fertilized egg, every zygote is exactly the same as a two year old child, or an 80 year old woman. There are consequences to your actions, and I am sure many on the right do indeed call it "countablity".

I must admit that I was baffled as I'd never heard of the word countability. Amazingly it does exist but in the mathematics domain only as far as I can see. I hope this isn't another example of you Merkins fucking up our once pure and noble language yet again.

I must admit that I was baffled as I'd never heard of the word countability. Amazingly it does exist but in the mathematics domain only as far as I can see. I hope this isn't another example of you Merkins fucking up our once pure and noble language yet again.


The Raging Cajun has just groaned me, can somebody tell him that even in America the word is accountability. I mean holy shit he is supposed to be a shit hot MBA!!!
He said that in Northern Ireland there is the NHS, which is true, but a total red herring as women from Ireland wouldn't qualify for an abortion in Northern Ireland anyway. I also pointed out that Northern Ireland is not subject to the Abortion Act 1967 and abortions there are only allowed for rape and danger to the mother.

Why do you give them an exemption? This is a human rights issue.
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Unfortunately this thread has deteriorated into childish stupidity once again. The topic should be of concern to everyone - even Americans.
The question is not about abortion rights. It is not about Ireland. It is not really about this very unfortunate lady. It is about the ridiculous notion that there is, somewhere, a being who not only created all the beauty in the world but also is responsible for every death.
I used to know a guy who had a very young son. This young son (about 4 at the time) had an imaginary friend. His name was Mr Goo and he lived in the bathroom wall. (Cute so far?) Every day this young lad would talk to Mr. Goo but Mr. Goo never answered back. The boy liked it that way. It was a way to express himself, his hopes and fears, without involving parents and siblings.
There are a lot of people who have imaginary friends, but as we mature the idea of them inhabiting the bathroom wall seems a little ridiculous and so this imaginary friend is placed on a cloud (which of course is not ridiculous) and is dressed in white robes and is often depicted pointing at other clouds.
As adults we start to play the blame game. The infant doesnt truly 'get' blame. Some adults, the ones with imaginary friends, project their deepest fears and their hopes and even wishes onto these friends. Self promoting adults assume the position of channelers between ordinary people and the skybound Mr. Goos. Now they tell you that Mr. Goo wants you to ignore the humanity that is part of your natural evolution, and watch as a woman cries out in pain and watch as she contracts septicaemia and watch as she DIES. This nice, kind friend in the sky, creator of heaven and earth, has told these people to let a woman DIE.
'Well, that's OK. We were only following instructions! Honest to god, we were following the instructions that were sent to us from an imaginary guy on a f****** cloud.'
And STILL there are people who live their lives according to the dictates of an imaginary man who lives in the bathroom wall.
The Raging Cajun has just groaned me, can somebody tell him that even in America the word is accountability. I mean holy shit he is supposed to be a shit hot MBA!!!
It is what passes as humour when you are mentally very young
Unfortunately this thread has deteriorated into childish stupidity once again. The topic should be of concern to everyone - even Americans.

The question is not about abortion rights. It is not about Ireland. It is not really about this very unfortunate lady. It is about the ridiculous notion that there is, somewhere, a being who not only created all the beauty in the world but also is responsible for every death.

I used to know a guy who had a very young son. This young son (about 4 at the time) had an imaginary friend. His name was Mr Goo and he lived in the bathroom wall. (Cute so far?) Every day this young lad would talk to Mr. Goo but Mr. Goo never answered back. The boy liked it that way. It was a way to express himself, his hopes and fears, without involving parents and siblings.

There are a lot of people who have imaginary friends, but as we mature the idea of them inhabiting the bathroom wall seems a little ridiculous and so this imaginary friend is placed on a cloud (which of course is not ridiculous) and is dressed in white robes and is often depicted pointing at other clouds.

As adults we start to play the blame game. The infant doesnt truly 'get' blame. Some adults, the ones with imaginary friends, project their deepest fears and their hopes and even wishes onto these friends. Self promoting adults assume the position of channelers between ordinary people and the skybound Mr. Goos. Now they tell you that Mr. Goo wants you to ignore the humanity that is part of your natural evolution, and watch as a woman cries out in pain and watch as she contracts septicaemia and watch as she DIES. This nice, kind friend in the sky, creator of heaven and earth, has told these people to let a woman DIE.

'Well, that's OK. We were only following instructions! Honest to god, we were following the instructions that were sent to us from an imaginary guy on a f****** cloud.'

And STILL there are people who live their lives according to the dictates of an imaginary man who lives in the bathroom wall.

I did address the insanity of religion...you must have missed it. Please see my most recent post here with regard to what is being done in America by the religious dictators...

On edit...

I have to re-write it. This has been happening a lot to me lately even with original posts...they disappear.
Unfortunately this thread has deteriorated into childish stupidity once again. The topic should be of concern to everyone - even Americans.
The question is not about abortion rights. It is not about Ireland. It is not really about this very unfortunate lady. It is about the ridiculous notion that there is, somewhere, a being who not only created all the beauty in the world but also is responsible for every death.
I used to know a guy who had a very young son. This young son (about 4 at the time) had an imaginary friend. His name was Mr Goo and he lived in the bathroom wall. (Cute so far?) Every day this young lad would talk to Mr. Goo but Mr. Goo never answered back. The boy liked it that way. It was a way to express himself, his hopes and fears, without involving parents and siblings.
There are a lot of people who have imaginary friends, but as we mature the idea of them inhabiting the bathroom wall seems a little ridiculous and so this imaginary friend is placed on a cloud (which of course is not ridiculous) and is dressed in white robes and is often depicted pointing at other clouds.
As adults we start to play the blame game. The infant doesnt truly 'get' blame. Some adults, the ones with imaginary friends, project their deepest fears and their hopes and even wishes onto these friends. Self promoting adults assume the position of channelers between ordinary people and the skybound Mr. Goos. Now they tell you that Mr. Goo wants you to ignore the humanity that is part of your natural evolution, and watch as a woman cries out in pain and watch as she contracts septicaemia and watch as she DIES. This nice, kind friend in the sky, creator of heaven and earth, has told these people to let a woman DIE.
'Well, that's OK. We were only following instructions! Honest to god, we were following the instructions that were sent to us from an imaginary guy on a f****** cloud.'
And STILL there are people who live their lives according to the dictates of an imaginary man who lives in the bathroom wall.

The Chief Fembot, who has Irish blood, would have you believe that it is cultural imperialism to even venture an opinion on the subject. Apparently we must look to the teachings of Muslim feminist intellectuals to see the true path to enlightenment.