Would a White Man Get the Death Penalty for This?

Compare all the OVERCROWDING complaints in Greece and Italy and Finland to the horrific conditions in Georgia and Khazikstan is apples to oranges. Western European Prisons are no where near as bad and on par with US prisons
I didn't realize that the fine line between cakewalk and torture facility was the presence of a television set. Do you people even realize what you are arguing?

All of you are arguing that our prison system's integrity hinges on TV.

Redutio ad absurdum...

I don't care about TV, but it's not like it costs a lot.
Compare all the OVERCROWDING complaints in Greece and Italy and Finland to the horrific conditions in Georgia and Khazikstan is apples to oranges. Western European Prisons are no where near as bad and on par with US prisons

I find it interesting that I provide sources with my arguments, and do not rely on the anecdotal evidence of the other posters, yet I am the "dishonest" one.

We can go by the report I actually cited, or we can go by the fact that you once visited a prison in Europe. How credible.
Of course, the claim was "compared to" and in order to make any comparison, even with Uzbekistan, if that is really the standard you want to go with, you need to see what the same organzation, human rights watch, says about American prisons. Here is one thing that they said. According to your own source, your claim of "an occasional rape" was pulled straight out of your ass and put up on here, like everything else you post, in the hope that it would stick.

According to human rights watch, 1 in 20 prisoners in American jails report being sexually assaulted or raped.

Redutio ad absurdum...

I don't care about TV, but it's not like it costs a lot.

You are the ones so rabidly arguing for the presence of television, don't act as if I am the one being irrational. If it matters so little, then it should be gone and save a few bucks. If it matters so much, we should ask ourselves how it has gotten to that point.
Of course, the claim was "compared to" and in order to make any comparison, even with Uzbekistan, if that is really the standard you want to go with, you need to see what the same organzation, human rights watch, says about American prisons. Here is one thing that they said. According to your own source, your claim of "an occasional rape" was pulled straight out of your ass and put up on here, like everything else you post, in the hope that it would stick.

According to human rights watch, 1 in 20 prisoners in American jails report being sexually assaulted or raped.


I didn't realize that is what we were talking about. Furthermore, are you trying to define what I mean by the word "occasional"? 1 in 20= 5 percent. If I do something only 5 percent of the time, I would say that I do it occasionally.
Also, from your own source:

Statistics released today by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), a branch of the US Department of Justice, show that at the end of 2006, more than 2.25 million persons were incarcerated in US prisons and jails, an all-time high. These figures show that the United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country, and highlights the need to consider alternative criminal justice policies, Human Rights Watch said today.
Also, from your own source:

Statistics released today by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), a branch of the US Department of Justice, show that at the end of 2006, more than 2.25 million persons were incarcerated in US prisons and jails, an all-time high. These figures show that the United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country, and highlights the need to consider alternative criminal justice policies, Human Rights Watch said today.

Again, you are trying to compare apples and oranges. The number of prisoners is not the same as the condition of the prisons.
Also from your source:

U.S.: Attack Dogs Used Against Prisoners
Worst Offenders Are State Prisons in Connecticut and Iowa

Five state prison systems in the United States permit the use of aggressive, unmuzzled dogs to terrify and even attack prisoners in efforts to remove them from their cells, Human Rights Watch said today in a new report.

Also, from your own source:

Statistics released today by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), a branch of the US Department of Justice, show that at the end of 2006, more than 2.25 million persons were incarcerated in US prisons and jails, an all-time high. These figures show that the United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country, and highlights the need to consider alternative criminal justice policies, Human Rights Watch said today.

Prison is good for incapacitation, not really good for reform or punishment. For most minor crimes I don't think it's necessary, but the US seems to see it as the answer to everything, especially the drug problem.
Also from your source:

U.S.: Attack Dogs Used Against Prisoners
Worst Offenders Are State Prisons in Connecticut and Iowa

Five state prison systems in the United States permit the use of aggressive, unmuzzled dogs to terrify and even attack prisoners in efforts to remove them from their cells, Human Rights Watch said today in a new report.


Oh, I'm sorry, you want the other guy. The guy that is arguing that US prisons are perfect.
I read the thing though not thoroughly. The complaints about western prisons were more about overcrowding and prisoner on prisoner violence, NOT the fact that over 1000 prisoners died while housed in a prison like the one in Eastern Europe.

Oh and here is the outside of a prison facility in Austria
