World's greatest churches

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris and La Sagrada Familia impressed me. I liked being in the spot where Quasimodo lived in the movie version of Hugo's book. As a child the movie impressed me.
That is remarkable.
I am not Catholic either, but I enjoy visiting those old, Gothic catholic churches simply to admire their architecture, stained glass, aesthetic qualities, and frankly just the feeling of serenity I feel when I am in them.

I grew up Catholic, and have always felt that sense of serenity you describe, whether inside a majestic church like St. Mary's, or a small neighborhood chapel like the one we attended as kids.
I grew up Catholic, and have always felt that sense of serenity you describe, whether inside a majestic church like St. Mary's, or a small neighborhood chapel like the one we attended as kids.

I know exactly what you mean. Even a simple Quaker meeting house gives me a sense that it is a place of calm and respite.

Religious art, architecture, and religious aesthetics, for some reason, universally give me a sense of serenity. And these are just a few visceral images from my life that gave me that perceptible sense of tranquility.
Adolph, there is no question that many evil people have used the institution of religion to indulge in slavery, discrimination, violence, and terror.

The religious architecture, engineering, and religious art found in the great churches of the world - at least to me - represent noteworthy examples of creativity, undoubtedly derived from inspiration and devotion. That is a testament to the human condition that is striking over the broad arc of human history.
Saint Peter's Basillica, which has humanity's greatest achievement in sculpture, imo, Michelangelo's Pieta.
Reason #157 why Christianity is dying, no great churches are being built today.
Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow, built 1995 to 2000....then there is the Sagrada Familia being built in name a few

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St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is probably the most impressive for me.

But I would like to nominate two that will almost certainly never make anyone else's list. I nominate them because they were special to me during my two year stay in England:

Lincoln Cathedral


York Cathedral

St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is probably the most impressive for me.

But I would like to nominate two that will almost certainly never make anyone else's list. I nominate them because they were special to me during my two year stay in England:

Lincoln Cathedral


York Cathedral


They might fall behind Chartes in the minds of some religious historians, but those two certainly make any list of the world's most noteworthy gothic cathedrals.
That proves I'm right (as does everything). Christianity is doing much better in Moscow than the US.

That is not what you said originally, you just backtracked to modify your original contention based on my response to it.

You do not strike me as an educated person, but I will not charge you for this history lesson. Outside of an interlude of 80 years of communist rule, Russia has been, in effect, a theocracy for 500 years. And it historically tends to be more devoutly Christian in a way Americans would not recognize.

Our Constitution is strictly and intentionally secular in contrast, in keeping with our heritage rooted in the French Enlightenment.

Want to live in a theocracy? Move to Russia.

Wrapping up, the Trasfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk is Olga and mine favorite church in Siberia.

That is not what you said originally, you just backtracked to modify your original contention based on my response to it.

I originally said Christianity is dying. I didn't say it's dying all over the world. You strike me as a moron. FYI, fcktard, my theology is Dominionism. Eventually, the world will be a Christian kingdom. That theology is completely opposed to your moronic interpretation that I thought Christianity would cease to exist in this world.
I do not begrudge anyone who thinks that religion and spirituality should be pure and simple.

I used to attend Quaker meetings. Folding metal chairs and a simple room. Completely spartan and devoid of any aesthetic enhancement.

And that was all perfectly fine with me.

I love the few tiny little churches, like the chapel of St David's Mother, left over from before Augustine got to Britain to impose Popery, when we were still Christian, a very few very early Non-Conformist chapels like the one some of my family used to attend down in the Vale of Glamorgan, little whitewashed places when they could afford no show. and, yes indeed, Quaker Meeting Houses. You can feel 'the beauty of holiness' coming out of the walls! I don't know any Orthodox churches other than one a niece was married in, which was Anglican taken over, but I find the big Continental churches a bit soulless. As to Anglican churches, except where the local big family has taken over completely, I can live with them.
That is not what you said originally, you just backtracked to modify your original contention based on my response to it.

You do not strike me as an educated person, but I will not charge you for this history lesson. Outside of an interlude of 80 years of communist rule, Russia has been, in effect, a theocracy for 500 years. And it historically tends to be more devoutly Christian in a way Americans would not recognize.

Our Constitution is strictly and intentionally secular in contrast, in keeping with our heritage rooted in the French Enlightenment.

Want to live in a theocracy? Move to Russia.

Wrapping up, the Trasfiguration Cathedral in Khabarovsk is Olga and mine favorite church in Siberia.

