Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

The Chief Fembot, who has Irish blood, would have you believe that it is cultural imperialism to even venture an opinion on the subject. Apparently we must look to the teachings of Muslim feminist intellectuals to see the true path to enlightenment.

You are a serious mental case.
I did address the insanity of religion...you must have missed it. Please see my most recent post here with regard to what is being done in America by the religious dictators...

On edit...

I have to re-write it. This has been happening a lot to me lately even with original posts...they disappear.

Here it is for a second time.

Irish abortion tragedy already happening here

The cruel and unnecessary death last month of Savita Halappanavar, the 31-year-old dentist denied a life-saving abortion, is rightly prompting soul-searching in Ireland. But those in the United States whose business is saving souls would do well to join them. After all, with their "human life amendment," draconian clinic regulations, "personhood" initiatives, heartbeat bills and outright mockery of the very idea of the "health of the mother," the anti-abortion extremists of the Republican Party promise to put women's reproductive rights—and lives—at risk. And thanks to the rapid expansion of Catholic hospital chains, in entire regions of the United States the denial of life-saving abortion services is already happening here.

When a 17 weeks pregnant Savita Halappanavar pleaded for an abortion after learning that her miscarried fetus was certain to die, doctors at the University Hospital Galway refused, explaining, "this is a Catholic country." While the United States is not, for millions of American women seeking reproductive health care, it might as well be.

Here's why.

For over a hundred years, Catholic hospitals have been one of the cornerstones of the U.S. health system, providing care to tens of millions of Americans of all faiths, races and ethnicities. TNR's Jonathan Cohn explained just how big a role they play and the public support they enjoy in return:

Today, Catholic hospitals supply 15 percent of the nation's hospital beds, and Catholic hospital systems own 12 percent of the nation's community hospitals, which means, according to one popularly cited estimate, that about one in six Americans get treatment at a Catholic hospital at some point each year. We now depend upon Catholic hospitals to provide vital services--not just direct care of patients, but also the training of new doctors and assistance to the needy. In exchange, these institutions receive considerable public funding. In addition to the tax breaks to which all nonprofit institutions are entitled, Catholic hospitals also receive taxpayer dollars via public insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid, as well as myriad federal programs that provide extra subsidies for such things as indigent care and medical research. (Older institutions also benefited from the 1946 Hill-Burton Act, which financed hospital construction for several decades.)

But increasingly, Cohn cautioned, "the dual mandates of these institutions—to heal the body and to nurture the spirit, to perform public functions but maintain private identities—are difficult to reconcile." For many communities, a Catholic facility is already the only choice. And with the accelerating trend of hospital mergers and partnerships, policies forbidding contraception, abortion and sterilization are becoming the norm at formerly public hospitals. In cities around America, the result is growing confusion for physicians and greater risk for their patients.

As the New York Times detailed, over just the last three years about 20 new partnerships combining stand-alone hospitals or smaller systems with larger, financially stronger Catholic institutions is adversely impacting the availability of common reproductive health care services. For example:

In Seattle, Swedish Health Services has offered elective abortions for decades. But the hospital agreed to stop when it joined forces this month with Providence Health & Services, one of the nation's largest Catholic systems.
And when Seton Healthcare Family in Texas, a unit of Ascension Health, began operating Austin's public Breckenridge hospital in 1995, it curbed reproductive health care services available to its patients:

In that case, Mr. [Charles] Barnett [of Ascension Health] says the system never agreed to provide services like elective abortions and sterilizations, and public officials and hospital administrators initially struggled to find a compromise. Although another system eventually offered sterilizations on a separate floor of the hospital, complete with a separate elevator, another hospital now provides those services.

Increasingly, the clashing requirements of the Catholic hospitals public mission and religious tenets are putting patients, doctors and staff at risk. In 2007, physician Ramesh Raghavan wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association of his wife's experience. As Cohn explained the horrifying episode:

[Raghavan's wife], a woman, also pregnant with twins, whose pregnancy was failing, threatening infection that could jeopardize her ability to have future children and perhaps her life. Distraught, she and her husband decided to terminate the pregnancy--only to learn the Catholic hospital would not perform the procedure.

A few years later, New Hampshire waitress Kathleen Prieskorn went to her doctor's office after a miscarriage—her second—began while she was three months pregnant. She quickly learned that her emergency was not one for which treatment would be available from her hospital's new operators:

Physicians at the hospital, which had recently merged with a Catholic health care system, told her they could not end the miscarriage with a uterine evacuation--the standard procedure--because the fetus still had a heartbeat. She had no insurance and no way to get to another hospital, so a doctor gave her $400 and put her in a cab to the closest available hospital, about 80 miles away. "During that trip, which seemed endless, I was not only devastated but terrified," Prieskorn told Ms. "I knew that, if there were complications, I could lose my uterus--and maybe even my life."

Read the entire article with illustrations here
The Chief Fembot, who has Irish blood, would have you believe that it is cultural imperialism to even venture an opinion on the subject. Apparently we must look to the teachings of Muslim feminist intellectuals to see the true path to enlightenment.

Fuck You shit for brains Limbaugh dick (that means if you have one you haven't seen it without a mirror for years) What the hell is this just another attempt to get feminine attention by being the biggest ass on the board? You win!! Fuck off.
You are a serious mental case.

I will leave others to decide the relative merits of our respective arguments, I believe most are on my side. Maybe you should conduct a poll? I doubt that you will though, as it would kill you to discover how deranged you are considered by the majority on here.
The Chief Fembot, who has Irish blood, would have you believe that it is cultural imperialism to even venture an opinion on the subject. Apparently we must look to the teachings of Muslim feminist intellectuals to see the true path to enlightenment.

We know the true path to enlightenment. We do not need an imaginary friend to tell us.
The true path to enlightenment is simply to be nice to as many people as you can.
We know the true path to enlightenment. We do not need an imaginary friend to tell us.
The true path to enlightenment is simply to be nice to as many people as you can.

Low I love you man, but for you to tell me to be as nice to as many people as you can is a tad hypocritical, don't you think? Darla is a pompous boor, who is supremely egotistical and cannot handle anyone that points that out, if you don't like that then tough titties.
Low I love you man, but for you to tell me to be as nice to as many people as you can is a tad hypocritical, don't you think? Darla is a pompous boor, who is supremely egotistical and cannot handle anyone that points that out, if you don't like that then tough titties.

Of course it is hypocritical. I am always hypocritical on Thursday mornings.
I'm not, just pointing out the facts. Call me old fashioned but I'm a great believer in veracity and truth. Mendacity and duplicity are not my friends. I don't understand why you could possibly misconstrue what I said before, are you back on the Midol?


Whoops, I meant "why do you guys [the UK] give them an exemption". I suppose you could also say "Why do ya'll give 'em an exemption?", to highlight the plural secondary.
Whoops, I meant "why do you guys [the UK] give them an exemption". I suppose you could also say "Why do ya'll give 'em an exemption?", to highlight the plural secondary.

Northern Ireland had their own parliament until direct rule was instigated in the '70s, Stormont has now been reinstated so it is up to them what laws they pass. Actually I believe that if you asked just about anyone in the rest of the UK, they would think it was the same law in Northern Ireland as on the mainland.
Horrific that any religion has such ability to control peoples choices and lives. What a beautiful woman and how sad she died because of lack of healthcare.

This is sick. I hope those "doctors" who took the Hippocratic oath to abstain from doing wrong burn in hell. They killed this vibrant, healthy woman as surely as if they put a gun to her head.

I can't stand to read stories like this of man's humanity to man; it makes me feel angry, depressed and hopeless.
This is sick. I hope those "doctors" who took the Hippocratic oath to abstain from doing wrong burn in hell. They killed this vibrant, healthy woman as surely as if they put a gun to her head.

I can't stand to read stories like this of man's humanity to man; it makes me feel angry, depressed and hopeless.

I totally agree. The same thing is being done here by the same disgusting cretins.
Northern Ireland opted out of the 1967 Abortion act. There are also very many private clinics doing abortions on the mainland, it is big business as there are many women coming from IrelanRd, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe and Africa for abortions. I'm guessing that you left the UK in the '70s, one or two things have changed since then!!

I didn't know that!
I left the UK in 2002, the NHS was shit then , as it was for the 33 years preceding, it's been consistently shit for the past 10 according to all reports!
As for NI abortion laws, they should be the same as the rest of Britain!!

Fucking papists creating their shit, yet again!!
Northern Ireland had their own parliament until direct rule was instigated in the '70s, Stormont has now been reinstated so it is up to them what laws they pass. Actually I believe that if you asked just about anyone in the rest of the UK, they would think it was the same law in Northern Ireland as on the mainland.

Well, my point is that you should overrule them and require them to legalize abortion.
I didn't know that!
I left the UK in 2002, the NHS was shit then , as it was for the 33 years preceding, it's been consistently shit for the past 10 according to all reports!
As for NI abortion laws, they should be the same as the rest of Britain!!

Fucking papists creating their shit, yet again!!

Nice balanced view.
I didn't know that!
I left the UK in 2002, the NHS was shit then , as it was for the 33 years preceding, it's been consistently shit for the past 10 according to all reports!
As for NI abortion laws, they should be the same as the rest of Britain!!

Fucking papists creating their shit, yet again!!

The NHS is a marvellous and unique institution in many ways, that's not to say it's perfect but it is something that most Brits are very proud of, I'm sorry that you think differently.
This is sick. I hope those "doctors" who took the Hippocratic oath to abstain from doing wrong burn in hell. They killed this vibrant, healthy woman as surely as if they put a gun to her head.

I can't stand to read stories like this of man's humanity to man; it makes me feel angry, depressed and hopeless.

Thanks Christie, you are the best!!
Fuck You shit for brains Limbaugh dick (that means if you have one you haven't seen it without a mirror for years) What the hell is this just another attempt to get feminine attention by being the biggest ass on the board? You win!! Fuck off.

This was his statement in the OP: " I wonder if any of the 'sistas' would care to comment?"

This is a tactic used by women-hating assholes in America a lot. I am not surprised to see it coming from the Daily Male misogynist. He actually exploited this woman's death in order to get in a knock at the "sistas". The "sistas" are too busy meddling in the affairs of rapists and their apologists when they should be thankful they aren't being murdered like women in the Mid-East and left to die like women in Ireland. The "sistas" have to dance to Tom's tune and take care of all of the injustice overseas and just STFU about misogyny in their own country.

This is a very old and tired tactic, employed by a very old and tired idiot.