Working class white men very angery...

I love it when intellectually impotent clowns like CFM blather on like they actually know what they are talking about. But hope springs eternal, so here's a little education on the subject for CFM:

"Corporate socialism is where we socialize losses and privatize gains. Companies that have failed in the marketplace stick the taxpayers with their losses, but when they make money they get to keep it, and secondly, huge amounts of capital are given to companies by taxpayers," David Cay Johnston said in a phone interview -- David Cay Johnston is an investigative journalist and the winner of a 2001 Pulitzer Prize for uncovering loopholes and inequities in the U.S. tax code. He is the president of the 4,900-member Investigative Reporters & Editors and the author of the bestselling trilogy Perfectly Legal, Free Lunch, and The Fine Print. He is the editor of Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality (The New Press). He teaches at Syracuse University College of Law.

How corporate socialism destroys

Another bookwork stuck in a university thinking he knows the real world. I see he nor your mommy could explain it to you.
That and the notion of the traditional male skeers GayRod and Skidmark. They are anime playing little pussies that played with dolls when they were kids and throw worse than girls

I will gladly show you a male democrat who can stomp you into not thinking you are a tough guy!
fucking speed bump


is merely a speed bump

he tries to slow down the distruction of right wing lies with facts

it works a little but the facts still do their work
What's true is that willfully ignorant parrots like yourself have been wailing doomsday since Obama was sworn in 2008, and yet your dopey ass seems to be able to afford a LOT of time to spend on the internet bitching about a situation that obviously doesn't exist for you. Let's see, since Obama took office DESPITE obstructionist agenda by the GOP:

Well he's a slumlord like desh, he has no real job
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
and as you can see folks, when faced with the simple facts of the flaws regarding those he supports, CFM does not debate the facts, he merely lashes out with racist tinge diatribes and feigning to be more ignorant than he actually is. Small wonder why I dump his useless banter into the IA bin for weeks at a time. Maybe he'll grow up some next time.

Yet you still can't answer as to which candidate I specifically report.

taichiliberal responds: WTF are you babbling about now? The thread is about Trump and the chumps who support him. If you're not one of those, then why are you bothering to post at all/ Man, you can't even muster the intellectual honesty to concede a point during a discussion, can ya bunky?

As you can see, when faced with a simple question, the Liberal runs like a coward claiming that because he ignores the truth, he's won. Maybe he'll be a man some day. No one expects him to but more surprising things have happened.

the chronology of the posts makes you out to be a liar as always, CFM. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I love it when intellectually impotent clowns like CFM blather on like they actually know what they are talking about. But hope springs eternal, so here's a little education on the subject for CFM:

"Corporate socialism is where we socialize losses and privatize gains. Companies that have failed in the marketplace stick the taxpayers with their losses, but when they make money they get to keep it, and secondly, huge amounts of capital are given to companies by taxpayers," David Cay Johnston said in a phone interview -- David Cay Johnston is an investigative journalist and the winner of a 2001 Pulitzer Prize for uncovering loopholes and inequities in the U.S. tax code. He is the president of the 4,900-member Investigative Reporters & Editors and the author of the bestselling trilogy Perfectly Legal, Free Lunch, and The Fine Print. He is the editor of Divided: The Perils of Our Growing Inequality (The New Press). He teaches at Syracuse University College of Law.

How corporate socialism destroys

Another bookwork stuck in a university thinking he knows the real world. I see he nor your mommy could explain it to you.

translation: when faced with FACTS that contradict his beliefs, CFM just deteriorates into the anti-intellectual, willfully ignorant little neocon/teabagger/fibbertarian parrot that he is. CFM must hate any and everyone who has a college education, yet his dopey ass has no problem using the internet. Pathetic, but not surprising. Let's see what childish retort CFM comes up with next.
I'm claiming you are a pussy and are afraid
The proof is in your fear of showing up

He claims he showed and you didn't.

He also claims you "passed out".

Of course, he lied when Stringy challenged him to come to Tampa with his flags, too.