Women-only gym hours stir debate at Harvard

And sanitation.

Would you really want to sit down on a chair or seat if the person who sat it in before you was having some sort of herpes flare up?

Ohh so true, a bare assed fart would not be nice either. But the main reason for anti nudity laws is religious based. I can recall when girls were not allowed to wear pants to school.

I have seen more change than most on here.
I'm not saying that Islam shouldn't be treated as a religion, but, though I'm not a student of the religion, I doubt that stoning to death women, and forcing them to cover up and live in fear and lower their eyes, is a part of it. So what some people have perverted it into should not be respected as "religion" no.

I mean come on, if all of a sudden Muslims or Mormons or whoever started saying well it's against our religion to swim with black people, would we resegregate public pools? Fuck no, and no one on this board would claim we should.

But here, we're only talking about women.

Well, we're not talking about stoning people to death or anything like that. And we're not talking about men refusing to work out with women present (as your segregated pools analogy would suggest). We're talking about women who want to work out in an environment that conforms with their religious obligations and a private university trying to accommodate that request and doing so with minimal impact on anyone else.

And yes, we're only talking about women but only because the women themselves made it an issue. If there are other Muslim women at the university that reject the paternalistic norms of their faith they are free to work out wherever the hell they want. These women don't.
Hardly. If there were no English speaking lines from the hours of X to Y maybe you'd have a point, but you don't. The gym is completely off limits to the guys for those times and that's not fair. And who is to say that that is where it will stop?

If they had Spanish only during certain hours it still is not anything to make a fuss about.

Some gyms are always female/male only. So what?
I never said they couldn't. I just don't think they should incovenience deliberately based on gender.

Obviously, you're using this concern for the "rights" of the male gender, to score brownie points, and hit up on male posters. :rolleyes: (hat tip to cawacko)
God I love being...........

on IA it is so fun...no interference from the Table queens and their minions...

I can post away till the cows come home my only audience is the Guests who are the ones who silently take notes...

Well, we're not talking about stoning people to death or anything like that. And we're not talking about men refusing to work out with women present (as your segregated pools analogy would suggest). We're talking about women who want to work out in an environment that conforms with their religious obligations and a private university trying to accommodate that request and doing so with minimal impact on anyone else.

And yes, we're only talking about women but only because the women themselves made it an issue. If there are other Muslim women at the university that reject the paternalistic norms of their faith they are free to work out wherever the hell they want. These women don't.

We're talking about women refusing to work out with men present, which is in no way counter to my analogy.

If these women belonged to a radical sect of Christianity, I don't think you'd be on this.

This is a reflexive leftist thing. I'm not getting on the bandwagon. These women are subjugated. Just becasue they have accepted that and call it their "religion" doesn't mean we in this country have to change our mores to accomodate it.
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We're talking about women refusing to work out with men present, which is in no way counter to my analogy.

If these women belonged to a radical sect of Christianity, I don't think you'd be on this.

This is a reflexive leftist thing. I'm not getting on the bandwagon. These women are subjugated. Just becasue they have accepted that and call it their "religion" doesn't mean we in this country have to change our mores to accomodate it.

Are you opposed to female or male only gyms?
We're talking about women refusing to work out with men present, which is in no way counter to my analogy.

If these women belonged to a radical sect of Christianity, I don't think you'd be on this.

This is a reflexive leftist thing. I'm not getting on the bandwagon. These women are subjugated. Just becasue they have accepted that and call it their "religion" doesn't mean we in this country have to change our mores to accomodate it.

I agree with you completely (hope that doesn't turn you off from your position).
? You argued that it was different because one chooses to join those gyms. That implies the gyms at Harvard are somehow compulsory.

Dude. If you join a gym that you know is all male or all female you make that decision with that info in mind. The Harvard gym one day just said if you are male you can't use the gym during these time periods. Our response is that is wrong.
Sure. that's exactly what it implies.

Not sure in which way you are beign a dumbass.

If you are being sarcastic with the above, how is that not what your claim implies?

If not, how are the gyms at Harvard compulsory? How is Harvard compulsory?
Dude. If you join a gym that you know is all male or all female you make that decision with that info in mind. The Harvard gym one day just said if you are male you can't use the gym during these time periods. Our response is that is wrong.

This seems simple. And what is really striking is that even Cawacko can grasp it. LOL

Ok, that was mean. Just kidding.
Dude. If you join a gym that you know is all male or all female you make that decision with that info in mind. The Harvard gym one day just said if you are male you can't use the gym during these time periods. Our response is that is wrong.

Businesses change policies all the time. Why is that wrong? If they violated some sort of contractual agreement then you'd have an argument otherwise, you got nothing.