Woman died from blood poisoning after Irish medics refused to perform an abortion

It's a male perspective that causes you to not recognize abortion as healthcare. If you needed one you'd appreciate having access to all forms of healthcare. It's healthcare and limited by religion rather than facts. Your response warranted the insult..

Really how do you feel about Partial Birth Abortion, or live abortions where the abortion is botched and the child comes out alive, Obama was for giving it no care and allowing it to die.
They have had several referendums on the subject yet nothing seems to happen. As for it being a male thing, you lot know very little about the Irish Catholic mindset which is as much women as men. In fact, a lot of Irish women are more reactionary than their menfolk.
By heading straight for a brick wall and pressing down hard on her car accelerator. Try it. It's fun and totally not dangerous. Go do it now.

Typical don't want to talk about it answer, by the way show me how that's done, i learn better with an example.
Here's another right wing dung beetle for the IA list. You guys try to come up with new lows every day, I guess you must be digging these human scums up in the local dump.

So will you be protesting against the Irish government with the sisters in New York next St. Patty's Day?
So will you be protesting against the Irish government with the sisters in New York next St. Patty's Day?

No that is for Irish women to do, I am not a supporter of cultural imperialism. You might read some Muslim feminist intellectuals and learn something about that.

But your tactic of attempting to somehow (in your peabrained mind) "delegitimize" American feminists by implying we need to solve misogyny in other parts of the world before we can get to shitheads like you and others in America, is so old it's from before I was born. Didn't work then, won't work now. Try again misogynist asshole.
Really how do you feel about Partial Birth Abortion, or live abortions where the abortion is botched and the child comes out alive, Obama was for giving it no care and allowing it to die.

I do not believe in abortion after 20 weeks, the limit of viability, unless the woman's life is in danger. I don't know what the figure is in the US but over here 91% of terminations happen before 12 weeks anyway. I bet you didn't know that the limit in Sweden and Denmark is 12 weeks, mainly because there have been many cases of Asian families having female embryos terminated. They chose 12 weeks because the sex test cannot be done until then.
No that is for Irish women to do, I am not a supporter of cultural imperialism. You might read some Muslim feminist intellectuals and learn something about that.

But your tactic of attempting to somehow (in your peabrained mind) "delegitimize" American feminists by implying we need to solve misogyny in other parts of the world before we can get to shitheads like you and others in America, is so old it's from before I was born. Didn't work then, won't work now. Try again misogynist asshole.

Yeh, but I bet that you gave money to the IRA via Noraid when they were passing out the collecting tins though. So much for cultural imperialism, only a pompous jackass like you would try to equate an Indian woman dying from being refused an abortion in Ireland with the opinion of some Muslim feminist intellectuals in your imagination!! Give me fucking strength, I have heard you spout some serious bollocks on here but that is amongst the cream of the crop. I don't know how you have the temerity to call SJ a crackpot, which he is, when you come out with crap like that!!
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It wasn't lack of healthcare, it was because abortion is illegal in Ireland with no exceptions!! She was deliberately allowed to die.

No, abortion is legal when the mother's life is at risk, as well as for rape and mental health. The only country in the world where it's totally illegal would be Chile. However, I suppose some medics are more iffy about it than others, and put the womans life at risk trying to avoid an abortion.
No, abortion is legal when the mother's life is at risk, as well as for rape and mental health. The only country in the world where it's totally illegal would be Chile. However, I suppose some medics are more iffy about it than others, and put the womans life at risk trying to avoid an abortion.

I am sorry but that is just not true, despite what Wikipedia says, there have been five referendums in thirty years and the actual law is still not clear and subject to interpretation by doctors. It wasn't that long ago that it was even illegal for a woman to go to England for an abortion, there were several cases where they were prosecuted for so doing. One of the advantages, or disadvantages, of being of Irish Catholic parents is that I have a shitload of Irish cousins and relatives.