Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

A BMW costs 3 times more than a Hyundai.
You get what you pay for.

Many UK companies provide BUPA or AXA/PPP as part of the work package now, when I was at T-Mobile I used it several times. The whole point I was making though is that the level of spending is unsustainable, it will be fascinating to see if how ACA pans out.
this is what happens when people deside fetusus are more important than women.

You would think they would at least allow the abortion if the fetus is female.

since they dont believe females are complete people deserving full freedom in their lives.

I was listening to the radio this morning and they said that the poor woman's cervix was fully dilated for three days!! No wonder she got septacemia, it's just barbaric because the doctors were terrified that they would be prosecuted.
Like I said since they dont consider women worth saving over a fetus you would think they could agree to just abort female fetus' since they only turn into the lesser beings that are women in their own laws judgement.
Like I said since they dont consider women worth saving over a fetus you would think they could agree to just abort female fetus' since they only turn into the lesser beings that are women in their own laws judgement.

Wrong country, you need to look to India and China where the practice of DNA testing and aborting female foetuses is rampant.
Even as a Christian I am for Abortion in cases of rape, although many of those who are rape children go on to live amazing lives, also incest, and Mothers life.

Did you support the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion, because that does not carry an exemption for the mothers life.
Did you support the Ban on Partial Birth Abortion, because that does not carry an exemption for the mothers life.

Can you tell me the percentage of Partial Birth abortions where the mothers life is in danger, it is low. Then can you tell me how delivering the baby except the head, jamming a vacuum in the back of it's head, sucking out the brain, and then delivering the rest of the child can save the mothers life, if you can I would love to know.
Exeption is its available on the NHS in NI.
Unfortunatly failure to deliver care is the norm under these socialised systems.
Wow, congratulations. I thought I had heard just about every ignorant comment possible on JPP. Thanks for proving me wrong. :)
Wow, congratulations. I thought I had heard just about every ignorant comment possible on JPP. Thanks for proving me wrong. :)

Bloody hell, Mott. We send you Lennon and you shoot him, we send you 007 and you inject him with stupidity. What is the matter with you people?
A BMW costs 3 times more than a Hyundai.
You get what you pay for.

But BMW doesn't offer a remote car starter nor is it recommended to install one. On a cold winter day or a hot summer day it's nice to be able to let the car become climatized before getting in it.

Just saying. :)