Would a White Man Get the Death Penalty for This?

To answer the question, the answer is NO a white man would not be sentenced to death for this, especially in Louisiana. But they know that as long as they just exceute blacks they can get away with it.

America still turns its head and doesn't want to know or understand the injustice of the American Justice System. We are the greatest prison nation the world has ever known and one of the few western nations to still execute people .. even though organizations like the Innocence Project has repeatedly proven the courts sentence innocent people to death and long prison sentences.

It's got to get old playing victim every day? The dude fucking raped an 8 year old. The LAW in the state allows for the DP in cases of rape of children under 12. Don't like it? Get the law changed or challenge it. But enough with the race card. You're wearing it out
Thank God.............

It's got to get old playing victim every day? The dude fucking raped an 8 year old. The LAW in the state allows for the DP in cases of rape of children under 12. Don't like it? Get the law changed or challenge it. But enough with the race card. You're wearing it out

another person of reason...called BAC on his BS!...Kudos!
It's got to get old playing victim every day? The dude fucking raped an 8 year old. The LAW in the state allows for the DP in cases of rape of children under 12. Don't like it? Get the law changed or challenge it. But enough with the race card. You're wearing it out

Please post where I said this man should get out of prison. If you can't .. what the fuck are you talking about?

The question asked and what I answered can be found in the title of this thread .. and assuming that you are literate, surely you can interpret the mostly single syllable words.

If you are unaware or simply ignorant of the documented and proven injustice of the criminal system it kinda' explains your trouble interpreting single syllable words.
You are a ................

Please post where I said this man should get out of prison. If you can't .. what the fuck are you talking about?

The question asked and what I answered can be found in the title of this thread .. and assuming that you are literate, surely you can interpret the mostly single syllable words.

If you are unaware or simply ignorant of the documented and proven injustice of the criminal system it kinda' explains your trouble interpreting single syllable words.

Biggott...and a 'Black Panther' sympathizer..get over yourself already...your time has long passed!
here's your words BAC

To answer the question, the answer is NO a white man would not be sentenced to death for this, especially in Louisiana.

The fact is the LAW in that state allows for the DP in this case. A white rapist of an 8 year old could just as easily be given the DP. You have no evidence to support your assertion that a white man would not be given the DP. You have played the race card. Thanks for playing.
here's your words BAC

To answer the question, the answer is NO a white man would not be sentenced to death for this, especially in Louisiana.

The fact is the LAW in that state allows for the DP in this case. A white rapist of an 8 year old could just as easily be given the DP. You have no evidence to support your assertion that a white man would not be given the DP. You have played the race card. Thanks for playing.

Do you know of any cases where white men faced the DP for the same crime? All the research I've done says that in 100% of said cases the defendent was black.

Oh, and thanks in advanced for providing links and substantiated data to back up the shit you pull out of your ass.
Do you know of any cases where white men faced the DP for the same crime? All the research I've done says that in 100% of said cases the defendent was black.

Oh, and thanks in advanced for providing links and substantiated data to back up the shit you pull out of your ass.

Well it's not too often that someone rapes an 8 year old, so there really isn't an example of a white man getting the same sentence since we don't have a white man raping an 8 year old. Sorry I can't provide you evidence that whitey would not get off. It's really up to the person making the assertion, in this case it would be that a white man would not get the DP for this crime, to provide evidence to back it up.

So how about you provide some evidence to support the assertion that whitey would go free?
here's your words BAC

To answer the question, the answer is NO a white man would not be sentenced to death for this, especially in Louisiana.

The fact is the LAW in that state allows for the DP in this case. A white rapist of an 8 year old could just as easily be given the DP. You have no evidence to support your assertion that a white man would not be given the DP. You have played the race card. Thanks for playing.

Death Penalty Sentencing: Research Indicates Pattern of Racial Disparities

Smith, Dwayne M. “Patterns of Discrimination in Assessments of the Death Penalty: The Case of Louisiana. ” Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 15 (1987) 279-286

You sir are unlearned and uneducated.
Well it's not too often that someone rapes an 8 year old, so there really isn't an example of a white man getting the same sentence since we don't have a white man raping an 8 year old. Sorry I can't provide you evidence that whitey would not get off. It's really up to the person making the assertion, in this case it would be that a white man would not get the DP for this crime, to provide evidence to back it up.

So how about you provide some evidence to support the assertion that whitey would go free?

#1) I didn't think you could provide evidence. Thanks for proving me right
#2) Please point to any post where I said a convicted child molester should go free.

You're being pretty fvcking obtuse with your strawmen.
No, we should not have bad prison conditions. However, I don't see a television set sans HBO (or no television set at all) as a human rights abuse.

Many of todays prisoners in America .. the greatest prison nation on earth ..also work for major corporations for about seventy-five cents an hour. What a boon for corporations, eh? No concern about sick-time, overtime, pensions, or healthcare.

Why TV's in prison?

How about because it gives prisoners something to do than forment trouble.

There are really smart people who have spent lots of years studying these things and I'm sure they've concluded that it's cost and incident effective to show a bit of TV to calm the minds of often violent people.
There are two currently on death row for a crime other than murder in the US. Here's thier pictures:



Notice any simialarities? That's right. They both have on prison clothes.
There are a few white guys on death row in Louisiana but you are right, they are far more likely to execute blacks. My bet is, that like most states the race of the victim has more to do with who gets the DP, but Blacks that kill whites are the most likely to be sentenced to death.
As of 1/1/07, Louisiana death row had 88 prisoners (55 black, 30 white,+others). From 1976 to 1/1/07, Louisiana had executed 27 persons. Of these, 14 (just over half) were white.

By percentage, the highest segment of the entire death row population in the U.S., by Defendant / victim (i.e., White on white, white on black, black on white, black on black) is white on white. In absolute numbers, it is black on black.
Oh boy! Annecdotal evidence!!!

You're right. Let's provide basic needs for our most evil humans and fund the whole project on the backs of our most responsible humans. This will surely inspire bad people to work harder so they won't have to suffer the fate of having their needs met.

Illinois. Anyone besides me remember the Illinois issue from, what, two years ago?