Working class white men very angery...

A socialist should face stonewalling. If you want to live in a socialist country, move to one.

Spoken like a true, willfully ignorant neo-fascist. What Sanders advocates is not pure socialism....ask any high school social studies teacher to explain it to you. If you're so against socialism in any form, then maybe you should lobby your conservative buddies to eliminate such for corporations in this country. Just a thought.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Trump supporters have learned the lessons of denial & revisionism from their neocon/teabagger/fibbertarian brethren very well.

Apparently you've learned how to kiss a President's ass over the last 7 1/2 years. Pucker up.

Funny how the intellectually impotent such as yourself consistently equate pointing the the fact based flaws of those you worship as some type of similar idiot devotion to another candidate.
I'm not angry at uneducated white men. I support those who I believe are making slow and incremental progress.

well there you go.....they used to support they are beginning to support Republicans.....who can argue with real progress......
Spoken like a true, willfully ignorant neo-fascist. What Sanders advocates is not pure socialism....ask any high school social studies teacher to explain it to you. If you're so against socialism in any form, then maybe you should lobby your conservative buddies to eliminate such for corporations in this country. Just a thought.

No such thing as corporate socialism. Maybe you can get your mommy to explain it to you.
Funny how the intellectually impotent such as yourself consistently equate pointing the the fact based flaws of those you worship as some type of similar idiot devotion to another candidate.

Which candidate would that be? Be specific.

While you're at it, keep puckering on the black ass.
Why do these nutters always suppose their educated opponents 'worship' people? I thought worship was a right-wing hobby, when they weren't shooting people down to prove their lack of ability to get on.

If my opponents were educated, they wouldn't have voted for an unqualified person like Obama for President using skin color as a qualification.
If my opponents were educated, they wouldn't have voted for an unqualified person like Obama for President using skin color as a qualification.


dear fucking idiot,

your the team who denies science, math and history to retain your historically failed political ideas

tell us all how you fucking brain dead racists are going to improve mankind?
dear idiot,

your shits crashed then entire world economy

the same fucking thing you did back in the 1920s when you had control