Working class white men very angery...

Does "barley" produce "meat" as well? It was once said; "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open you mouth and remove all doubt!" Thank you for helping me to illustrate my point about the "low information voter."
I have to wonder do they pay folk like you to keep parroting the same old disproved talking points that lost the GOP 2 elections? Regarding the minority unemployment rate:

regarding gov't assistance:

And your overall absurd statement that no one has benefited under Obama's policies:

And since YOU seem to have disposable income and time to post on these boards, Obama hasn't hurt you none.

They get their info from wacko sites like WorldNutDaily and Townhall. They live for the sound bite, screw the details.
to- "The Dude"


Does "barley" produce "meat" as well? It was once said; "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!" Thank you for helping me to illustrate my point about the "low information voter."
You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own set of facts. I don't even need to look at your web hyper-links to determine that they are sourced by a ".org" source which means they're associated with a politically motivated non-profit (who can't afford to support a web-site) or directly from some government source that also says "all is well at the V.A." or "the economy is steadily improving." I know bull sh__ when I smell it and you wouldn't know the truth if it fell down your chimney. And I work 12 to 14 hours a day and barely make ends meet. But I can say me nor my family is living off of the sweat of somebody else. Can you and your????

son, you talk a LOT of bullshit to try and avoid the FACTS that are presented in the links I provided. Truth be told, YOU CAN'T DISPROVE ONE IOTA OF INFORMATION IN THE LINKS I PROVIDED....INFORMATION THAT DISPROVE YOUR MORONIC ASSERTIONS.

And like the typical willfully ignorant right wing crank, when faced with facts that you cannot disprove logically or factually, you deteriorate into a smoke blowing, dodgy tirade that's long on opinion, supposition and conjecture and devoid of facts and logic.

Oh, and for someone who "barely makes ends meet", WTF are you doing wasting time and money on the internet? Your full of it, plain and simple.