Would a White Man Get the Death Penalty for This?

They have HBO in prison. I don't have HBO.
Well Shit! That seals the deal for me. It has been great all, really enjoyed the conversation and such, but they got that there HBO in prison. I going out right now to rob a bank and get me some free HBO. Have you ever talked to a prison guard that works in a prison that USED to have lots of TV and then they reduced or eliminated it all together? It is not as peaceful a job anymore. TV is the great adult sitter. Cons don't get in as much shit as they do when there is no TV to take up their time.
Well Shit! That seals the deal for me. It has been great all, really enjoyed the conversation and such, but they got that there HBO in prison. I going out right now to rob a bank and get me some free HBO. Have you ever talked to a prison guard that works in a prison that USED to have lots of TV and then they reduced or eliminated it all together? It is not as peaceful a job anymore. TV is the great adult sitter. Cons don't get in as much shit as they do when there is no TV to take up their time.

So the excuse for tax dollars paying for prisoners to have cable is that they are bored with being in prison? Tough s**t, you are in prison. Prison isn't supposed to be fun, and prisoners shouldn't be entertained by the tax payer.
So the excuse for tax dollars paying for prisoners to have cable is that they are bored with being in prison? Tough s**t, you are in prison. Prison isn't supposed to be fun, and prisoners shouldn't be entertained by the tax payer.
Wow are you really that dense? TV is better for the GUARDS you dolt! When they don't have TV to sit them they cause problems and that is bad on the guards. I give a fuck if they are bored. MOST of them are going to get out and the more docile they are in the less isolated time they spend in admin seg. Which means less chance of them coming out worse than when they went in.
Wow are you really that dense? TV is better for the GUARDS you dolt! When they don't have TV to sit them they cause problems and that is bad on the guards. I give a fuck if they are bored. MOST of them are going to get out and the more docile they are in the less isolated time they spend in admin seg. Which means less chance of them coming out worse than when they went in.

TV is better for the guards? What you mean is that TV allows the guards to not have to do their jobs. Prison is prison, which should mean no TV. If anything, television should be the first thing to go. Have them read.
3 meals a day, exercise, HBO. ..... it isn't exactly "hard time" these days.

My god. You are so stupid, I feel like you've already made the argumetn for me. #1) Most Jails don't have premium cable channels. If you have a link that says otherwise, I'll stand corrected. But I'm pretty sure you cherry picked one instance where that is true.

#2) So what if they did. They are surrounded by criminals, have no freedom, no privacy, lose their voting rights, and are forever labeled as convicts. I think its safe to say that jail is an awful place to be despite excercize and HBO.

So the excuse for tax dollars paying for prisoners to have cable is that they are bored with being in prison? Tough s**t, you are in prison. Prison isn't supposed to be fun, and prisoners shouldn't be entertained by the tax payer.

give it a rest...soco is a third rate defense attorney...he specilaizes on divorced women desparate for help...wondering what it really is he charges...maybe a quickee in the back office for court time..:dunno: Never mind I lied he is a scumbag perv!
My god. You are so stupid, I feel like you've already made the argumetn for me. #1) Most Jails don't have premium cable channels. If you have a link that says otherwise, I'll stand corrected. But I'm pretty sure you cherry picked one instance where that is true.

#2) So what if they did. They are surrounded by criminals, have no freedom, no privacy, lose their voting rights, and are forever labeled as convicts. I think its safe to say that jail is an awful place to be despite excercize and HBO.

What argument have I made for you? I have yet to discuss any stance on any issue. All I have said is that television should not be in prisons. I didn't realize I was talking to the TV lobby.
TV is better for the guards? What you mean is that TV allows the guards to not have to do their jobs. Prison is prison, which should mean no TV. If anything, television should be the first thing to go. Have them read.

Well some of care for the safety of correctional officers. Clearly you don't. But then again you're an idiot who probably voted for Bush.
Well some of care for the safety of correctional officers. Clearly you don't. But then again you're an idiot who probably voted for Bush.

Why am I an idiot who voted for Bush? I haven't even said I support the death penalty, which means your entire argument rests on that I disagree with televisions in prison. I care about the officers' safety as well, but I am pretty sure there are better ways of ensuring it.
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan do not rate as first world industrialized nations. Prisons in WESTERN Europe are NOT bad. I actually toured the prison in Landsberg where Hitler was housed in the 20's. Outside it looked like the old fortress but inside was very modern and very comfortable for prison.