Working class white men very angery...

Both times Dems fixed your mess

and you hate them for it and plan the new crashing

fuck you guys

your traitors
I am angry, angry at the Corporate attempts and bullying toward keeping Americans in place, slaving and working for their profit. I'm not angry at the homosexual or the black man, I'm not angry at women. I am angry at those who work to keep roadblocks in place for the common man with talent and ability from a fair competition with the oligarchy that is in place.

Funny man....while he and his pinhead friend accuse others of being 'angry'....he admits its him that is the angry one.....
I predicted you'd continue to be one. I was, and always will be, correct. How does it feel to be inferior to me boy?

I predicted you'd say that, and I was right. I have all the proof I need that you're a whining old man with a bad back and bum knees who's afraid of black people.

You've lied about failing to show when two men challenged you publicly on this forum. That's all the proof I need that you're a gutless, spineless failure.

Cry some more, now. It amuses me.
I predicted you'd say that, and I was right. I have all the proof I need that you're a whining old man with a bad back and bum knees who's afraid of black people.

You've lied about failing to show when two men challenged you publicly on this forum. That's all the proof I need that you're a gutless, spineless failure.

Cry some more, now. It amuses me.

When was I challenged? Provide the dates. Link?

Continue to be a nigger. It's pitiful but it's fun to watch one of you embarrass your kind.
Already proven. I have all the proof I need that you were a no-show for both challenges.

Yet no details. I understand why you can't provide them. Sad thing is you don't understand why you haven't.

Where's the proof if you say you have it? I'll understand if you won't show it.
Yet no details. I understand why you can't provide them. Sad thing is you don't understand why you haven't. Where's the proof if you say you have it? I'll understand if you won't show it.

The details have already been provided. Not my fault if you deny it. I have all the proof I need that you're a lying coward.