Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

I will leave others to decide the relative merits of our respective arguments, I believe most are on my side. Maybe you should conduct a poll? I doubt that you will though, as it would kill you to discover how deranged you are considered by the majority on here.

If you're so small that the opinions of people you don't know on the internet are meaningful to you, then I suggest you conduct a poll. I couldn't care any less. I know what you are. I don't need to conduct a poll.

Why don't you go dig up another tragedy to see if you can use it to snark on the "sistas" like the nasty old lady you are?
This was his statement in the OP: " I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?"

This is a tactic used by women-hating assholes in America a lot. I am not surprised to see it coming from the Daily Male misogynist. He actually exploited this woman's death in order to get in a knock at the "sistas". The "sistas" are too busy meddling in the affairs of rapists and their apologists when they should be thankful they aren't being murdered like women in the Mid-East and left to die like women in Ireland. The "sistas" have to dance to Tom's tune and take care of all of the injustice overseas and just STFU about misogyny in their own country.

This is a very old and tired tactic, employed by a very old and tired idiot.

I put in the sistas deliberately to get your goat, as I know what an egotistical boor you are. Then, true to form, you come out with a stream of verbal diarrhoea about cultural imperialism, Muslim feminist intellectuals blah blah blah. What the fuck that had to do with anything is beyond me especially as the woman was a Hindu anyway. I noticed that you neatly avoided answering whether you contributed to Noraid, I will take your silence as a yes.
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If you're so small that the opinions of people you don't know on the internet are meaningful to you, then I suggest you conduct a poll. I couldn't care any less. I know what you are. I don't need to conduct a poll.

Why don't you go dig up another tragedy to see if you can use it to snark on the "sistas" like the nasty old lady you are?

More sexism, apparently using the term old lady is considered a derogatory phrase by Darla.
The NHS is a marvellous and unique institution in many ways, that's not to say it's perfect but it is something that most Brits are very proud of, I'm sorry that you think differently.
Yup I know, I learned repeatedly for 12 years in school that the NHS was the envy of the world.
If so, they could have let us find out for ourselves rather than having us repeat over and over again that the NHS is the envy of the world.
Ten years ago they were still doing the same, whilst adding that Tony Blair was the best prime minister the UK ever had!
If its so good, why all the millions of state money spent on propaganda singing its praises?
Yup I know, I learned repeatedly for 12 years in school that the NHS was the envy of the world.
If so, they could have let us find out for ourselves rather than having us repeat over and over again that the NHS is the envy of the world.
Ten years ago they were still doing the same, whilst adding that Tony Blair was the best prime minister the UK ever had!
If its so good, why all the millions of state money spent on propaganda singing its praises?

If you are talking about Tony Blair then I consider him to be a crook and a charlatan. The Coalition govenment are now bringing in some radical reforms which should make the NHS fit for the 21st century.
This is sick. I hope those "doctors" who took the Hippocratic oath to abstain from doing wrong burn in hell. They killed this vibrant, healthy woman as surely as if they put a gun to her head.

I can't stand to read stories like this of man's humanity to man; it makes me feel angry, depressed and hopeless.

Isn't it such a shame that a miserable cretin would use this death to "git" someone on the internet??

I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?

Is that it? I wonder why Darla isn't protesting about the ban on abortion in her home country? The Irish in New York were too busy giving money to the IRA to bother about mundane matters like this!!

Imagine, exploiting a human being's death in order to bait a feminist on the internet because you hate feminism, and obviously, the Irish.

What kind of a sick lowlife scum do you think would do that Christie?
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I put in the sistas deliberately to get your goat, as I know what an egotistical boor you are. Then, true to form, you come out with a stream of verbal diarrhoea about cultural imperialism, Muslim feminist intellectuals blah blah blah. What the fuck that had to do with anything is beyond me especially as the woman was a Hindu anyway. I noticed that you neatly avoided answering whether you contributed to Noraid, I will take your silence as a yes.

I have no idea what you are babbling about here, but I knew immediately you had put up this thread to "deliberately git" me. Here you have admitted it. Good. In your twisted mind this death somehow reflects upon me. Because you hate women.

I bet you got a hard on when you found this story too - and very obviously your first thought was "GIT DARLA". Because you are sick, twisted, and miserable. You've exploited a young woman's death, a death, and a woman it would not be possible for you to care any less about. Because somehow, this has something to do with American feminists.

I couldn't possibly care any less what you think about me Tom because my opinion of you could not be any lower. You're a rape apologist, a woman-hater, a scumbag, and an idiot with a very overblown sense of his own intellect, and importance.
If you are talking about Tony Blair then I consider him to be a crook and a charlatan. The Coalition govenment are now bringing in some radical reforms which should make the NHS fit for the 21st century.
But still spending millions on propaganda for the NHS.
If its so good, why bother!
Why the need to spend so much advertising a pre paid service?
At first you want to make this guy kneel on the ground with his back to you and put a slug in his head. Then it occurs to me, this REALLY is the view of the government enforced pregnancy party. There are indeed consequences to you actions. If you choose to get pregnant the fetus can develop problems that will ensure it dies in the womb, but that's too bad, you can deliver the corpse when that happens. The child can form without a brain (anencephaly) and either die in the womb, or shortly after birth, but you don't get avoid that pain and sadness, oh hell no, it's genetically a human and at least mechanistically alive so no aborting that gift from god. This is the America that MOST people in the government enforced pregnancy party want. One in which every fertilized egg, every zygote is exactly the same as a two year old child, or an 80 year old woman. There are consequences to your actions, and I am sure many on the right do indeed call it "countablity".

Well now that's nice i am ok if the mothers life is in danger or rape or incest, and for your info my daughter had aecephaly hardest thing i ever went through even my pastor was for us terminating the pregnancy because there was no chance of life outside the womb and a heart condition my wife has where anykind of infection that may ensue after a miscarriage could kill her still want to put a slug in my head I guarantee, I have more guns.
Isn't it such a shame that a miserable cretin would use this death to "git" someone on the internet??#

Imagine, exploiting a human being's death in order to bait a feminist on the internet because you hate feminism, and obviously, the Irish.

What kind of a sick lowlife scum do you think would do that Christie?

You are really really stupid, I have said fuck knows how many times that my parents are Irish Catholics. I am 100% pure bred Irish for my sins, so can you shut the fuck up now?
I have no idea what you are babbling about here, but I knew immediately you had put up this thread to "deliberately git" me. Here you have admitted it. Good. In your twisted mind this death somehow reflects upon me. Because you hate women.

I bet you got a hard on when you found this story too - and very obviously your first thought was "GIT DARLA". Because you are sick, twisted, and miserable. You've exploited a young woman's death, a death, and a woman it would not be possible for you to care any less about. Because somehow, this has something to do with American feminists.

I couldn't possibly care any less what you think about me Tom because my opinion of you could not be any lower. You're a rape apologist, a woman-hater, a scumbag, and an idiot with a very overblown sense of his own intellect, and importance.

I posted the story to highlight how things are in other countries in order to enlighten people who don't know otherwise. That you rose to the bait is just an added bonus as it exposes your lunacy to all and sundry. I notice that you still haven't said whether you gave money to the IRA, well the innocent dead murdered by the paramiltaries thank you for your support!! This story has gone global and hopefully it will put a fucking bomb up Fine Gael's arse to finally bring in a proper abortion law. Oh by the way, my opinion of you is lower than a snake's arse and that pretty low!!
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Yup I know, I learned repeatedly for 12 years in school that the NHS was the envy of the world.
If so, they could have let us find out for ourselves rather than having us repeat over and over again that the NHS is the envy of the world.
Ten years ago they were still doing the same, whilst adding that Tony Blair was the best prime minister the UK ever had!
If its so good, why all the millions of state money spent on propaganda singing its praises?

Ahh yes, state propaganda. Surprised you recognise it since it is so obviously totally lacking in the US. You do know the history of propaganda and public relations, don't you?
But still spending millions on propaganda for the NHS.
If its so good, why bother!
Why the need to spend so much advertising a pre paid service?

Ralph Waldo Emmerson said that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door. A Mad man, David Ogilvy perhaps, pointed out that someone has to TELL the world that you have invented a better mousetrap and someone has to TELL the world where the door to which they are expected to beat a path is located.
Ahh yes, state propaganda. Surprised you recognise it since it is so obviously totally lacking in the US. You do know the history of propaganda and public relations, don't you?

Yes, the healthcare companies in the US are rank amateurs when it comes to PR and spin.
this is what happens when people deside fetusus are more important than women.

You would think they would at least allow the abortion if the fetus is female.

since they dont believe females are complete people deserving full freedom in their lives.