Working class white men very angery...

CFM thinks nobody knows he's Conservative65 sneaking back after the board meltdown.

Remember when Konono Right wanted to leave a metal box under a bridge that time? :rofl2:

Gotta tell y'all I have zero clue who is who
The conservatards seem to change names with the seasons
Your point may have some credibility with the "Low information voter" or the "Single issue voter" but the premise of your point just doesn't hold water. The truth is since Obama took office "minority" unemployment rates have sharply increased. The number of people on food stamps (white, black, red, yellow, brown) and other government assistance has also skyrocketed. Unemployment rates are artificially reported as they don't include those who have either given up on looking for a job or are under-employed. So for these "white males" you speak of there really isn't another group of people out there that have benefitted in the least since Obama began his administration (focused on changing the social fabric of this country with the economy being an afterthought and/or a casualty of his stated main focus as President) took the helm over 7 years ago... perhaps misery loves company and you feel a bit of satisfaction since your perception is that there is another group of people out there that are bitter and blame someone else for their lack of success rather than taking responsibility for their own plight.
Your point may have some credibility with the "Low information voter" or the "Single issue voter" but the premise of your point just doesn't hold water. The truth is since Obama took office "minority" unemployment rates have sharply increased. The number of people on food stamps (white, black, red, yellow, brown) and other government assistance has also skyrocketed. Unemployment rates are artificially reported as they don't include those who have either given up on looking for a job or are under-employed. So for these "white males" you speak of there really isn't another group of people out there that have benefitted in the least since Obama began his administration (focused on changing the social fabric of this country with the economy being an afterthought and/or a casualty of his stated main focus as President) took the helm over 7 years ago... perhaps misery loves company and you feel a bit of satisfaction since your perception is that there is another group of people out there that are bitter and blame someone else for their lack of success rather than taking responsibility for their own plight.

I have to wonder do they pay folk like you to keep parroting the same old disproved talking points that lost the GOP 2 elections? Regarding the minority unemployment rate:

regarding gov't assistance:

And your overall absurd statement that no one has benefited under Obama's policies:

And since YOU seem to have disposable income and time to post on these boards, Obama hasn't hurt you none.
so now your fucking seeing things that don't exist?

go tell Trayvons parents why you think their son needed to get dead

and Timars parents

Because Trayvon was a thug you ass! You are evil personified, and the reason white people get dead, to use your own ignorant words!
CFM thinks nobody knows he's Conservative65 sneaking back after the board meltdown.

Remember when Konono Right wanted to leave a metal box under a bridge that time? :rofl2:

I can't believe how much space posters on this board take up in your head. You are in love with Evince and have this weird fetish for me and thinking I'm some other poster.

You seem to interested in what others do for a living, care to tell us what you do?

I'll understand if you're too insecure to tell us.
Historically uneducated heterosexual white men enjoyed a certain privilege in our country, no matter their personal circumstances society allowed them to consider themselves better, and in fact they often had better opportunity, than those who were "different". They had better job prospects, better earning potential, and a specific standing that existed not based on merit, but on how society viewed them.

These people are not racist necessarily, they simply enjoyed a life made possible by prejudice, likely mostly without consciously knowing it.

In the past 25 years great strides have been made to change the social order in our nation. Women, minorities and homosexuals have grown in social standing to attain a closer to equal standing with the white man. Many, including myself, call this progress.

The result however has become a class who are not automatically held in such high esteem without regard for merit. Many of these men are have been left with a feeling that America is no longer great, without reflection on the reasons, they "feel" their standing has been lowered, and without study of the reason they are strongly attracted to the slogan "Make America Great Again."

So while not overtly racist, the slogan to these people represents a return to a time when things were better for this group of people, but not better for a conglomeration of minorities, To these minorities the reasoning behind the slogan rings of racism. So the white supporters of Trump are bewildered when accused of Racism and the minorities who do not want to return to an America that was not "great" for them.

This is where we stand facing the 2016 election. Will the once white male majority convince enough women to join them to get Trump elected, or will the confederacy of minorities band together and elect Hillary Clinton.
It must be such a burden to be someone as diverse and sensitive as you are, Jarod. Poor little race hustler....
You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. I don't even need to look at your web hyper-links to determine that they are sourced by a ".org" source which means they're associated with a politically motivated non-profit (who can't afford to support a web-site) or directly from some government source that also says "all is well at the V.A." or "the economy is steadily improving." I know bull sh__ when I smell it and you wouldn't know the truth if it fell down your chimney. And I work 12 to 14 hours a day and barely make ends meet. But I can say me nor my family is living off of the sweat of somebody else. Can you and your????
You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. I don't even need to look at your web hyper-links to determine that they are sourced by a ".org" source which means they're associated with a politically motivated non-profit (who can't afford to support a web-site) or directly from some government source that also says "all is well at the V.A." or "the economy is steadily improving." I know bull sh__ when I smell it and you wouldn't know the truth if it fell down your chimney. And I work 12 to 14 hours a day and barely make ends meet. But I can say me nor my family is living off of the sweat of somebody else. Can you and your????

You know who barley makes ends meat
Low information workers