Would a White Man Get the Death Penalty for This?

Oh I see, so we are a "country club" compared to Uzbekistan, where they also boil people (though Bush loves them there). But in England, a country we should actually be compared to, they are:

"In September 1998, responding to significant growth in inmate numbers, a key parliamentary committee declared that alternatives to incarceration should be relied upon much more frequently. The Commons home affairs select committee released a report stating that community sentences, home monitoring, and other options should be explored, endorsing estimates by the Chief Inspector of Prisons that one in four inmates need not be in prison. "

Once again, light years ahead of us.

So in other words, you're back ten minutes and have managed to prove that you are a lying sack of shit again.

Well, trust me, I am convinced.
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan do not rate as first world industrialized nations. Prisons in WESTERN Europe are NOT bad. I actually toured the prison in Landsberg where Hitler was housed in the 20's. Outside it looked like the old fortress but inside was very modern and very comfortable for prison.

This guy is the most dishonest person ever to visit this board. It's amazing, every thread he is on.
Oh I see, so we are a "country club" compared to Uzbekistan, where they also boil people (though Bush loves them there). But in England, a country we should actually be compared to, they are:


Once again, light years ahead of us.

So in other words, you're back ten minutes and have managed to prove that you are a lying sack of )(*t again.

Well, trust me, I am convinced.

What did he lie about last week? I remember he got his a$$ wiped and actually provided the link that contradicted what he or she said. I'm drawing a blank now.
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan do not rate as first world industrialized nations. Prisons in WESTERN Europe are NOT bad. I actually toured the prison in Landsberg where Hitler was housed in the 20's. Outside it looked like the old fortress but inside was very modern and very comfortable for prison.

I thought that Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain and the UK were industrialized nations. Thank you for correcting my false assumption.
What did he lie about last week? I remember he got his a$$ wiped and actually provided the link that contradicted what he or she said. I'm drawing a blank now.

It contradicted what I said? You mean the link that said something about those being most affected by second hand smoke are the ones that live with smokers? Funny, that seems to be exactly what I was arguing in the first place.
Darla you seem mad to day. Are you angry?

Really? no, not at all. The opposite.

I fell off my bike yesterday, to be honest, though I hadn't said anything because it's such a bush thing to do. I mean, what is next, I choke on a pretzel? Anyway, I got pretty bruised and had to stay home from work today, but I have been in this heated massage chair all day, and I am feeling really good, just waiting for my bf to get home with dinner later.

I'm pretty happy actually.

I just don't like dishonest debators. Even someone like Top doesn't get on my nerves very much. He's an honest idiot. Also, I have been drinking some Sambuca. Maybe I am acting weird? I don't know.
It was second hand smoke he lied about last week.

Apparently "lying" to you people consists of providing sources and arguing to win a debate. If I had known I was supposed to lose in order for you to feel that I am "honest", I would have been more prepared.

As it is, I see only my sources and little to refute my arguments. The hilarious thing is that I have been accused of being dishonest, a neocon, and (gasp!) a Bush supporter, when I am probably more liberal than any of you.
I thought that Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain and the UK were industrialized nations. Thank you for correcting my false assumption.
Ok now I see where you confusion is. See all the info above the line that reads:

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT),

All that is about really shitty prison conditions. The nations mentioned BELOW that line are all signatories of the CPT. But the article does not say that prison is horrible in ALL those countries. I hope this clears up any further confusion.
3 meals a day, exercise, HBO. Besides the occasional prison rape and depending on your crime, it isn't exactly "hard time" these days.

Then why don't you go, Anti? I agree that it shouldn't be a cakewalk, but we shouldn't be designing some kind of torture facility either. Just the minimum to keep the peace and have humane conditions.
If it was applied with a blind eye it would still be barbaric.

I disagree. I think it is barbaric to put someone in a cage for life with no chance for parole.

That said, I think all DP sentences prior to 2000 should be commuted to life with no parole given the number of innocent people freed prior to DNA testing etc became so prevelant.

THAT said, what is your take on DNA evidence? Is it as conclusive as we are led to believe?
TV is better for the guards? What you mean is that TV allows the guards to not have to do their jobs. Prison is prison, which should mean no TV. If anything, television should be the first thing to go. Have them read.

ZOMG guards don't have to do their job?! Listen, if you can come up with a better way to stop prison riots while not resorting to barbarism, have at it.
Ok now I see where you confusion is. See all the info above the line that reads:

The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT),

All that is about really shitty prison conditions. The nations mentioned BELOW that line are all signatories of the CPT. But the article does not say that prison is horrible in ALL those countries. I hope this clears up any further confusion.

Are you not reading past the introduction? Sure, it starts out with former Soviet countries, but it continues into Western countries as well. I am not getting my countries from the list of signatories
"As of September 1999, a total of forty-one countries belonged to the CPT: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia," Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom."

I am listing the countries listed below that.
Then why don't you go, Anti? I agree that it shouldn't be a cakewalk, but we shouldn't be designing some kind of torture facility either. Just the minimum to keep the peace and have humane conditions.

I didn't realize that the fine line between cakewalk and torture facility was the presence of a television set. Do you people even realize what you are arguing?

All of you are arguing that our prison system's integrity hinges on TV.
I disagree. I think it is barbaric to put someone in a cage for life with no chance for parole.

That said, I think all DP sentences prior to 2000 should be commuted to life with no parole given the number of innocent people freed prior to DNA testing etc became so prevelant.

THAT said, what is your take on DNA evidence? Is it as conclusive as we are led to believe?

DNA can conclude that a suspect was present at the scene of a crime. And I believe most DNA are accurate. That beign said, not every crime scene has DNA samples, we know that even eye witnesses aren't reliable and we know that our justice system is racist. I don't trust any gov't with the power to kill its citizens.
These are same idiots that gave us the "economic stimulous package". They aren't too bright.